Biography of Master Xuanzang (Part 2)

Biography of Master Xuanzang (Part 2)

The Story of Master Xuanzang (Part 2)

46. ​​Four Tathagata Statues (Gandhara Country)

After Master Xuanzang overtook his companions, he continued to travel to the southeast mountain, about 500 li, to Gandhara Country, which is a country in northern India, east of Xindu River, the capital is called Bulushaburo City. There are many sages and sages in this place, and the teachers who have written theories in ancient times, such as Wusang, the two Bodhisattvas of the world, Dharma, Ruyi, and the respected ones, were all born here.

In the northeast of the royal city, there is a treasure platform where the Buddha bowl is placed. Later, the Buddha bowl was moved to different countries. Eight or nine miles southeast of this city, there is a pippala tree (i.e. Bodhi tree). In the past, the four Buddhas all sat under this tree and became Buddhas. Now there are four statues of Tathagata.

Next to the tree is another stupa, built by King Kanishka, four hundred feet high, with a circumference of one and a half miles around the base, one hundred and fifty feet high, and containing as much as a dendrobium of relics.

More than a hundred steps to the southwest of the pagoda, there is another white stone Buddha statue, one foot and eight feet high, standing facing north. There are many inspirational deeds. People often see the statue and walk around the big pagoda at night. On the west side of the pagoda, there are many masters who have personally witnessed the holy fruit here, and the Venerable One is one of them. He was originally a heretic Brahman. He gave up the common life and became a monk at the age of eighty, and converted to the Three Jewels.

There is also a pagoda in the east of the city, which was built by Ashoka, and it is the place where the four Buddhas preached in the past. There is also a tower in the north of the city, more than 200 feet high, which was also built by King Ashoka. This is to commemorate the place where the World Honored One was king in this country for a thousand lives and gave up his eyes for a thousand lives when he practiced the Bodhisattva way.

There are really too many sacred sites where Master Zang attended the ceremony. He visited and worshiped along the way, offering gold, silver, silk, silk clothes and other things donated by King Gaochang, and offering them one by one at the great stupas and temples he passed.

47. Immortal Pagoda of Endurance (Wuzhana Country)

and then arrived at Uduojiahantu City, from the north of the city to Zhilu Mountains and Rivers, traveled more than 600 li, and then arrived at Wuzhanna Country and Subasadu River, where there used to be There are 1,400 monasteries and more than 18,000 monks, but they are now deserted. Most of the kings live in Mengjieli City, which is full of people. There is a large tower four or five miles east of the city, with many strange and auspicious appearances. It is said that this is the place where the Buddha was amputated by King Goli when he was an immortal in the past life.

Go northeast to Mengjieli City for 250 miles, pass through the mountains and come to Apoluoluo Longquan, which is the source of the Supo River. When it flows to the southwest, the land is cold, and it is often frozen in spring and summer. At night, there are colorful snowflakes, dancing like falling flowers. Thirty miles southwest of Longquan, on the north bank, there is a rock with the footprints of the Buddha on it. It is said that these are the footprints left by the World Honored One who descended the dragon before. About thirty li further down the river, there is a stone for washing clothes of the Buddha. It is said that the Tathagata once washed his cassocks here, and there are still stripes on the stone.

48. Half a verse to sacrifice one

‘s life At the foot of the mountain more than 200 miles south of Mengjieli City, there is a Mahavana Temple. (It is said that the Buddha was a king when he practiced Bodhisattva practice. Once he was chased and killed by an enemy country. He met a frustrated Brahmin. Because he had nothing to give, he voluntarily let the Brahmin arrest him to receive the reward.) More than two hundred miles to the south It is Xiluo Mountain.

This is the place where in the past, when the Buddha practiced the bodhisattva practice, he sacrificed his life for the sake of hearing half a verse. (This story is that when Shakya Tathagata went to the snow-capped mountains to practice bodhisattva practice in the past life, he met a Yaksha Rakshasa and said half of the verse to him: “All things are impermanent, it is the law of birth and death.” But he refused to say the second half of the verse.

The Buddha was very happy after hearing the first half of the verse, and wanted to hear the second half, but Rakshasa refused. Later, he agreed to say the second half of the verse, and the Buddha would sacrifice his life to eat it for him in return. At this time, the Buddha agreed to his request in order to seek the way. Therefore, Raksha said the second half of the verse for him: “Birth and death are gone, and extinction is joy.”)

When Master Xuanzang came here, he remembered the story of Sakyamuni who sacrificed his whole body for half-revelation in order to seek Buddhism and Taoism in the past. , I can’t help but stand in awe, cheer up, and move forward.

49. The statue of Maitreya

is 50 miles west from Mengjieli City, crossing the river to Lujia, there is a red pagoda built by Ashoka, more than ten feet high, which was used by Ashoka to commemorate Buddha’s previous life as King Cili. The place where the sashimi bleeds and donates to the five medicine forks. More than 30 miles northeast of the city, there is a stone pagoda thirty feet high. It is said that the Buddha once preached here in the past, and suddenly appeared after leaving. Three or four miles across the river, there is a jingshe, which enshrines the statue of Avalokitesvara, which is very powerful.

There is a valley in the northeast of the city. Going up against the river, it is either a plank road or a rope. It is about ten miles to Dali Luochuan, which is the old capital of Wuzhangna. There is a large temple in the middle of the river, which houses a woodcut statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva (Note: The statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva in India is not like the big belly statue in my country), which is golden and solemn, and is more than a hundred feet high. Legend has it that it was created by an Arhat, who used his supernatural powers to bring the carver to Tushita Heaven to see the holy face in person, and it took three trips to complete it.

50. Visiting the ruins (the country of Yucha Shiluo, the country of Senghepoluo, and the country of Wucicha)

Zangshi crossed the Xindu River from the south of the city of Uduojiahanda. The river is three or four miles wide and the current is very fast. It is said that there are In the cave of poisonous dragons and evil beasts, if someone wants to smuggle away with Indian rare treasures and Buddha’s relics, they will be capsized and cross this river, even to the northern Indian kingdom of Shiluo. Twelve miles to the north of the city, there is a pagoda built by Ashoka, which often emits divine light. It is said that the Tathagata was a great king when he practiced the Bodhisattva way in the past, and he wanted to pray for Bodhi to give up his thousand heads.

There are many places of interest and historic sites along the way, including the place where Kumarata created the theory, where Prince Mahakatsu sacrificed himself to feed the tiger, because the blood once flowed to the ground, the place was stained with blood, and the vegetation that grows is still red today.

51. Sengqin Xiuxue (Kashmir country)

passed through the Wucicha country, went through many dangers and crossed many iron bridges, and came to the border of Kasmira for about a thousand miles.

Kashmira is also called Kubin Kingdom. Its capital city faces a great river in the west, has hundreds of monasteries and more than 5,000 sanghas. There are four big pagodas, which are lofty and magnificent, and there are relics in them, which were also built by King Ashoka. Master Zang first entered the territory, and when he arrived at the west gate, the king sent his uncle to welcome him with chariots and horses. I went through all the temples and worshiped one by one, and then I stopped at a temple named Husejialuo.

At night, all the monks in the temple dreamed of gods and men and said: “This guest monk came from the Mahayana country. He wants to learn the scriptures from India and observe the sacred sites. Since this person came for the Dharma, he is accompanied by immeasurable benevolent gods, and he is now stationed in this monastery. His master and other past blessings are envied by others, so he should recite diligently, and the guest monks praise him now, how can he be lazy and sleepy?” All the monks woke up from their dreams, After reciting walking meditation until dawn, I dare not sleep again.

52. Tongue war monks

After visiting more than 100 monasteries with Uncle Guo, Master Zang was approaching the royal city. The king led his officials and monks in the city to greet him at Fushe. After the king saw Master Zang, he first piously praised Master Zang and scattered flowers to make offerings in person. Then he asked Master Zang to ride an elephant into the city and send him to Jaye Indra Temple to rest.

The next day, the king invited Master Zang into the palace to offer offerings, and invited the great monk Cheng Cheng and dozens of others to accompany him. After the meal, the king asked Master Zang to give a lecture and asked the monks to ask him questions. Seeing that Master Zang paid the answer freely, the king was very happy after listening to it.

The king knew that Master Zang came here this time to learn scriptures, so he sent twenty people to copy the scriptures for him, and another five people to attend to his daily life and serve him at his beck and call.

The monk said that the master is a well-known eminent monk, he is already seventy years old, and he loves virtuous and respected scholars most on weekdays. Theory, Shunzheng theory, Yinming statement, etc., Master Zang did not fail to comprehend them one by one. The monk said that he appreciated Master Zang very much, and praised him, saying: “This young monk from the Tang Dynasty is very intelligent and magnificent. He can inherit the legacy of his brothers. I am afraid that no one among us can compare with him. It is a pity that he grew up in a distant place. In the Tang Dynasty, one should not be close to the legacy of sages and sages

since childhood.” Among the crowd were the Mahayana monks Vishuta Sinha and Chenna Fanta, the monks of Savata Sugamitra and Posumitaro, and the monks of the Sangha Department Su Liye Deva, Chen Na and Luo Duo, all of them have been studying here for a long time, are outstanding monks who are steadfast in their Taoism and have many talents and understanding. When they heard the elder monk said so much about Master Zang, they were very dissatisfied and rushed to Question to Master Zang. I saw that Master Zang was calm and relaxed, fighting with the monks with his tongue, and the rewards and responses were all just right, which made all the monks convinced.

