Chapter 1 The First Beautiful Sui Dynasty

Chapter 1 The First Beautiful Sui Dynasty

In the twelve years of Sui Daye, an autumn rain washed the sky blue.

Ten miles outside Luoyang, a farmhouse smoked in smoke. Zhou Cheng sat on the chair, looking at the branches leisurely. There is a cuckoo bird, facing the glory of the setting sun, wantonly showing off the desolate voice.

Finally, the sweeping young girl was annoyed, grabbed and threw the stone up, and although the accurate head was lacking, the cuckoo bird was still scared, screaming and flapping her wings, and fled without a trace in the blink of an eye. .

Zhou Cheng smiled bitterly and withdrew his gaze.

He knew the reason for the girl’s irritability. In fact, it was not good for someone who was sent to serve a waste aunt. What’s more, she is Yu Wenmingxiu’s personal maid.

As the son-in-law of Xu Guogong in the dynasty, it is almost inevitable that marrying Yu Wenxiu and Yu Wenxiu’s daughter, Yu Wenxiu, to Tang Zuo Xiaowei and Zhe Chonglang. According to the customs of the Sui Dynasty, as long as the master passes the door, the personal maid who is the dowry will most likely become the side room, and the slave will enjoy the glory from the master.

But now, it’s just that this inevitable thing went wrong.

With a distinguished family background and outstanding appearance of Yu civilization, he did not know what he was guilty of, and he fell in love with a refugee at first sight. Although the two are not married yet, this incident has been arguing in Luoyang. Even if it can finally be subdued, in a short period of time, I am afraid that there is no family who is willing to marry Yu Wenmingxiu.

As a result, the girl’s hope of leaping dragon gate naturally fell into the void.

And when I think of Zhou Cheng here, I can’t help but sigh.

That’s right, he is the refugee.

After the master was knocked to death before the body, he not only inherited the identity memory of the other party, but also received a big trouble … to be a fake husband for Yu Wenmingxiu.

Perhaps this is the only way out of life in the eyes of the refugees who are unable to eat, but in Zhou Cheng’s view, this is definitely a pit.

Regardless of the Luoyang city, those children who regarded Zhou Cheng as a thorn in the eyes, only said Yu civilization show! After a year and a half, his father Yu culture and Yang Guang will be strangled in Jiangdu, and then take 100,000 Sui army expedition Xijian, although reluctant to claim the title of emperor, was still unable to escape the end of his head, and eventually not only his head was sent to the grassland, but even the offspring of the descendants were completely killed.

In this case, there is something wrong with her, unless he is too long.

Zhou Cheng breathed lightly, and a faint white smoke shot out of his mouth like arrows, until it gradually disappeared from half a meter away.

In his previous life, he entered the Siberian training camp at the age of six, and debuted at the age of 12 to perform the killer mission. During more than ten years, he never missed, relying on this unnamed internal skill. This marvelous exercise not only has an extraordinary healing effect, it can break through the limit of the human body once every layer is built. Zhou Cheng had already practiced this exercise to the sixth floor before crossing. If it were not for him to destroy the entire killer clique with his own strength, Da Qiu would have to report his slack, and he would not be killed by a bomb and return to the Sui and Tang dynasties.

“Unfortunately, I can’t go now! This body is too weak. Even if I am rebuilding the unnamed internal skill, the progress is extraordinary, and the adjustment of the rest of the month can only be restored to the level of ordinary people. period of time.”

Zhou Cheng shook his head.

Now, at the end of the Sui Dynasty, the failure of the three conquests of Goguryeo, and the overhaul of the canal and the loss of wealth of the people, once the prosperous empire has already fallen into the west, and the extraordinary burdens of the people have emerged. The land of China is full of flames and flames, and there are no fewer than 100 rebel bandits in various places. In his current situation, whether he can walk out two hundred miles alive after leaving Luoyang is afraid that it is an unknown.

“So, still have to wait.”

Zhou Cheng murmured to himself.

At this moment, the wooden door was suddenly pushed open.

A gorgeous beauty, Shi Shiran appeared in front of him under the guard of two armoured men. Her face is peachy, her eyebrows are picturesque, and the light-red Chinese dress inlaid with gold rims is noble, while also highlighting her graceful posture.

“It is worthy of being the first beauty of the Great Sui Dynasty. Even if this Yuming civilization show is placed in later generations, I am afraid that there will also be capital that will seduce the crowd.”

Zhou Cheng’s eyes flashed over the stunning.

Because the drifter who had the same name and surname as himself did not dare to face Yu Wenmingxiu when he was with him, so until today, he could not really see the gorgeous woman in his memory.

Of course, there is one of the most important reasons, that is, in more than this month, Yu Wenmingxiu has never been to this courtyard.

“Husband …”

A clear voice came as if Huang Ling was gentle, but with endless pains and grievances, and the sobbing expression, even with Zhou Cheng’s firm mind, he couldn’t help but tremble at the moment, Underworld really is a goblin with outstanding acting skills.

Others do n’t say, with this call, people who do n’t know will definitely think that the two have deep feelings in their eyes, but in fact? Zhou Cheng can clearly recall the scornful eyes of the two when she was alone, and the future Bai Fumei It looks exactly the same.

When Zhou Cheng was flustered, the refreshing fragrance came on the face, and Yu Wenmingxiu directly fell into his arms, “I thought I would never see you again. Woo, do you know, more than this month, Xiuer Looking for a life-saving elixir in the deep mountains, how tormented the days are, and whenever I think of my husband, I always wash my face with tears, and I wish I could come back and serve around … “

Zhou Cheng looked back and couldn’t help but pouted.

Lies can be so affectionate that this woman is indeed a natural acting school. If it weren’t for her to seem to be in her arms, but actually intended to keep a small distance between the two, I am afraid she really thought she had turned her temper.

Somehow, unwillingness suddenly popped up in my heart, Zhou Cheng subconsciously hugged Yu Wenmingxiu, pulled her back hard, and Wenxiang Ruoyu threw herself at the time.

“Xiu’er doesn’t cry, am I all right?”

Zhou Cheng smiled and caressed the woman’s jade back, knowing that the anger just now came from the consciousness of the master in front of the body, but it didn’t matter anymore. There is a cheap one that doesn’t occupy the king’s bastard. Anyway, he will leave in no time.

Yu Wenmingxiu murmured softly, looking like there was nothing strange, but Zhou Cheng could feel the anger from her tight body. Sure enough, after the two of them entered the house and closed the door with their hands, Yu Wenming’s pretty face suddenly became somber, “Dare you dare to touch me? How big are you!”

Although her voice is not high, but the sharp momentum contained in her eyes, it makes people shudder.

If it was replaced by the drifters, most of the time they were already scared to tremble their legs, but Zhou Cheng is also a kind of legendary killer, and he has not seen any fierce evil, he smiled slightly, and he kneeled casually to a low table , “You can’t blame me for this, you said you want to cooperate fully in front of people.”

Yu Wenmingxiu’s eyebrows were wrinkled, but he didn’t expect the other party to respond. After a long pause, she said coldly: “I said it was not false, but full cooperation does not mean that I allow you to be so arrogant. Don’t forget your identity. Cut off your hands and imprison for three thousand years. “


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