Chapter 1508 Can’t Beat It At All

Chapter 1508 Can’t Beat It At All

Chapter 1508

ca n’t be beaten completely, but Pei Gan doesn’t eat this set at all.

“His face is not swollen at all, it is his evolutionary ability…” Pei Li stepped forward and squeezed Pei Gan’s face vigorously.

In the next second, the balloon-like face that was originally swollen instantly returned to its original shape.

“You!” Pei Gan stared at Pei Li, gritted his teeth bitterly, and even dared to be his mother’s face and deliberately demolish his platform!

Let mom know what she would think of him and what she would think of him, it’s horrible!

“Um, sister, I actually feel a lot of pain…” Lin Nuo, who was left out, limped up.

As a result, before he got close to Lin Yan, Lin Nuo felt two extremely unfriendly eyes, Pei Qian and Pei Li were staring at him coldly.

“What do you hurt, I will help you get beaten.” Pei Li said.

Before Pei Gan continued to speak, a terrible coercion surged like a wave, and it instantly enveloped everyone present.

“You are like this… isn’t it too polite?” The Holy Land Guardian smiled slightly.

Xing Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead. This is not polite, this is Chi Guoguo’s insult.

If this enemy is weak, it doesn’t matter, but what is the current situation, it can’t be defeated at all, okay? I still don’t put people in the eye.

Custodian of the Holy Land looked at the time, immediately opening:. “I think this time is getting late, almost to the end this farce.”

“In addition to the Holy Land says the Lord, the strongest fighting force they belong to two Custodian of the Holy Land, may I saw it today, and it seems that this is the only way it can be. It is inevitable that people will be a little disappointed. If you want to take people away, I am afraid it will not be so easy.” Lin Nuo looked at the holy land protector and said coldly.

The Holy Land Guardian was not angry, but just smiled softly: “President Lin, you are also the president of this Hunter Guild anyway. The news is a bit blocked. I used only half of the evolutionary power before. If I really want to kill You, it was just a blink of an eye.”

As the voice of the holy land protector fell, the expressions of everyone present had some changes.

“Has only half of the evolutionary power?” Ling Yue was a little unbelievable.

If it is true as the holy land protector said, it would be too terrifying. If the holy land protector uses his full strength, I am afraid it is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

“However, I still want to talk about the ugly things first. The purpose of my coming today is only Mu Yan and Mu Yu. They have nothing to do with others. I don’t want you to take this muddy water trip, but if you insist on blocking, I will not Will continue to keep his hands.” The face of the holy land protector gradually became serious.

“There is so much nonsense, let me punish you!” Pei Gan rushed forward.

“Come back.” Pei Li looked at Pei Qian and frowned.

Pei Gan was puzzled, and said to Pei Li: “What’s the matter?”

“Don’t be impulsive.” Pei Li said.

It is not that simple to deal with this holy land protector. Except for him, no one has an immortal body, and he must be extremely cautious. He does not want any casualties.

“Why, you don’t take action?” The holy land protector smiled and said: “Since you don’t take action, then I’m not welcome.”


Suddenly, Pei Gan shouted at the holy land protector: “Who said we don’t Let’s take a shot, can’t you discuss it? What are you so anxious to do and reincarnate as the boss? Don’t worry, we will take action right away!”

Everyone’s slightly weird eyes fell on Pei Gan’s body.

“As the saying goes, the first attack is strong, then the attack suffers… We attack him from three angles, and I use the evolutionary power of thunder and wind to restrict his actions…” Pei Gan whispered towards Pei Li and Lin Nuo road.


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