According to legend, Kashimiluo Kingdom was originally a dragon pond. Fifty years after the Buddha’s Nirvana, Ananda’s disciple, Suedadika Arhat, taught and transformed the Dragon King’s pond, and then it was rebuilt into five hundred temples. Sages from all walks of life were invited to live and receive the support of the Dragon King. . Later, at the time of King Kanishka in the Kingdom of Gandhara (approximately four hundred years after the death of the Tathagata), the sage called four hundred and ninety-nine saints and sages. A total of 500 sages, including those who threatened the Venerable, assembled the Tripitaka here. Master Xuanzang stayed here for two years, studying various scriptures and theories, and only went southwest when he finished his pilgrimage to the holy site.

53. Encountering a Thief in the Forest (633-635, 32-34 years old, Lijia Kingdom)

The teacher traveled southwest, wading through mountains and rivers, to the country of Bannuhe. Going southeast again, it reaches the territory of northern India, and then goes southeast down the mountain and crosses the river to the country of Lijia. This is a barren area in India, with different languages, customs, and costumes, and the folk customs are frivolous and vulgar.

After walking for another three days, I arrived at the city of Yepura, where I spent the night at the Heavenly Temple of the Heretics. The next day, I went to Shekara City. There is also a monastery in the city with more than 100 monks. The Bodhisattva of the previous life once wrote the theory of ultimate truth here. There is a tower more than 200 feet high beside it. There are relics of the Buddha’s scriptures.

From then on, Master Zang and his party left the city of Naluoshenhe, and traveled eastward to the Great Forest of Boluoshe. Suddenly, they encountered a group of thieves, more than fifty people, who took away all the clothes and property of Master Zang and the people accompanying him, and waved them away. The knife was thrown into a dry pond by the roadside, intending to kill him. Fortunately, there were many thorns and weeds in the pool.

A novice who followed Master Zang found a waterway on the south bank, which could barely accommodate a person, so he alerted Master Zang to escape from the secret passage together. The master and the apprentice ran for two or three miles like flying, and when they met a Brahmin plowing the fields, they told him what happened to the robbers. The Brahmin immediately put down the oxen, took down the shell drum and blew loudly, and gathered more than 80 people to rush to the forest. Seeing the crowd, the thieves scattered and fled.

Master Zang personally went to the pool to untie the bound people. The villagers saw that everyone was deprived of their clothes, so they donated clothes to them one after another, and took them to the village for a while. After the fright of the thieves. All the companions were weeping, only Master Zang was smiling without worry. The people traveling with him felt strange, so they asked Master Zang why he smiled instead of worrying?

Master Zang replied: “The most precious thing in life is this life. Since life is there, what else is there to worry about? There is a custom in my hometown, which says, “The great treasure of heaven and earth is life. If life is there, the treasure is not there.” Death.’Little clothes, don’t worry!’

54. The crowd came to make offerings

On the next day, Master Zang and his party came to the east of the Lijia Kingdom, and arrived at a large city. There was a large nunnery forest in the west of the city. In the forest, there were more than 170 people. The Brahmin, who is 30 years old, looks like he is in his thirties. He is burly and strong, and he is proficient in classics such as Zhonglun and Bailun. When he was ransacked, he sent his servants to the city to ask Buddhist laymen to prepare fast offerings for them.

Although there are thousands of households in the city, very few believe in Buddhism and many lay outsiders. Fortunately, Master Zang was already well-known when he was in Kashmira, so when the attendants told all the people in the city: “The eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty came to the west to seek the Dharma. Unfortunately, he was looted by thieves nearby and lost all his clothes.

This is a great opportunity for everyone to plant a field of blessings. Don’t miss it.” Immediately, more than 300 people, each with felt cloth and food, came to make offerings to Master Zang. Master Zang explained the principle of karma and retribution for them, and many people turned away from evil and returned to righteousness, and returned happily. Later, Master Zang distributed the clothes, food and beverages offered by everyone to his companions, and each got a few, which are still inexhaustible.

Master Zang stayed here for one month, studying the scriptures and Guangbailun.

55. Studying along the way,

Master Xuanzang went eastward again, and arrived at Napudi Country. (633, 32 years old) visited the Tushesana Temple, and got close to the Great Virtue of Pilinduobo Lapo. He wrote five skandhas, Master Zang lived here for 14 months and learned from him the theory of anti-dharma, the theory of exoteric sects, and the theory of rationale.

Going out to Nabuti King City, more than 500 miles southeast to Taman Suvana Temple, three hundred years after the Buddha’s extinction, there was a theorist Kadayana who completed the theory of enlightenment here. (634, 33 years old) then went northeast to the Nagara Tuana Temple on the border of Jalandana, where he stayed for four months, getting close to Master Chandaravamo, and learning the theory of vipasha on the division of all things.

Then go northeast, climb the dangerous hills, and travel seven hundred miles to Quluduoguo. Going further south, crossing the mountains and crossing the river, passing through the countries in the border of North India, and entering the country of Boliye and Luo in the border of Central India. From here, travel eastward for five hundred li and arrive at the country of Motuluo (in the border of Central India).

56. The center of India (Madula country)

Modula was a cultural center that flourished for a time, and it was also the southern capital of King Kanishka. In the local area, “the land is fertile, and farming is a matter of business”. In addition to two kinds of nunnery fruits, it also produces “fine class [fold*hair] and gold. Although Motuluo is the cultural center of Hinduism, according to Master Zang, there are “more than 20 garan schools, more than 2,000 monks and disciples, who study both the big and the small vehicle.” Buddhism and Hinduism coexist.

57. Drinking water from the Ganges (Lulena)

Master Xuanzang traveled northeastward to the country of Sata Nishivara and Lulena, bordering the Ganges River in the east until the source of the river, where it flows into the sea in the east, more than ten miles wide, the water tastes sweet, and the sand is as fine as powder. For blessing water. It is said that bathing in this river can eliminate sins and obstacles; drinking can eliminate disasters, and death in the river can also ascend to heaven.

Therefore, many foolish men and women often gather by the river, drink water and bathe, and then stop after being instructed by Devas Bodhisattva. When Master Zang and his party came here, they also took water to quench their thirst. Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved, and the water tastes sweet and delicious.

Master Zang stayed here for a few months, and left after listening to Master Yejuduo, the great master of Sanzang, on Viposha, and continued to cross the river.

58. Ritual Triple Treasure Stage (Vironana Country)

Looking back at the places that Zangshi has passed since he entered the border of North India, most of the places he passed were monasteries where monks were studying Theravada.

Master Zang continued to travel south, crossed the southwest of the Ganges River, and arrived at the country of Kalpita. There is a large temple more than 20 miles east of the city. place. Legend has it that an escalator descended from the sky at that time, the middle step was gold, the left was crystal, and the right was silver. The Tathagata came down from the middle, the Brahma King held a white whisk and descended from the silver steps on the right; Emperor Shitian held a treasure cover and stepped on the crystal steps from the left. At this time, hundreds of celestial beings and great bodhisattvas accompanied the Buddha, who also descended from the sky.

Hundreds of years before Master Zang arrived, there were still ladders, but now they have disappeared. To commemorate this remarkable deed, the later king once built bricks and stones to imitate its shape, and decorated it with miscellaneous treasures. It is more than 70 feet high and built a jingshe on the top, with stone Buddha statues in the center and Buddhist statues on the left and right. There is a stone pillar beside it, seven feet high, which was erected by King Ashoka. A stone foundation with a height of one foot and more than ten or fifty steps was built, which is the place where the Buddha used to walk.

59. The Ganges meets a thief

Master Zang passed through the country of Jieruojuja (that is, the Qunv city in Central India) to the country of Ayutthaya, where there are more than one hundred temples and thousands of monks, who learn both Mahayana and Mahayana. In the city, there is the old Jialan (Jalan is the temple), which is the place where the Bodhisattva of the world wrote the theory of Mahayana and taught the Dharma to the public.

After Master Zang paid homage to the holy site, he went down the Ganges River with more than 80 people and went eastward on the same boat, intending to go to the country of Ayamukha. Along both sides of the river, there are mostly worry-free forests, which are very deep and lush.

In the middle of the boat trip, master Zang and others suddenly jumped out from both sides of the river, and came to meet the current. They surrounded Master Zang and others in the boat, dragged them to the shore, and forced all the passengers to go ashore to strip off their clothes and hand them over. property. And because these thieves are all believers of Tujia God, every autumn sacrifice, they must find a good-looking person as a sacrifice, and kill their blood to sacrifice, so that they can pray for the blessing of the god.

Seeing the mage’s handsome appearance, they pointed at the mage at the same time, and wanted to kill the mage as a sacrifice to the god.

Seeing this, some people on the same boat stood up and voluntarily sacrificed instead of the mage. At the same time, Master Zang also warned the thieves that he had come to seek the Dharma from afar and had gone through untold hardships. Now he was killed before he could get the Dharma. auspicious. However, neither of these got the permission of the thief.

60. Subdue the thieves

The thieves sent people to fetch water, set up an altar in the flower forest, and ordered two people to draw their swords and escort the mage to the altar. Master Zang saw that the situation was unavoidable, so he asked the thief to wait for a while, so that he could die with peace of mind and joy. At this time, Master Zang purifies his mind, visualizes Tusita Heaven, and concentrates on thinking of Maitreya Bodhisattva. He wishes to be reborn in the inner courtyard, hear the wonderful teachings of the yogi, and after attaining wisdom, he will come to the next life to teach these poor poor people. The thief, let the practice win, let go of all evil.

Soon after Master Zang entered meditation, God ascended to Tushita Heaven, and saw Maitreya Bodhisattva on the Miaobao Platform, surrounded by the heavenly crowd. At this time, he was happy physically and mentally, and he had already forgotten that he was on the altar and was about to be killed by thieves.

