Brothers, Stop Spoiling Me, Sister Xuanxue is Really Good at Fighting! 哥哥们别宠了,玄学妹妹真的很能打!Novel

Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!
Associated Names: 哥哥们别宠了,玄学妹妹真的很能打!/ พี่น้อง หยุดทำให้ฉันเสียเถอะ พี่สาว Xuanxue สู้เก่งจริงๆ!
Author(s): Fu Baoer
Artist(s): N/A
Genre(s): Fantasy, Romance
Language: Chinese
Types: Novel
Year: 2023
Status:  Chapter 632 Ending

Brief Introduction:

Protagonist: Ran Ran

Wearing countless waistcoats, the highly intelligent little girl recognizes her ancestors as soon as she steps off the mountain. Not only did he have five big uncles, but he also had eight brothers who were crazy about doting on his sister.

At the beginning, my uncle had a look of disgust on his face: he must be disgusted with the little girl movies, girl dolls, etc., they are the most annoying. Big brother: I am a dignified man. I don’t want a weak sister. I want my sister to be able to beat me. Second brother: To be my sister, you need to be proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting, otherwise you are not worthy!

Third Brother: Do you know anything about the Art of War Agency? I won’t get out quickly. …… Seventh Brother: I brought my sister back, you don’t want to pamper me! Later: Big Brother: My sister is amazing in martial arts, can you do it? Second Brother: My sister can draw fortune-telling and catch ghosts, can you? Third Brother: My sister can act coquettishly and cutely, and act rogue, can you? … Seventh Brother: You all get out of the way, my sister is mine!

Chapter 1 Going down the mountain

Great Zhou Dynasty.

Langya Mountain, outside Xuanming Cave.

A little girl who was only four years old was sitting on the stone steps wearing a wide gray robe, with two short legs dangling, which was very uncomfortable.

I saw her big, round, watery eyes staring at the red door directly in front of her, with bright and joyful crystal light in her eyes.


As the red door rang, Xiao Naituanzi’s big, watery, round eyes shone with crystal light, and he ran over with a “chirp”.

He knelt on the ground with a “pop” sound.

“Ran Ran, hello to Master, Second Master, Third Master… Greetings! Wuwuwu… Ranran is about to go down the mountain, and Ranran can’t bear to leave you!”

The little dumpling with swollen breasts and a small body stood straight upright. Before he saw anyone, he howled first.

While howling, he also used his hands to squeeze the little nipple on his face.

It’s just that this little breast was so squeezed that it was almost deformed, and she didn’t shed a single tear. Instead, her little face turned red, and she looked really pitiful.


Suddenly, a pleasant laughter came from my ears.

Ranran stopped moving her hands, covered her eyes with both hands, quietly opened her two fingers, and looked up through the gaps between her fingers.

“Wow…why is it you?”

Ranran let out a groan, got up from the ground with a groan, touched the little nipple on her face, pouted her little mouth, and looked aggrieved.

Xuan Yin reached out angrily and grabbed the little Jiujiu on the top of her head, “What? You haven’t even gone down the mountain yet, why don’t you want to leave senior brother first?”

Ranran walked to the door, poked her little head and looked inside, but didn’t see any of the masters. She puffed up her little mouth and walked back to the stone with her short legs. On the steps, he sat down with his little butt stuck out.

“Humph, I won’t leave until the masters come!”

Seeing the little breasted dumpling with his two little hands wrapped around his chest and his cherry-red mouth raised so high, Xuan Yin smiled helplessly.

He walked over leisurely, sat down next to her, and said casually, “The masters gave me something and asked me to hand it over to you!”

When Ran Ran heard this, she rolled her eyes and turned away her head. She held her neck high and looked very arrogant. She said in a coquettish voice, “I don’t care!”

Although he said this, he raised his two little ears and twisted his little buttocks to quietly move towards Xuan Yin.

“Really not?”

Xuan Yin gave her a funny look, took out a purse embroidered with the Wuji Bagua diagram, and deliberately raised his voice to tease her, “Don’t take advantage of me, senior brother, with this Qiankun bag!”

When Ran Ran heard it was the Qiankun Bag, her big round eyes lit up.

