Chapter 17 I will taste it

Chapter 17 I’ll taste Gu Jinxi finally decided, Yan Chen couldn’t help but raised the corners of his mouth, “Don’t worry, Gu will not be swallowed by Ji’s before you take the Ji’s. If we do this, we can unilaterally terminate the contract, and the loss at that time is estimated to be enough to pay them back half of the season.”

“I don’t worry about this now, I’m just worried that the time will be too long and I owe you too much, and the favor will not be over.” Gu Jinxi is really not a joke, she is really afraid of being unclear.

After all, this is Yan Chen. Although I don’t know the specifics, I have a car and a house, but it’s definitely staggering. In addition, she is handsome and in good shape, and she must not worry about her girlfriend and wife. Then she really does not know how to pay it back.

Yan Chen didn’t say anything about this.

After a while, Yan Chen got up to say goodbye, and Gu Jinxi thought about it and ran into the kitchen.

When he came out, he was holding a small pink box in his hand. In fact, when only the pink box was found in the kitchen just now, Gu Jinxi was also embarrassed.

“This is for you.” When he got closer, Gu Jinxi handed the pink box in his hand to Yan Chen.

Without taking it, Yan Chen looked at the pink box and clearly said rejection, “What’s this?”

“I made the cake myself, and it happens to be afternoon tea for you.” Although it is only noon, this is the reason Gu Jinxi has come up with a difficult time.

After all, people have helped him so much, Gu Jinxi still can’t do anything without paying. Well, at least the cake is made by yourself.

Seeing Yan Chen’s delay in answering, Gu Jinxi secretly stuck out his tongue, and then took his hand back, “Actually, you don’t like it…” It’s okay.

Before he finished speaking, his hand was empty, and Yan Chen already had a pink box in his hand. The color is very kawaii, but it doesn’t match his indifferent and steady aura.

“I will taste it.” Nodding, Yan Chen stopped staying and turned to leave.

It wasn’t until Yan Chen disappeared in front of him with the pink box that Gu Jinxi retracted his gaze and sat on the sofa on one side again.

In the company, Yan Chen swaggered across the market with a pink box, causing the employees to look at him. Mainly, the pink box didn’t go well with the CEO, obviously it was given by a girl.

The point is, which girl is so powerful that the gift she gave was brought to the company by President Yan Da, who is known for her high coldness and arrogance?

Without paying attention to the little gossip among the employees, Yan Chen directly put the cake on the coffee table after returning to the office, and he continued to deal with the company’s affairs.

The abrupt opening of the door did not affect Yan Chen, who was dealing with the matter, until the man’s arrogant words sounded: “Achen, is there really a girl who is not afraid of the cold to give you something? This pink and tender package will not be seventeen. An eight-year-old girl, right?”

Looking up at the pink box held by Shi Qingfeng in his hand, Yan Chen thought of the embarrassment that flashed across his eyes when Gu Jinxi handed it to him.

“Oh, hey, the old tree is blooming?” Over there, Shi Qingfeng became more courageous when he saw that Yan Chen hadn’t aired himself at him.

Putting the box on Yan Chen’s desk, Shi Qingfeng opened the box without seeing any other places, and said, “Also, there are not many girls who can make these little things by themselves. Basically, they only go. Buy it in the store. So, even if the girl is a bit unpalatable, don’t be too shameless. Buddy, this is for your sake. You see you are a lot of age, and if you don’t plan for the future, you won’t be too shameless. People want it.”

“Huh? Which cake shop did you go to buy this girl? I thought I made it myself.” With a slight disappointment, Shi Qingfeng looked at the six small boxes of pound cakes with different flavors, and couldn’t help it. Stretched out his claws.

Knowing that Gu Jinxi did it himself, seeing Shi Qingfeng clearly disappointed and going to take the cake, he was uncomfortable for no reason.

In the next second, Shi Qingfeng felt full of malice from Yan Chen.

With a slap, he slapped his hand off.

Immediately after that, the whole box of pound cake was within Yan Chen’s sphere of influence, and no one was left for him.

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