It’s too late, so fast! Suddenly, a black wind blew up, trees were blown and sand was blown, and the boat was capsized by a surge. The thieves were shocked and asked the teacher’s companion urgently, “Where did

this monk come from?” The companion told the thief, “He is from afar.” Master Xuanzang who came here from the Tang Dynasty to seek the Dharma, if he is killed, he will suffer immeasurable crimes and suffer evil rewards. Now that the storm is raging and the gods are already furious, you should repent quickly!” The thieves were shocked after hearing this, and immediately knelt down and pleaded guilty.

When he touched the mage with his hands, the mage came out of concentration and opened his eyes. At first, he thought he was about to be killed by a knife, and he had already waited with his neck stretched out. Unexpectedly, they all knelt down and confessed their sins!

Master Zang taught the Dharma to the thief, and the thief immediately threw all the knives, guns and robbers into the river, saying that he would wash his hands from now on and accept the five precepts given by the master one by one. After prostrating with joy and saying goodbye, all the people in the company marveled at the boundless power of the master. Those who heard it from far and near all said that if the master was not sincere in seeking the Dharma, how could he get such a response!

61. Master Xuanzang traveled eastward for more than 300 miles when he met the King of Precepts

(Ayamukha State and Prayaga State)

Master Xuanzang traveled eastward for more than 300 miles when he met the King of Precepts (Ayamukha State and Prayaga State), and crossed the Henghe River to the Ayamukha State in the border of Central India. Going southeast for more than 700 li, he crossed the Ganges River and the South Yamana River, and arrived at the country of Balayaga. In the west of the city, there is a forest of Zhanbu trees and flowers. It is said that this place is where the Buddha surrendered to heretics in the past. Ashoka once built a stupa and a garan here. This Jialan place is said to be the place where Devas Bodhisattva wrote extensive theories to defeat the Hinayana heretics.

On the east side of the big city, at the place where the two rivers meet, there is a large square with a square area of ​​fourteen to five miles. Since ancient times, it has been a place where the kings and nobles of the past dynasties gave kindly gifts. It has been passed down to this day. That’s why it’s called the Great Field.

At this point, Master Zang happened to meet the king of Jieri who was doing a great charity here. He used the five-year accumulated wealth as a 75-day distribution, from the three treasures to the poor and helpless.

In ancient India, giving alms was very important. The emperors of all dynasties often set up treasuries to help the poor. Wealthy elders also often distribute their wealth and donate, because in the Six Paradigms of Buddhism, giving is the first priority. Wealth is divided into internal and external, and external wealth refers to things outside the body, including wives and field money, which are all given away; This is also a way to prevent greed and benefit others.

62. Carved sandalwood Buddha statue (Kosami country)

Master Zang went further to the southwest, passing through the terrifying primeval forest for more than 500 li before arriving at the country of Kaosami. In the Forbidden City of Wangcheng, there is a large monastery, more than 60 feet high, with a statue of Buddha carved from sandalwood. It is said that in the past, when the Buddha lived in the world, in order to repay his mother’s kindness, he ascended the Taoli Heavenly Palace to speak for his mother. moon.

Because the king of Chuai missed the Buddha, the Buddha asked the Venerable Moggallana to use his supernatural powers to take a sculptor to the heavenly palace to see the holy face, and then returned to the world, and carved the Buddha statue with red sandalwood based on his impression. It is said that when Sakyamuni came back and descended from the heavenly palace to the human world, this Buddha statue appeared in the line of welcome like a real person. (The Buddha statue that Master Zang saw in India was this Buddha statue, and this is also the origin of the first original Buddha statue.)

There is an ancient temple in the south of the city, which is the former residence of the elder Gu Shiluo. It was also built by King Ashoka. The Buddha used to preach here for several years, and there are still four past Buddha seats, relics of scriptures and Buddha’s pagoda next to it. The Chongge in the southeast is the place where Shiqin Bodhisattva created the Consciousness-Only Theory, and the Jingshe ruins in the Wuyou Forest in the east is the place where Asanga Bodhisattva’s writings show the sacred teaching theory.

63. Shentong Ruins (636, 35 years old, Dasuojia Kingdom, Shewei Kingdom)

Master Zang left here and traveled eastward for more than 500 miles, passing through the Dasuojia Kingdom. In this country, there is a place where the Buddha preached for six years. Next to the tower built by Ashoka, there is a tree more than 70 feet high. It has grown luxuriantly so far. During the period, although the disciples of evil views repeatedly ravaged it, but with the slashing and life, Master Zang has flourished as before, and it was a wonder for a while.

Master Zang went northeast to the country of Slava Siddhi, which is also the country of Sravasti often seen in Buddhist scriptures. This is the place where the Buddha stayed in tin for the longest time and taught the most teachings. There are more than 6,000 miles around the border. During the Buddha’s lifetime, it was ruled by King Pasenadi, and the country was powerful. In the royal city, there is the ruins of the palace of King Bosni, and not far away is the lecture hall built by King Bosni for the Buddha. Next to it is a small pagoda that is the Abode of the Buddha’s aunt Boluopati Bhikkhuni. To the east is the former residence of the elder Sudatta, and there is a pagoda beside the residence, which is the place where the warrior Angumara abandoned evil and returned to righteousness.

Five or six miles to the south of the city, there is Shiduolin, which is the world-famous Zhishu to Lonely Garden. In the past, it was Jialan, the place where the Buddha preached, and the master Zang had already collapsed by this time. On the left and right of the east gate, there is a tree and a stone pillar, more than 70 feet high, which was built by Ashoka as a commemoration.

All the houses in Gion, only the old foundations are left, only one brick room still exists, and there is a golden statue in it. A skillful craftsman carved sandalwood as a statue of Buddha, so he also made this golden statue, which still exists today.

64. In the northeast of the Birth Shrine (Lumbini)

to the Lonely Garden, there is a tower where the Buddha personally took care of the sick monks; the small tower in the northwest is the place where Maha Moggallana used to use his supernatural powers to lift the belt of Shariputra. There are many historic sites here. There is the great pit where Devadatta harmed the Buddha and fell into hell. In addition, there are two pits where Bhikkhu and Zhazha Brahmin fell into hell because of slandering the Buddha. big pit.

From then on, traveling southeast for more than 800 li, I arrived at the hometown of Sakyamuni, Kapilavastu. More than four thousand miles around the border, and more than ten miles of the capital, all were destroyed. It is also fifteen miles around the palace city. The old brick foundation is built, and there is the main hall of King Jingfan. On the north side, there is the sleeping hall of Mrs. Maya, and a jingshe is also built to enshrine the portrait of the Buddha’s mother. There is also a monastery next to it, which is the place where the Buddha descended from the mother’s womb, and a statue of a Bodhisattva descended from the womb was also built.

There is a pagoda in the northeast, which is a historic site where the Immortal Ashituo looked at the prince. Others, such as the place where the prince wrestled, the place where the horse rode across the city, the place where you visited the four gates to see the old, sick and died, and the place where the monks all have remains. In short, this is the country where the Buddha was born, and there are many holy sites. Looking back at the past, it is amazing.

65. Wild Elephant Offering Pagoda (Lammo Country)

After leaving the city of Kapila, Master Zang went eastward, passing through a desolate forest of more than 500 miles, to the country of Rammo in Central India. There are few residents here, and there is a brick pagoda in the southeast of the city, about 50 feet high. The king of this country was the first to receive the relics after the Buddha’s Nirvana. He built this pagoda to support the Buddha’s relics. The tower often emits light, and there is a dragon pool on the side of the tower. It is said that there are dragons in the pool that often change into human shapes and walk around the tower. In addition to the legend of the dragon, it is also said that wild elephants often come to the pagoda with flowers in their mouths.

There is a monastery near here. According to legend, when a bhikkhu summoned his classmates to visit the pagoda, he saw wild elephants holding flowers in front of the pagoda, and later picking grass with their teeth and spraying water with their noses. Everyone sighed when they saw it. ! One of the monks vowed to stay there to make offerings to the pagoda. He said:

“Like an animal, I still know how to respect the pagoda to offer flowers and sweep it; I am a human being, and I have become a monk in accordance with the Buddha. How can I see it being abandoned and not make offerings!” So he bid farewell to the public, and stayed beside the pagoda to dredge the water in the pond

. , Planting flowers and fruits, even after cold and heat, it is not bitter. Therefore, people from neighboring countries were moved to donate their treasures and build this temple together until now.

In the large forest to the east of the temple, there is a pagoda more than a hundred miles away. It is said that it was built by King Ashoka to commemorate the historic site that Prince Siddharth came here in the past and took off his clothes, hair, hair, and jewelry to Channa.

66. The Sala Forest (Kushinajara Country = Kusile Country)

When you leave the big forest, you enter the Kusile Country. This is the country where the Buddha passed away, and it is still desolate now. Three or four miles to the northwest of the city, not far from crossing the river, is the Sala Forest where the World Honored One Nirvana. The Sala tree is a tree similar to the oak. Its skin is white and smooth. Four of them are particularly tall. They are the place where the Buddha passed away.

There is a pagoda next to it, which was also built by King Ashoka. There are stone pillars in front of the pagoda to record the deeds of Buddha’s Nirvana, but unfortunately the date is not recorded, so that future generations cannot trace it. According to legend, the Buddha lived in the world for 80 years, and according to the local calendar, he died on February 15th in our calendar, but it is also said to be on September 8th.

