Black Sticky Rice Benefits

Black sticky rice” is a grain that Thai people love. Popular to eat for a long time Because it is sticky, oily, and has an appetizing taste.

Ancient Thai people believed that Sticky rice is something that nature has given us. Has hot properties Popularly planted in lowland fields with plentiful water. or grown in the upland like rice fields in the north There are many varieties of sticky rice. But there are two colors that most people like: white glutinous rice and black sticky rice

There are 2 colors of sticky rice: white and black (Northern people call it “Khao Kam”), but black sticky rice has nutrients. That is more beneficial than white sticky rice. The nutrient that is “OPC” has properties that help delay premature aging. and deterioration of the body by OPC substances found in black glutinous rice It is the same substance as the extract obtained. From black grapes, red grapes, pine bark

Sticky rice can be processed into other foods. Most of them are made into desserts, for example, at the Chinese New Year festival, they make Khanom Khong. During the end of Buddhist Lent festival, make rice porridge with luk ton, fried rice porridge, khao lam, sticky rice with grilled pork. Mango Sticky Rice Steamed sticky rice eaten with papaya salad, etc.

Thai girls from the past Take it as a dietary supplement to help nourish the skin to be smoother. By soaking glutinous rice until soft. Mix with young gourd leaves at a ratio of 1 to 1, pound thoroughly, and apply to the face. Leave on the body for about 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water to help reduce wrinkles and dark spots to fade away.

In addition, black sticky rice also helps prevent and prevent various diseases, such as reducing the risk of heart disease. That is, black glutinous rice seeds contain substances. “gamma oryzanol” which can reduce fat blockages in the arteries Thus helping to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Helps inhibit the growth of cancer cells. (Anthocyanin)” found in Thai black glutinous rice can clearly inhibit the growth of lung cancer cells.

In addition, The properties of black glutinous rice also help prevent anemia. Because black glutinous rice contains iron which is an important element in the formation of red blood cells. If the body doesn’t get enough iron, it can cause anemia.

Therefore, if you think of food that is beneficial to the body and worth it, black sticky rice is considered the most complete and delicious. It’s very useful…

What is black sticky rice made of?

Black sticky rice is a type of glutinous whole-grain rice used to make desserts in Thailand and a number of other South-East Asian nations. It has an eye-popping, natural ink-black colour, and when cooked has a nutty flavor with a creamy and sticky pudding-like texture.

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