Buddha Tooth Relic Buddhist temple in Singapore

Address: 288 South Bridge Rd, Singapore 058840
Opened: 2007
Hour: Opens 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Phone: +65 6220 0220

Buddha Tooth Relic Buddhist temple in Singapore

The Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum is a Buddhist temple and museum complex located in the Chinatown district of Singapore. The temple’s monastics and devotees officially practice Chinese Buddhism. Wikipedia

When arriving at this Chinatown No matter what your religion, you should definitely visit the most beautiful and famous Buddhist temple in Singapore. This temple is a branch temple of the Golden Pagoda Buddhist Temple in the distant Tampines district.

Later, in early 1997, the Singapore Tourism Board approached him. Venerable Shi Fa Zhao, a senior monk and abbot of this temple. to build a new temple on a large plot of land in Chinatown that was still vacant Although the temple tried to write a plan and send a proposal the following year. However, the said measurement was not approved.

But then in 2002, Wat Chedi Thong received the relics of the Buddha. or Phra Khieo Kaew which is the fang of the Buddha Plans to build a new temple in Chinatown have been brought up again. After discussions that lasted for a year A new temple was finally established in 2005, named Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum.

The Temple Located on South Bridge Road, it is an important temple located in the heart of Singapore’s China Town area. The Buddhists in Singapore and people like to come and pay respects and ask for blessings at the Toothless Temple. Anyone who wants to visit here can take the subway to China Town Station and walk out of Exit A.

Inside the temple is enshrined The Tooth Relic, which is the Buddha’s tooth, is preserved. Here, there is Chinese art from the Tang Dynasty combined with mandala art. There is a beautiful bright red building. It was designed and conceptualized by Master Shi Fa Zhao, who is the abbot of this temple.

The area is called The Hundred Dragon Hall or Bai Longdian (百龍殿) probably felt the same way. He was stunned by the grandeur of the hall, which was over 27 feet high from floor to ceiling, decorated with red and gold patterns and materials. This is an ordination hall. Its main Buddha image. The future Buddha is 15 feet tall in a seated pose. His right hand makes a gesture of forgiveness, which shows mercy and compassion. It is a Buddha image that looks peaceful. but concealed with greatness Looks very devout and faithful.

Location: https://goo.gl/maps/TdUXKxXtM9CM8iLa6

How to get there:

  • You can travel to the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple by taking the MRT to Chinatown Station and walking towards South Bridge Road.
  • Another route is to take the MRT and get off at Tanjong Pagar Station, walk past Maxwell Food Center.
  • take the subway to China Town Station and walk out of Exit A
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