There are also different legends about the time when the Buddha died. Some say 1,200 years, others say 1,300 or 1,500 years. Even in modern times, there are still disputes about the time when the Buddha died, or it is said that it was more than 2,500 years ago. , or more than 2,900 years. However, since more than 2,500 years after the World Buddhist Friendship Resolution, most of them have adopted this theory in order to achieve unity.

In short, there are different opinions on the dates of Buddha’s birthday, renunciation, enlightenment, and Nirvana. Although the World Buddhist Conference decided that the full moon in May should be a comprehensive commemorative festival called “Wesak Day”, but Japan, Korea, my country and other regions Most still use the new or old calendar as April 8th for birth, February 8th for monkhood, December 8th for enlightenment, and February 15th for Nirvana, which are respectively designated as commemorative festivals.

There is another pagoda not far away. It is said that when the Buddha practiced in his past life, he used to be a pheasant king, where he fought fires to save living beings; Next to the tower is the resting place of the Buddha. On the side of the Lingling Pagoda is the Maya Madame Weeping Pagoda. (It is said that after the Buddha entered Nirvana, Aniruta went up to the heavenly palace and told Mrs. Maya that she could not suppress her grief for a while, and she passed out. After waking up, she immediately went to the two Sala trees with the sky, and wailed bitterly when she saw the relic.

At that time, the golden coffin Opened, enlarged the light, and saw the Buddha sitting up with his palms together and said: “Your kind mother descended from the sky far away. I feel ashamed, but all things are impermanent. Please don’t be too sad.” Then Ananda asked the Buddha, saying: “The Buddha has been buried, but Now rise up and preach, if future generations ask, how should I explain it?” The Buddha said: “After the Buddha’s Nirvana, the loving mother Mrs. Maya descended from the heavenly palace to the two trees. The Tathagata once sat up from the golden coffin for the unfilial beings in the world. Put your palms together and preach.” After the golden coffin closed itself,

and then crossed the river from the north of the city and landed on the shore, it was the cremation site of the Buddha. There is a pagoda, and the earth on the ground is still yellow and black. Someone once prayed sincerely and obtained relics in the earth. The Buddha was cremated There is another tower on the side of the tower, which commemorates the place where the Buddha showed his feet for Da Kasyapa. It is said that the golden coffin of the Buddha had been cremated at that time, and the incense wood was piled up, but it was always unburned.

The crowd said: “This is because the Buddha waited for the arrival of the Great Kassapa before raising the fire.”

Then the Da Kassapa brought his five hundred disciples from the forest to the cremation site and asked Ananda, “Can the body of the World Honored One still be seen?” ?”

Ananda said sadly, “Thousands of blankets are entangled, and the coffin is buried in heavy coffins. Now that the incense wood has been accumulated, it is waiting to be burned. How can we see it?”

When Venerable Kassapa was feeling hopeless, unexpectedly the Buddha was merciful, and suddenly showed his feet from the coffin, but he saw that the color of the wheel was different. He asked Ananda, and Ananda explained: “When the Buddha passed away, humans and heavens were mourning, and tears were dyed together, so that Changing color.” Venerable Kassapa remained silent, worshiped devoutly, and immediately the incense burned naturally, and the fire suddenly ignited. After turning off the flame, I saw that the naked felt next to the body and the outermost layer were intact as before, and all the hair claws were preserved.

It is said that after the Buddha’s funeral, he came out of the coffin three times. The first time I stretched out my arm to ask Ananda about the way; the second time I opened the coffin and sat up to explain the Dharma for my mother; the last time I showed my feet for Venerable Kasyapa. On the side of the pagoda is the pagoda for the distribution of the relics by the kings of the eight kingdoms, which was also built by King Ashoka.

67. Master Zhuan Dharma (Poronais Country)

went to Boronais Country again. The country here is more than 4,000 miles away. The capital is west of the Ganges River, and it is more than 10 miles long. There are many temples, more than 30 Therefore, there are about 2,000 monks, and they have learned all the divisions of the Hinayana.

Cross the Henghe River and go up more than ten li, that is, to Luyejialan. The terraces are connected one after another, like a long corridor. There are 1,500 monks, all of whom are learning the Hinayana Zhengliang Department. There is a Buddhist temple in the compound, more than one hundred feet high, with more than one hundred stone steps and brick niches. In the room, there is a Buddha statue made of [Jinyu] stone, which is in the shape of a Dharma wheel. This Buddha statue has been preserved in the museum of Luyuan until modern times.

In the southeast of the Vihara, there is a stone pagoda built by Ashoka, more than 100 feet high, with a stone pillar in front of the pagoda, more than 70 feet high. (Because there is the place where Maitreya Bodhisattva received the inscription on the side, it is also said that this pagoda was built to commemorate the inscription of Maitreya Bodhisattva.) Nearby are the towers where other Buddhas were inscribed,

and the place where the four Buddha scriptures walked. Before the catastrophe, it is even more impossible to check.

On the west side of Jialan, there are still traces of the pool where the Tathagata bathed, as well as washing utensils and clothes, all of which are guarded by dragons and no one touches them.

On the southwest side, there is still a giant pagoda dedicated to the holy bowl and a small pagoda where the five people greeted the Buddha. When walking, he appeared in the body of a rabbit and set himself on fire to offer meals.

All in all, most of the deer gardens are the relics of the Buddha’s transformation in the past life when he practiced bodhisattvas. The reason why he often manifested various strange things is nothing more than to influence the stubborn and tame the strong.

68. Viman Zhangshi (Vishali)

left Sarnath, traveled more than 300 miles east of the Ganges, passed through the Kingdom of Warlords, and then traveled 140 miles northeast of the Ganges River to the Kingdom of Vaisali.

The country is more than a thousand miles away, the soil is good, and many nunnery fruits are produced. But when Master Zang arrived, the capital was ruined, and only the old foundation was seen, and there were few residents.

In the northwest of Miyagi, there is a pagoda next to a temple, which is the place where the Buddha preached the Vimalakirti Sutra in the past. There is another pagoda three or four miles northeast of this place, which is the former residence of the elder Vimo. There are still many supernatural deeds in this house.

Not far from here, there is a stone room with a square meter of one zhang. This is the place where Master Vimo showed his life and preached. Next to it are the former residences of Baoji and Anmoluo.

Layman Vimo is the ancient Buddha who came to teach again. He is a big-hearted elder who has a deep understanding of Buddhism. Every time he shows a disease, he helps Buddhism. legal interest.

Today, when Master Zang came to the stone chamber where the great master gave his teachings, he was amazed to see that it was deserted!

Fourteen or five miles southeast of Vaishali City, the Great Stupa is the place where seven hundred sages gather. Dharma (law) and Vinaya (law) are re-written here. The gathering together of representatives of Buddhist centers from all regions of India is particularly important in reorganizing the Vinaya. In addition, Vaishali is also a famous resort in the minds of all Buddhists, because it is here that the Buddha announced his imminent parinirvana.

69. Master Xuanzang, the capital of Ashoka (Magadha country)

Master Xuanzang, the capital of Ashoka, crossed the Ganges River in the south and came to Magadha country. This is a country with a deep relationship with the Buddha. More than five thousand miles. The ethos here is advocating theory and respecting sages. At that time, the largest and most famous institution of learning in India – Nalanda Temple, was here. There are more than 50 Jialan schools in the country, more than 10,000 monks, and many learn Mahayana.

There is an old city in the south of the Ganges, with a circumference of more than seventy miles. Although it is deserted, it is still magnificent. It is said that in the past, at the age of Wuliang, this place was named Xianghua Miyagi, which was named after the many flowers in the palace. Later, when people were thousands of years old, it was renamed Bozalizi City, named because of the many Bozali trees in the city.

In the first hundred years after the Buddha’s Nirvana, King Asoka (translated as Wuyou King, formerly translated as Ashoka, the great-grandson of King Bimbara) moved here from Wangshe City. Due to the long history, only the old foundation and hundreds of garlands remain today, and only two or three remain. Master Zang pays homage to each of them, lamenting impermanence, which is extremely embarrassing!

To the north of the Forbidden City, there is a small city near the Ganges River, and there are more than a thousand houses in the city; there are stone pillars tens of feet high in the north of the palace. It is said that King Ashoka was young and arrogant before he studied Buddhism. In order to punish his subjects who rebelled against him, he built a man-made hell here in imitation of the torture in the scriptures. have. It is said that at that time, as long as they heard the name of Ashoka’s hell, no one would not be terrified.

Later, an arhat showed himself sitting on a lotus flower in a boiling oil wok, which influenced the violent Ashoka and demolished this hell. Then, a compassionate and kind-hearted Arhat led Ashoka to convert to the Three Jewels. Since then, Ashoka has protected and upheld the Dharma, and vowed to build 84,000 pagodas to support the Buddha’s relics.

Master Zang stayed in the city for seven days and visited the holy sites.

There is a pagoda in the south of the man-made hell. It is said that there is a bucket of Buddha’s relics in it, and it emits divine light every time. Not far from the stupa, there is a monastery, in which there is a white stone with Buddha’s footprints. The Buddha’s seal on the stone is one foot eight inches long and six inches wide. . This is when the Buddha was passing by before entering Nirvana.

He stood on this stone and told Ananda, “This is the last footprint I left before entering Nirvana.” Then he pointed to the city of Pothalil and said, “In a hundred years there will be an invincible King Concern (Ashoka) built his capital here, protected the Three Treasures, and was able to serve hundreds of gods.” So there are many towers and stone chambers built by Ashoka near here. Legend has it that Ashoka used ghosts and gods to build them. Buddha’s relics, or for mages to practice. Among them, the ruins of the Tha Alammo Temple in the southeast of the old city are the most thought-provoking.

