Chapter 0 (Marriage and predation)

Chapter 0 (Marriage and predation)

Qin took a step forward at night and slapped the woman without hesitation. This slap took a lot of effort.

“Ah…you…you dare to hit me!” The woman screamed, looking at Qin Wan and roared.

“Since your parents didn’t teach you what it means to be polite, I don’t mind teaching you. It’s free.” Qin Wan said with a calm expression on her eyes, looking at her calmly.

Where a woman has suffered such a loss, she has always taught others, when is it the turn of a wild girl who does not know the sky to teach her.

How could she swallow this breath?

She raised her hand and was about to fan Qin Wan, but she didn’t want to be caught while her hand was still in the air.

She turned her head and took a look, and when she saw the person coming, she suddenly felt wronged like a sheep that had been bullied.

“Jing Chen, this woman dared to bully me, so you have to be my master.” She said she was leaning against the man’s arms, as if she had been boned.

Qin Wan rolled his eyes feebly, turning his face was faster than turning a book. It would be a pity that this woman didn’t become an actor.

“Apologize.” Gu Jingchen put down his hand and said in a light tone.

“Have you heard, hurry up and apologize to me, otherwise my boyfriend won’t let you go.” At this time, with someone supporting her, the woman became bolder and looked at Qin Wan triumphantly.

Qin Wan snorted coldly, it was ridiculous, how could she apologize to this woman.

Gu Jingchen took a step to the side, and the woman almost staggered. Fortunately, she stabilized herself in time and didn’t fall.

She raised her head to look at Gu Jingchen incomprehensibly, but saw that his face was cold, his eyes were cold, and her whole body suddenly stiffened.

“Apologize to Miss Qin.” Gu Jingchen said quietly.

“Jing Chen.” The woman groaned, her face full of weirdness and grievance, and she was very unwilling to act like a baby with her mouth pouting.

“Don’t let me say it a second time.” Gu Jingchen looked at him grimly, with a cold air in his eyes.

“Yes… I’m sorry, Miss Qin, I drank too much just now, it was not intentional, please forgive me.” At this moment, where she was still arrogant, she suddenly whispered.

“Gu Jingchen, please take care of your woman, and don’t let her bite people everywhere like a mad dog.” Qin Wan said while looking at Gu Jingchen with a sneer.

She and Gu Jingchen are really violent, so as long as he is there, they haven’t had a life.

After speaking, regardless of his reaction, he picked up the bag on the table and left without looking back.

Gu Jingchen stood there and didn’t move, but his gaze had been following Qin Wan, and there were too many emotions in his deep and misty eyes.

It wasn’t until her figure disappeared into the night that he withdrew his gaze.

“Mr. Gu.” The woman called him carefully, even lowering her voice for several minutes.

“Don’t let me see you again in the future.” Gu Jingchen turned around and left the restaurant without even looking at her.

The woman watched Gu Jingchen leave with a sad face, but she didn’t dare to chase him. She watched him leave, regretting not.

After leaving the restaurant, Qin Wan drove to the home of his friend Feng Jing.

Grandpa would definitely be suspicious of returning home so early.

“What the heinous thing did you do that caused the other party to pour red wine at you.” Seeing a large red wine stain on Qin Wan’s white T-shirt, he asked.

The other party is a bit too unpretentious, she is also a girl anyway.

“I’ll take a shower first.” Qin Wan went directly into the bathroom after speaking.

Feng Jing turned and went to the closet, and took out the dress that Qin Wan had changed in the afternoon and put it at the bathroom door.

She went back to the desk and continued to work. If it weren’t for Qin Wan, she should still be working overtime in the company at this time.

Qin Wan quickly came out of the shower and put on a dress, and suddenly felt even more uncomfortable for the whole person.

But there was no way, she had to wear this suit back to deal with grandpa, walked to the chair and sat down.

“Let’s talk, what’s the matter?” Feng Jing closed the computer, walked to her and sat down.

Qin Wan didn’t conceal it, and explained the cause and effect of the incident again.

“The blind date left early, so this should be considered a failure.” Feng Jing concluded, but listening to Qin Wan’s words, the other party should still be a good man.

It seems that her cheap grandpa didn’t treat her too harshly.

“I hope so.” Qin Wan nodded helplessly.

In fact, they both know very well that all this is just futile. Family marriage is a woman born in a family like them, and no one can escape the fate.

“Late late, it’s actually not that hard to accept if you want to drive. At least after you get married, you can do what you like. People always have to pay the corresponding price for what they want in their entire life. After all, fish and bear’s paws You can’t have both.”

Feng Jing put out her arm and hugged Qin Wan, now Qin Wan looks very much like her before.

I wanted to try to resist everything that was imprisoned on my body, but in the end, my head was battered and his body was bruised, so he still accepted his fate obediently.

It’s not that hard to think about it, the hardship she has suffered, and she doesn’t want her friends to eat it again.

“I just don’t understand, why? He has never controlled me since he was a child, but now he suddenly appeared, wanting to manipulate my life, and control my life casually. It’s ridiculous.”

Qin Wan said sarcastically.

“I understand everything you say, but your grandfather is notoriously authoritarian and domineering. You can’t beat him.” Feng Jing wasn’t talking frustratingly, but that was the case.

Qin Wan bowed his head and said nothing, she didn’t understand what kind of person grandpa was.

The impression of him is only that he met several times a year, and after she went abroad to study, they never saw her again.

In the impression he always seemed to have a stern face and unsmiling, almost everyone was trembling in front of him.

To grandfather, she is just a dispensable granddaughter.

In fact, they have been in peace for so many years, and she never expected that grandpa would send someone to take him back from abroad.

Immediately arrange a blind date without stopping, or even get married.

All this was too ridiculous and ridiculous to her, but it happened to her.

“Did you meet Gu Jingchen on a blind date? His girlfriend splashed this red wine? What happened to you?” Feng Jing asked gossiping.

“Don’t mention him to me.” Qin Wan was obviously impatient, it was true that which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted.

“I know you hate him, but he is Ouyang Lin’s good friend. I believe Ouyang Lin will know about your blind date soon. Then he will also know your true identity. Do you think he will regret his death?”

Feng Jing said with a smile.

Ouyang Lin is Qin Wan’s boyfriend for six years, but he cheated half a year ago and became engaged to a wealthy daughter of the right family.

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