The small body jumped up and rushed towards Dao Xuan Yin. His two small hands hurriedly grabbed the Qiankun bag into his own hands.

Then he quickly hid it in his robe, looked at Xuan Yin warily, as if he was afraid that he would come to snatch it, and said fiercely: “What the masters gave to Ran Ran is Ran Ran’s.” !”

Xuan Yin twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at her with disgust, “It’s obviously something you don’t care about!”

“Rare, rare, who says it’s not rare?” Ran Ran pouted.

“Hurry down the mountain after you get the treasure, don’t stay in front of senior brother and be an eyesore.” Xuan Yin looked disgusted, but there was a smile in his eyes and a trace of reluctance.

Ran Ran hummed and moved her little butt, farther away from Xuan Yin, then sat down obediently like a good baby, holding the Qiankun bag with her two little hands, and opened it happily.


“It’s Grand Master’s money sword!”

Ran Ran took out a money sword made of one hundred and eight copper coins, her big eyes flashing with excitement.

He smacked his lips and said, “When you have no money, you can still take two off to buy candies!”

Countless black lines immediately slid down Xuan Yin’s forehead, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

I don’t know what the master thought when he heard this!


“They are the second master’s gold needles and silver needles!”

Xuan Yin glanced sideways at her and said, “Second Master told me that if I pass these on to you, you will definitely hang the pot to save the world and save all people.”

“I know! I know!”

The little girl has a sweet voice and nods like a chicken pecking at rice.


“It’s Third Master’s Purple Gold Alchemy Furnace~”

“Wow, it’s…”

Ran Ran took out everything in the Qiankun bag and was so excited that she almost couldn’t find Bei.

Xuan Yin stared at her, watching her throw these treasures on the ground, and felt his eyes hurt!

Seeing this, Ran Ran walked over with her short legs dangling, put her two chubby little hands around Xuan Yin’s neck, and said softly, “Thank you, senior brother, Ran Ran will always love you~”

After saying that, her little head was buried in his neck and snorted again, just like a docile little cat.

Xuan Yin couldn’t stand her slimy appearance, but he couldn’t bear to push her away and helped her put back all the treasures given by the masters.

“Let’s go, it will be too late if we don’t go down the mountain!” Xuan Yin turned away, stuffed the Qiankun bag into her arms, urged her, and left quickly.

Ran Ran watched her senior brother leave and then looked at the closed door in front of her. She felt her little nose was sore and felt a little reluctant in her heart.

But when I think of the delicious and fun things down the mountain, the little bit of unhappiness in my heart quickly disappears completely.

“Meat buns, chicken legs, candied haws… Ranran is here~”

Thinking about these things, Ran Ran jumped down the mountain like a little rabbit.

On top of Takayama.

Several old men stood facing the wind, their eyes falling on the small figure in the forest, with expressions of reluctance.

Taoist priest Xuan Ming’s beard curled up and he snorted coldly: “Youngster, you know that your usual appearance is just an act. You wish you could put wings on yourself and fly down the mountain!”

Ran Ran was picked up when he was traveling more than four years ago.

Although she is a female doll, she has excellent bones and bones. Whether it is metaphysics, medical skills or martial arts, she is unmatched by others.

Even though this little girl is only four years old, she has learned 100% of the skills of these old guys.

But such a little baby has five disadvantages and three deficiencies. He is born with a lack of “fate”. If he does not accumulate more merits, his life may be in danger.

“Amitabha!” Master Lokong said the Buddha’s name, and said enigmatically: “Time is also fate!”

“It’s better to leave. After leaving the old way, my ears will be clean!” Taoist Master Yiming said with a cold face, his tone full of disgust.

The fourth child next to him glanced at him and twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely. He didn’t know who it was that he secretly took a look at every night even when he was asleep.

The masters all said disgusting words, but in fact their eyes never left the little figure in the forest.

It wasn’t until he completely disappeared from their eyes that he reluctantly turned around and left.

“Red umbrellas, white poles, the bad guys are all lying down!”

“Lie down on the board, sleep in the coffin, and then bury them together in the mountains!”

“Bushan Mountain,…”


Chapter 632 Ending: Everyone is happy

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