Legend has it that in his later years, King Ashoka wanted to offer all his treasures to the Three Treasures in order to accumulate blessings. But at that time, the powerful ministers were in power and disobeyed orders, which made Ashoka unable to freely dispose of his property even though he was a king. At that time, King Ashoka looked around and saw that the only thing left that could be donated was the half of the Amologa fruit that he had just eaten, so he sent someone to the Tha Alammo Temple to make offerings to the monks.

It is said that what is offered in this pagoda is the half of the Amologa fruit core for the world to look up to and be vigilant about. It can be seen that the prosperity, power and fame in the world cannot be relied on for a long time, and good deeds should be done immediately.

70. Respecting the Bodhi Tree

The master went southwest again, passed through the Lijia Temple, and then traveled southward for more than a hundred miles to Bodh Gaya, where he bowed to the holy Bodhi tree. The tree wall is surrounded by bricks, and high walls are built around it. It is long from east to west and slightly narrower from north to south. It is divided into four gates.

The original name of the bodhi tree is the pibala tree. When the Buddha lived in the world, it was hundreds of feet high, and it is about five feet tall today. In the past, the Buddha sat under it and achieved supreme enlightenment, so it was named the Bodhi tree. The stem of the tree is yellow and white, the branches and leaves are green, and it does not wither all year round. Only on the day of the Tathagata’s Nirvana, the leaves will fall off. After a night, it will still be as it was before. Therefore, on this day, all the kings and officials gathered under the tree, bathed with milk, lit lamps and scattered flowers to show respect.

Master Zang threw himself to the ground under the tree, sad and annoyed, thinking to himself that when the Buddha became enlightened, he didn’t know why he was drifting away? Now that the period of the Dharma has just arrived, thinking of the heavy karma and obstacles so deep, I can’t help but tear up my eyes. At this time, there were hundreds of monks and monks, because Xie Xiayuan came to gather, and seeing Master Zang mourning, all the viewers choked.

71. Nalanda Temple

Master Zang stayed in the Bodhi field for nearly ten days, and the holy sites have been worshiped one by one. On the tenth day, Nalanda Monastery sent four great masters to meet him. Arrive at Rika Village the next day. This is the hometown of Venerable Moggallana, and there are two pagodas in it: one is built by Ashoka, and the other is the place where the Venerable passed away, and Shelian is enshrined in it. When Master Zang took a break at the Pagoda Temple, more than 200 monks and more than 1,000 believers came to greet him with fragrant flowers, banners and treasure covers.

At this time, the temple has gathered all the temple people waiting for welcome in front of the gate. After introducing each other, they enter the temple together. The temple specially arranged a bed seat in advance, and Master Zang was invited to ascend the seat. After the audience was seated, Wei Na struck the spine and announced that Master Zang lived in the monastery.

72.Knee-walking worship teacher

Then select twenty middle-aged monks who are good at explaining the scriptures and have a dignified appearance to accompany Master Zang to see Zhengfa Zang, who is also the master of the temple. The most respected person in Nalanda Temple is Master Jiexian. Because of respect, the public dare not call him by his name directly, but he is called Zhengfazang. Of course, Master Zang also admired him for a long time. He was able to meet him with mixed feelings.

He followed the great ceremony in India to meet his teacher, kneeling and elbowing, bowing his feet, greeting and admiring, and following the etiquette of his disciples. , let Master Zang and the monks take their seats.

Then he asked Master Zang where did he come from? Master Zang put his hands together and replied respectfully: “I come from the Tang Dynasty to rely on Master to learn yoga theory.” Unexpectedly, after listening to Master Jiexian, his eyes filled with tears, and he called his disciple Juexian. In his seventies, he has a wide knowledge of Confucianism and Confucianism, and is good at eloquence. He told him, “You can tell me a little bit about my illness three years ago in front of everyone.” After hearing this, Juexian couldn’t help but burst into tears. While wiping his tears, he recounted this rare cause and relationship:

“Zhengfazang used to suffer from rheumatism. Whenever he had an attack, the pain in his hands and feet joints was like a burning knife. The pain was so severe that it was unbearable. So I was tired of life and tried to commit suicide by going on a hunger strike. Unexpectedly, I

saw three heavenly beings in my dream that night, one golden, one glass-colored, and one silver-colored, upright and solemn, graceful and extraordinary. The golden man said: “Do you want to give up this body? The scriptures only say that the body is the root of suffering, but it does not teach people to renounce themselves. You were a king in the past life and caused the people to suffer a lot, so you feel this way.” Now you should examine your past life’s sins, repent sincerely, endure them willingly, spread the scriptures widely, and your sins will naturally disappear. If you just commit suicide through world-weariness, the bitterness will still not end.” Zhengfazang listened and sincerely worshiped.

The golden man pointed to the glazed man and said, “You know what? This is Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. ’ Pointing to the silver-white person, he said, ‘This is Maitreya Bodhisattva. Zhengfa Zang immediately bowed to Maitreya Bodhisattva and said: “Jiexian often wants to be reborn next to Bodhisattva, but I wonder if this wish can be fulfilled?” ’ Maitreya Bodhisattva replied: ‘If you can spread the Dharma, you will be able to achieve this wish in future generations. The golden man introduced himself again: “I am Manjushri Bodhisattva. I came here to persuade you because I saw that you did not sacrifice your life for the benefit of sentient beings.

Now you should listen to my words, spread the righteous Dharma, and spread the theory of yoga to places where you have never heard of it, and your illness will naturally get better gradually. Three years later, a monk from the Tang Dynasty will come to worship you as his teacher because of his love for Dafa. You can wait here to teach him with peace of mind. 』Zheng Fazang bowed again, grateful for the promise, and raised his head after speaking, the three of them had disappeared. When I woke up I realized it was a dream. Since then, Zhengfazang’s illness has gradually improved, and even healed. After hearing this ,

all the monks in the room sighed unanimously, and Master Zang was even more sad and happy. He hurriedly bowed again and said, “If this is the case, I should try my best to study. Please be merciful and accept the instruction.” At this time, the preceptor asked Master Zang again. A few years on the road and three years in the answer, it is exactly in line with the dream.

73. To make offerings to

Master Zangsheng was placed in the fourth pavilion of Master Juexian’s room. He received offerings for seven days before being placed in the upper room to the north of the Dharma Protector Bodhisattva. The daily offerings were even more abundant: Daily offerings to Zhan Buro One hundred and twenty pieces of fruit, twenty betel nuts, twenty cardamoms, one tael of dipterocarp, and one liter of “adult rice” (half larger than black beans, delicious and fresh, beyond the reach of rice, but This is made in Magadha, and it is only used by the king and the famous masters, so it is called adult rice).

Three liters of oil is given every month, and enough butter and so on are taken every day. He also sent one Layman Jingxin and one Brahmin to be dispatched. Master Zang himself was exempted from all monk duties, and he had to travel by car when he went out. Among the 10,000 host and guest monks in Nalanda Monastery, there are only ten of them, including Master Zang.

74. History of Nalanda

Nalanda Temple, if translated into Chinese as Shiwuyan Temple, was the largest temple in India in ancient times, and also the highest institution of learning, with talents and style of study that can be said to be unprecedented. According to legend, there is a dragon pond in the Amara Garden in the south of this Kalan, and the dragon’s name is Nalanda, so it is named after it. There is also a saying that when the Tathagata practiced the bodhisattva way in the past, he was a great king who built his capital here.

The site of the temple was originally the garden of the elder Amara, and was later bought by five hundred businessmen for one billion yuan to worship the Buddha. The Buddha once preached here for three months, and five hundred businessmen all proved the holy fruit after hearing it. After the Buddha’s Nirvana, King Shuojialuo Adidao specially built this temple in memory of the Buddha.

Later, his son Buddha Juduo succeeded to the throne and built another temple in the south of the temple. After King Sun Tantajieduo took over, he expanded the temple in the east. When his great-grandson Boluo Adidas came to the throne, he built another temple in the east of the expanded palace of his father. On the day of completion, seeing a holy monk coming from far away from the Tang Dynasty to offer offerings, he was overjoyed, so he gave up his seat and became a monk. After his son King Fajaluo succeeded to the throne, he built a temple to the north of the new Buddhist temple. Later, a king in Central India built a temple beside the temple.

There are a total of six kings before and after, each of which built six monasteries standing together, with extraordinary momentum. Later, the six temples were combined into one, and a majestic mountain gate was added, which was divided into eight courtyards, and the courtyards were still independent. Inside the wall, there are star-studded treasure towers, Qionglouyuyu, which are very spectacular. The monks’ houses in each monastery are all four-story, with carved beams and painted buildings. Among the thousands of monasteries in India, the magnificence and grandeur are the first.

There are often tens of thousands of monks in the temple. Not only are they studying the Mahayana Dharma and the eighteen divisions, but they are also studying the Vedas, causes, statements, medical prescriptions, and spells of heretic classics. There are more than 1,000 people who have comprehensively explained 20 volumes of scriptures; more than 500 people who have 30 volumes; relatively few people who have 50 volumes; including Master Zang, there are only 10 people. Among them, there is only Master Jiexian who sees everything and is a respected master. He is the master of the public and an example to learn from.

The atmosphere of lectures in the monastery is very strong, there are more than one hundred lectures every day, and the monks listen attentively to the lectures and cherish their time. Because the monastery is full of high-virtuous monks, everyone can strictly abide by the Buddhist rules. In the 700 years since the monastery was built, no one has violated the precepts! Therefore, since the establishment of the temple, Nalanda Temple has spread far and wide, and even the king respects it very much. Every year, it grants a very rich reward to the temple, so that the monks can concentrate on practicing Taoism and achieving their crafts without begging for alms.

The lofty morality and strong academic atmosphere of Nalanda Temple made the monks in the temple more tireless and dare not slack off. Scholars from all over the world hope to come and visit. Those who want to steal high fame even try their best to climb the “Dragon Gate”.

Once they can stay, they will immediately become worth a hundred times. However, to enter the hall, one must pass the strict debate and oral examination at the reception of the mountain gate, and nine out of ten people are eliminated at this level. Those who pass will then have to pass the second round of difficult tests, and those who can officially enter the room are very few. Therefore, since the establishment of the temple, talents have emerged in large numbers, and they are all chosen for a while, the best among them.

75. Entering Rajagha City

After staying in the Nalanda Temple, Master Zang went to Rajagha City to observe the holy site one day.

Rajagha City is the birthplace of Buddhism. The Buddha lived here for the most time after becoming enlightened. Qijabo Mountain (Lingjiu Mountain), which is often seen in scriptures, is not far to the northeast of the city. Rajagha City has two cities, the old and the new. The old city is named Jushejiepuluo, which translates to Shangmao. A pagoda outside the north gate of Miyagi is the place where Devadatta set a drunken elephant in an attempt to kill Buddha.

To the north of the Fuzui Elephant Pagoda is the place where Shariputra heard the testimony of Bhikkhu Masheng. Not far from the Zhengguo Pagoda is the place where Sri Judo heretics attempted to harm the Buddha with fire pits and poisoned rice.

76. Lilinglu Mountain

Walking fourteen or five miles northeast of Wangshe City, you can reach Lingjiu Mountain. This mountain is surrounded by mountains. The Buddha has lived in this spiritual mountain for more than 50 years, most of the time, where he once preached the Hua Sutra, the Great Wisdom and other countless sutras. When Master Xuanzang came here, he couldn’t help paying homage to the holy site and remembering the grand occasion of the World Honored One’s teaching at that time. Sighing and lamenting that the world is impermanent, the platform of preaching is still there today, but the grand meeting is hard to come by!

There is a monastery on the top of the mountain, which is the former residence of the Buddha. The Buddha statue enshrined now is as big as it was before his death. To the east of the Vihara, there is a feldspar on which the Buddha passed by. Next to it is a huge stone more than one foot high and more than 30 steps around. It was used by Devadatta to throw at the Buddha.

The pagoda on the south is the place where the Lotus Sutra is preached. In addition, there is also the place where the Buddha enters the meditation room and the demon king threatens Venerable Ananda. There are also many stone chambers next to the Vihara, where many great arhats entered meditation. In addition, there is the Pippala Stone Chamber, and the cave on the back wall of Asuluo Palace, and there is also a place where monks self-stab to prove the fruit, and a monk who threw himself into the cliff to prove the fruit. More than a mile from the north gate of the mountain city to the Jialanda Bamboo Garden, which is the place where the Buddha formulated the precepts.

There is a pagoda in the east that was built by King Ajashi. After Tathagata Nirvana, the eight kings shared the relics equally, and King Ajashi enshrined the relics in this pagoda. Later, King Ashoka made a vow to build more pagodas. He once opened the pagoda and asked for relics, but only a few remained, and they still shine brightly today.

77. The grottoes are gathered

from the bamboo garden to the southwest for five or six miles. In a large bamboo forest on the side of the mountain, there is a large stone room. It is said that after the Buddha Nirvana, the Venerable Kasyapa lived in this grotto with nine hundred and ninety-nine Arhats. A collection of Tripitaka classics. The old foundation in front of the stone chamber is the ruins of the courtyard built by King Ashoka for the assembled Arhats.

When gathering, there were countless holy people gathered here, and Venerable Kassapa announced to the people: “Anyone who knows himself to have the three wisdoms and six powers, and can always uphold all the teachings of the Tathagata without mistakes, can stay here; everyone else please go where you want. “A total of 999 people were selected. At this time, Venerable Ananda was still learning, so Kassapa said to him: “You have exhausted all your leaks and have not yet learned, so you should not participate in the grand meeting.” After hearing this, Ananda had nothing to say, and ashamedly withdrew. After a night of hard work and breaking the Three Realms, after obtaining the ground of no learning (Arhatship), then go to knock on the door.

Kassapa asked him if the leakage had been exhausted? He said it was over. Kasyapa said to him again: “Since the leakage has been exhausted, why bother to open the door? You should enter as you please.” Ananda used his supernatural powers to enter the cave through the keyhole and bowed at Kasyapa’s feet. Kasyapa held Ananda’s hand and said to him, “I want you to get rid of all leaks and prove the holy fruit, so I expelled you from the cave! Fortunately, I don’t see hatred!” Ananda said: “If you have hatred, you are not called leaks Are you done?” So he thanked him and sat down.

Gathering the Tripitaka was enthroned by Venerable Ananda, the most well-known and always upholding of all dharmas, to recite Su and Luozang (Sutras) for the audience, and the saints recorded them casually. In addition, Venerable Upali recited Vinaya Zang (Law Zang), and Venerable Kasyapa recited Abhidhamma Zang Kasyapa (On Tibet) by himself, lived in peace in March, gathered Tripitaka, and passed on to future generations. Later generations called this Theravada Gathering.

And twenty miles westward, there is a pagoda built by King Ashoka, which is the place where the former Dazhong Ministry gathered. This is the place where some disciples who have not been exhausted and were rejected by Kassapa outside the Great Grotto gathered separately. They assembled the five collections here by themselves, and added the collection of miscellaneous collections and collections of forbidden mantras in addition to the scriptures, laws, and treatises. Because their assembly is the Association of Fansheng, later people called it the assembly of the Ministry of Public Affairs to distinguish it from Theravada. From then on, there have been sectarian disputes in Buddhism, and they still exist today.

Master Xuanzang passed through the gathering places of the two gatherings, and then went northeast for three or four miles to the city of New Rajagha. Before King Bimbasara, Shangmao City was originally the capital, but due to the densely populated houses, fires often broke out. If one family caught fire, the neighbors suffered, and it was impossible to prevent it. Many residents in the city have lost their homes and lost their homes because of this.

King Bimbasara blamed himself and ordered to strictly prevent fires. Anyone who caught fire accidentally would be exiled to the cold forest. Unexpectedly, the palace suddenly caught fire soon, King Bimbisara exiled himself to the cold forest and ordered the prince to take charge of state affairs in order to promote the country’s law. After learning that King Bimbasara was exiled in the cold forest, King Vaishali of the enemy country thought it was a good opportunity for revenge, so he wanted to lead an elite army to attack. Therefore, King Bimbasara ordered the construction of this new city, and the officials and civilians moved to the new city.

Because the king first built a house to live here, it was named Wangshe City. The crown prince, King Ajashi, succeeded to the throne and also built his capital here. It was not until the time of King Ashoka that the capital was moved to Bozali City, and Rajagha City was donated to Brahmins. So now there are only more than a thousand Brahmins in the city.

78. The Bronze Standing Buddha

Master Zang left the new city of Wangshe, and went to the place where the Buddha taught Rahula.

In the northwest of Nalanda Temple, there is a large abode, more than three hundred feet high, built by King Brahmajita. It is majestic and majestic. The Buddha statue enshrined is the same as the abode of the Bodhi tree. There is a tower in the northeast of the jingshe, which is the place where the Buddha preached for seven days. In the northwest, there are four Buddha seats in the past. To the south is the White Stone Abode, which was built by King Jieri. It has not yet been completed, but judging from the architectural drawings, it should be more than ten feet high. When it is completed, it must be magnificent. More than 200 steps to the northeast, there is a bronze statue of Buddha, more than 80 feet high, which can be covered by about six layers of heavy pavilions. This was built by King Manzhou in the past.

A few miles to the east, you can see a pagoda. This pagoda is the place where King Bimbasara and hundreds of thousands of people from the country greeted the Buddha when he was approaching Rajagha.

79. Wild Goose Pagoda

Master Zang walked eastward for more than 30 li, and arrived at Mount Indra Saraloha. There is a temple in the east peak, and there is a pagoda in front of the temple.

It is said that in the past, all the monks in this temple were practicing Hinayana, because the Buddha had allowed them to eat the three pure meats, so they persisted.

Once, a monk jokingly said to the geese flying in the air: “Now the temple is short of meat for offerings, do you know?” Unexpectedly, after finishing speaking,

the leading goose swooped down from the sky and fell to its death. In front of Bhikkhu.

The monk was both ashamed and terrified, and he told all the people in the temple. All the people who heard it said in amazement: “This goose is so spiritual, it must be the manifestation of a Bodhisattva. How can we eat its meat?” Only then did I deeply understand that the Buddha set up teachings at the beginning and induced them randomly, but in fact it was a right and real distinction.

It is only because of their ignorance that they mistook the expedient guidance as the ultimate teaching method, and persisted in not changing it, which led to today’s regrettable incident. So from then on, the temple people changed to follow the teachings of Mahayana and cut off meat forever. And a pagoda was built for the dead goose, buried in it, and an inscription was made to read it, and it will be passed down forever.

80. Going back to the temple to hear the Dharma

Master Zang paid homage to Rajagha City and the holy sites around Nalanda Temple, and then returned to Nalanda Temple to prepare for his study and practice.

First sell the holiday to the virtuous teacher, and respectfully invite you to teach the theory of the yogi. Zhengfa Zang gave lectures in person, which is a very rare and rare fate. Because he is old and frail, he has not lectured in person for a long time. When he was promoted to the seat, there were thousands of people listening! There was silence in the lecture hall, everyone listened attentively, there was no noise, only the old and loud voice of Zhengfa Zang, regardless of distance, clearly reached everyone’s ears.

Not long after the lecture, a Brahmin came outside, weeping and laughing at times. The commentator told the staff to ask why. The Brahmin wiped away his tears, entered the seat respectfully, and personally replied to Zhengfazang: “I am an East Indian. I once made a wish to be a king in front of the statue of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva in Bulijia Mountain, but the Bodhisattva appeared and reprimanded me for not doing this. and told me that at Nalanda Temple today, Master Jiexian will give a lecture on the ground of yogis to Master Da Tang, and asked me to come and listen to the lecture.

The Bodhisattva told me that with this kind of karma for hearing the Dharma, I will be able to see the Buddha in the future, so why bother? Is the king? Now I not only see the Great Tang Monk coming, but also Master, you really took the seat and lectured on the ground of the yogi for him, which is exactly the same as the prophecy of the Bodhisattva in the past, so it is so sad and happy.” After hearing this, Master Jiexian

said Allow him to sit and listen. It took a total of fifteen months for a yogi to talk about it, and it was very detailed. Master Zang lived in Nalanda Monastery for five years, and listened to the ground theory of yoga three times, the theory of Shunzheng once, the theory of showing and exposing the Dharma once, the theory of reasoning, declaration, and concentration twice, and the theory of middle and hundred. As for other theories such as Kushe Theory, Posa, Six-legged, Abhitan, etc., I have heard them on the way of studying, so here I only have to find out the doubts to solve them.

81. Concurrent reading of Sanskrit books

In the monastery, besides listening to lectures, Master Zang also studied Indian Sanskrit books and Brahman books.

The source of the Sanskrit scriptures is no longer available. It is said that when the world is first formed in each kalpa, the Brahma king will pass it on to the heavenly beings. Because it was said by the Brahma king, it is called the Sanskrit script. South, on the translation statement. Because of its wide range of content, it describes all phenomena in the universe in detail, so it is called the Brahma Book.

It is said that at the beginning of the kalpa in the past, the Vatican king first said that there were a total of one million verses. Later, in the early days of the Kalpa, Emperor Shitian went from complex to simplified, abbreviated to 100,000 verses; later, he was shortened to 8,000 verses by the Immortal Boni in the Gandhara Kingdom of North India, which is what is commonly used today. Book.

Later, there was a South Indian Brahmin who was the king of South India and then simplified it to 2,500 songs, which passed through various countries and became popular for a while. At that time, all the learned people would learn this book.

Because of the unique discussion on phonology and etymology and font identification, Zang master’s knowledge of Sanskrit has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has no difficulty in talking with foreigners, just like Indian erudites.

82. Three Wishes for Scattering Flowers(637-640, 36-39 years old, Ilanna Bovarduo)

Master Zang was studying scriptures in Nalanda Temple, and it took more than five years before he knew it. At this time, Master Zang was thirty-six years old . After completing his studies in Nalanda Temple, Master Zang thought that the journey to the west would not be easy, so he continued to travel southward.

Master Zang went to the country of Ilanna Bovarduo, and passed through the Gabdjagaran (Pigeon Temple) along the way. Two or three miles south of the temple, there is a lonely mountain with high peaks and green trees. Among them, the jingshe enshrines the statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, and there are many spiritual stories. Believers often come here to pray on a hunger strike, or on the 17th, or 27th. Ciyin comforted him and fulfilled his wish.

Later, because there were too many people who came to pray for fear of defacing the holy image, railings were erected seven steps away from the Buddha statue, and those who came to worship were only allowed outside the fence and were not allowed to approach the holy image. Even if you want to offer flowers to the Bodhisattva, you can only throw them far away. If you are lucky, the flowers fall on the arms of the Bodhisattva, which is a good sign of good luck. After Master Zang heard about it, he also wanted to go and try it. He bought all kinds of famous flowers and weaved them into garlands, held them in front of the holy image, worshiped sincerely, and made three wishes:

  • 1. If he could return to the country safely after finishing his studies, he hoped that the flowers would fall into his hands.
  • 2. For the blessings and wisdom to be cultivated, I wish to be born in the Tushita Heavenly Palace and to be a relative of Maitreya Bodhisattva.
  • 3. According to the sacred teaching, there are some people without Buddha nature in the world of sentient beings. Now Xuanzang doubts himself. I wonder if it is true? If I have Buddha-nature, I can practice to become a Buddha. May the flowers hang on the heads of Bodhisattvas.

After praying, Master Zang threw the flowers far away to the Bodhisattva, and the result came true, and he was very happy. The fellow saluters and those who guarded the monastery saw that the master had obtained this unprecedented auspiciousness, and they all saluted and congratulated Master Zang, saying: “If the master becomes a Buddha in the future, please don’t

forget today’s karma and come to save us first. 83. Metamorphosis by eating fruit Zangshi traveled eastward for more than 300 li along the south bank of the Ganges River to Zhanbo Kingdom in the border of Central India.

There are ten monasteries and more than two hundred monks, all of whom practice Hinayana teachings. Legend has it that at the beginning of the robbery, many people lived in caves. Later, a goddess descended to the world and played in the water in the Ganges River. Because of the water spirit touching her body, she gave birth to four sons. The current royal city is where the palace of one of the sons is located. There is a large forest area in the south of the border, stretching for more than two hundred miles.

According to legend, before the birth of the Buddha, there was a cattle herder who grazed hundreds of cattle in this forest every day and let them graze freely. One of the cows often left the herd and did not return until sunset. The cowherd felt very strange, because every time it came back, its coat color always looked particularly smooth, and its roar was particularly loud. So he followed secretly, and followed the cow to the entrance of a stone cave.

After he followed up, he walked about four or five miles, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he saw a different world inside the cave, just like a fairyland. At this time, the cows were grazing under a tree, and the grass was soft and moist, which was not found in the world. Seeing that the fruit on the tree was as red and yellow as gold, fragrant and big, the shepherd secretly picked one off while his cattle were grazing. Although I like it very much, I dare not eat it because I am afraid, so I put it in my arms.

Soon the cow was full, and he followed it to leave. But who knows that when he reached the entrance of the cave, an evil ghost suddenly sprang out and took back the fruit in his arms. After the cowherd returned home, he told a famous doctor about this adventure, and the famous doctor told him not to eat it first, but to try to take one out for research. The next day, the cowherd did the same thing and hid a fruit in his mouth to leave, but the evil ghost guarding the cave actually strangled his throat, causing him to accidentally swallow the fruit.

After the cowherd swallowed the fruit, his body began to grow bigger, and finally the whole body was stuck in the hole and could not get out, only the head could stick out of the hole. Later, his family members came to look for him, and everyone was terrified when they saw his deformed body. In order to save him, the family invited many strong men back to the village, but they were still unable to move. After the king heard the news, he also sent people to dig, but to no avail. As the days passed, the cowherd gradually turned into a stone. Although he still retained his human shape, he was no different from a stone.

It is said that when Master Zang saw it in person, the head-shaped stone was still intact.

Master Zang left Zhanbo country and searched for holy sites in various countries in Central and East India. The countries that he passed through include: the six countries of Kamajira, Pennavarana, Karanasuvarana, Samadha, Shilichata, Tamaridi, and Udana. , Gongyu Kalinga Kingdom, etc.

84. Chen Na Lunshi (Kosala Kingdom, Nagarjuna Bodhisattva = Dragon Meng Bodhisattva)

The next Buddhist center that Tsang Master visited was Namkosala. Nagarjuna is famous for the former residence of Nagarjuna Bodhisattva. Nagarjuna was born between the first and second centuries and was the founder of Madhyamaka. The Madhyamaka School is particularly famous for its systematization of the Prajna Sutra. Nagarjuna Bodhisattva is also sometimes called “the second Buddha”. Master Zang heard some legends about him during his stay in Nankosala. There are several legends that describe Nagarjuna as a supernatural being, and Xuanzang records that the king (referred to as King Yinzheng in the Western Regions) dug a mountain for Nagarjuna to build a garland, and as a result, the state treasury was empty. Drop the boulders and they will immediately turn into gold!”

When Master Zang was in Kosala, he heard that the king of the country “respects the Dharma and loves to learn the arts” and that there are “hundreds of garan schools and tens of thousands of monks”. . He said that there are more than 20 Jialan schools in the state of Andara, with more than 3,000 monks, and it is the former residence of Chen Na, a great master of Yinming studies. There is a stupa in Aidara, which is the place where Chen Na wrote “Theory of Causes and Evidence”.

Master Zang continued to go to the country of Tuo Najiadonga from Nankao Salo. There are row upon row of garlands in this place, but unfortunately most of them have been deserted. Today, there are only about 20 surviving ones, and more than 3,000 monks, most of whom worship Nagarjuna.

Master Zang then went to Jianzhipuluo City, the capital of the Dravidian Kingdom in southern India. And during the end of summer on the way to Sinhala, I stayed here for quite a while. Jianzhipuluo City is the birthplace of the Dharma Protector Master. And Dharma Protector is Master Jiexian’s master, Master Zang should call him Master Master. This great master of the Yoga sect is the author of Mahayana classics, and he has written a lot, including his comments on the “Thirty Verses of Consciousness”, and Master Zang was greatly influenced by him. After Master Zang returned to China, he focused on the interpretation of Dharma protectors, combined with the annotations of the “Thirty Treatises on Consciousness-Only” by the top ten Indian theorists into “Consciousness-Only Theory”, which became the standard model of Consciousness-only studies in China and Japan.

85. Master Zang’s son,

Since he left Zhanbo country, he has been looking for holy relics in various countries in Central and East India. Going west through the country of Tamaridi, although there are several holy sites, it is a country where heretics are prevalent.

It is also heard that there is an island country Sinhala (that is, the country of Shizi) in the sea, and there are great virtues who are proficient in the teachings of Theravada Tripitaka and deeply understand the theory of yogis, but they have to travel seven hundred yojanas by sea to reach the other shore. While he was hesitating, Master Zang happened to meet a Dharma master from South India. He advised him to go to sea from the southeast corner of South India, and it would take about three days to get there by water. Although it takes a long time to trek through mountains and rivers, it is relatively safe. Not only can it avoid the danger of strong winds and waves at sea, but it can also make a pilgrimage to the sacred sites of countries such as Riwutu.

Then Master Zang went westward, passed through various countries, and arrived at Jianzhi City (Jianzhi Puluo City), which is Haikou in South India. It only takes three days to go to Shizi’s country. But before the master arrived here, he suddenly heard that the king was dead, the country was in chaos, and there were more than three hundred monks waiting for Bodhi fans from that country to go to India. Master Zang met all of them in Jianzhi City (Jianzhi Puluo City), so the planned trip to Master Zang’s country was abandoned.

Regarding the origin of the name of Shizi Kingdom, it is said that there was a woman who met a lion king on the way to marry a neighboring country. Because the brides were all frightened, they ran away for their lives, leaving behind the bride in the car, who was carried into the mountain by the lion king. Later, the woman got along with the lion for a long time, and she developed feelings for her. She gave birth to a man and a woman, who looked like humans but had very vicious temperaments. When I grew up, I asked my mother, “Am I a man or a beast?” My mother had no choice but to tell what happened in the past. The son said, “Since humans and animals are not of the same kind, why don’t you leave them?”

The mother replied, “It’s not that you don’t want to leave, but you can’t escape.” Later, the son followed his father, looked secretly, and found out the way out of the mountain. She escaped from the mountains with her younger sister and returned to her mother’s country, but unfortunately her parents were both dead and she had no descendants, so she had to temporarily live with her neighbors in the village.

After the lion king returned to the mountain, he didn’t see his wife and children. He was so anxious and angry that he came down the mountain roaring, and jumped on everyone he saw, killing many people. The king led his troops and horses to surround and shoot. When the lion king saw it, he became even more angry. He roared loudly and turned his back on his back. No one dared to approach again.

The king had to offer a reward for shooting. At this time, the son said to his mother, “We are suffering from hunger and cold, why don’t I apply for it.” The mother stopped him and said, “No, although it is a beast, it is your father. If you kill him, what are people and beasts? How about parting?” But the son refused to listen to the warning and insisted on going, and the mother had no choice but to watch him go with tears in pain. When the lion king saw his son, he tamed and rejoiced, and let his son rely on and caress him. However, the son caught him by surprise and took out the sharp knife he had hidden to the lion’s throat and stomach. The lion king loves his son deeply, and he can’t bear the pain. He can only look at his son sadly and suspiciously until he dies.

Although the king was happy, he wondered why the lion king became so tame when he saw him. So under the threat and inducement of the king, he revealed the truth. After hearing this, the king sighed and said: “Only a person like you who is not as good as a beast has such a vicious heart. You even have the heart to kill your own father. Although I announced a reward, but you kill your father against the law. I can’t tolerate you.” After speaking, the king gave him gold as promised, but also prepared two large ships to exile his brother and sister on the sea.

Later, my brother’s boat drifted to this island, where he lived and raised his descendants. I don’t know how many generations have passed, the population has increased, and the monarch and ministers have been established, and the country’s name has been determined. Because the ancestors had the deeds of killing lions, it is called the country of holding lions, and it is said that it is now Ceylon. The younger sister’s boat drifted westward to the Persian Gulf, where she was captured by a ghost and gave birth to a girl, establishing the West Maiden Kingdom.

In addition, there is another saying that it is said that Sinhala was the son of a big businessman in ancient times. Merchant couples, accept as the country, and use the king as the name of the country. This is also the story of the Jataka of Sakyamuni Buddha recorded in Buddhism. The former is a folklore, while the latter is a Buddhist scripture.

86. There was no Dharma in the country where the Buddha statue confers pearls.

It was not until a hundred years after the Nirvana of the World Honored One that Ashoka’s younger brother abandoned human love and desire, attained Arhatship, flew in the air, and traveled back and forth. Buddhism was not introduced to this country . , and built many monasteries.

Next to the palace, there is a Buddha Tooth Relic House, which is several tens of feet high. On the side there is another monastery, in which there is a pure gold Buddha statue made by the former king, with a jewel inlaid on the topknot of the Buddha, which is said to be very precious and priceless. Someone once wanted to steal it and drilled a tunnel to sneak in, but because the Buddha statue was too high, he couldn’t reach it anyway, so he said to himself: “When Shakyamuni Buddha practiced the bodhisattva way before, for the sake of all living beings, he could not give up. , Even if the country is willing to sacrifice his life, why is he reluctant to give up even a precious orb now? It can be seen that the legends are all false.” Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished

speaking, the Buddha statue bent down to let him take the precious orb. They took the orb and hurried to sell it. Everyone who saw it knew that it was the orb on the head of the Buddha statue, so they were sent to the palace for questioning. But they told the king, “It was given to us by the Buddha himself.” The king dubiously believed it, so he went to inspect it himself, and sure enough, he saw the Buddha statue bowing his head, so his confidence doubled, and he redeemed the orb with many treasures. Come, place it on the head of the Buddha statue, and it is still preserved until today.

87. Since Master Tsang of Prince Baoguan (Jiannabura Kingdom)

canceled his trip to his son’s country, he walked with the monks from that country and returned to the northwest, visiting the holy places of worship along the way, traveling for more than two thousand miles. To the South Indian border to build Nabura Kingdom.

There are more than one hundred monasteries and more than ten thousand monks in the country, who practice both Mahayana and Mahayana, and there are also many heretics. There is a large monastery on the side of the palace city, in which there is a treasure box containing the crown of Prince Siddhartha, and every fasting day, it is taken out and placed on a high platform for people to visit. .

88. Beasts Yiren (Malawa Country)

Then Zangshi came to the Maharatha Country in South India. The folk customs of this country have always valued money and life, and they are good at fighting. If someone fails to lead the army on the battlefield, no one will be done As a punishment, he was only given a set of women’s clothing. Many people committed suicide because they could not bear this humiliation. The country often raises warriors and giant elephants. Once they are about to go to war, they let the beasts drink alcohol and attack while drunk. They are very brave and invincible, so the country is very proud and arrogant.

After Master Zang left the country of Maharatha, he came to the country of Malava. The people here are simple and simple, and they generally love learning and art. In all of India, there are only two countries, Malava in the southwest and Magadha in the northeast, who advocate academics, respect sages and sages, and have elegant temperament and conversation.

There are hundreds of state-owned monasteries in Malapo, with more than 10,000 monks. They mainly believe in the Hinayana Zhengliang sect, and there are also Tianci heretics. According to legend, sixty years ago, there once was a King of Jieri who was intelligent, knowledgeable, kind-hearted, and respected the Three Jewels. From the time he was king until his death, no one ever saw him speak abusive words.

He is so benevolent that he refuses to harm even insects and animals; even if his subordinates feed elephants and horses to drink water, they must be filtered through a filter before drinking, for fear of accidentally harming innocent lives in the water. Therefore, he stipulated that people should not kill. Therefore, in this country, wild animals are very docile to humans, wolves, tigers and leopards will not harm humans, and the country is peaceful.

A monastery was built next to the palace, and the statues of the seven Buddhas were enshrined. Every year, there is an unsheltered meeting, which has not been interrupted for more than 50 years.

After Master Zang passed through these two countries, he was particularly impressed by the completely different customs and habits.

89. Master Zang stayed

in South India for two years, passing through the countries of Azali, Qizha, and Varavi, and then went to the countries of Anandapra, Surata, and Quzhela in the territory of West India. To Ujayana in South India. Going northeast from here for more than a thousand li is the country of Juzhituo, and then going northeast into the country of Mahāshvarapura in Central India, and then returning to the country of Surata.

Go northwest from Surata to the country of Adianvachira in West India. The Buddha often came here when he was alive, and Ashoka built pagodas to commemorate the places he visited.

Then go west to the country of Langjieluo, which is close to the sea and is the mouth of the sea to the country of Xinu. Going northwest to the country of Bolas, this place is no longer within the scope of India, and the people’s conditions are quite different, but there are still Sangha and Theravada teachings, and there are Buddha’s legacy bowls.

Master Zang passed through many countries for pilgrimage to the holy sites, including: Armatasira, Asanta, Xindu, Mauro Sanbulu and other countries, and then to Bovarduo in North India. The last stop since Nalanda Temple’s south tour. There is a large monastery near the city, where the former master Sai Shengzi once wrote the commentary on the yogis, and it is also the place where the two masters Xianai and Deguang became monks.

Because there are two or three great masters with profound knowledge, Master Zang stayed for two years and followed him to learn the fundamental Abhidharma of the Zhengliang Department, the theory of the correct method and the theory of teaching reality. At this time, Master Zang was already a middle-aged man in his forties, and decided to return to Nalanda Monastery, preparing to return home.

90. Stop tour and return.

On the return journey, Master Zang turned southeast and returned to the Nalanda Temple in Magadha. Later, because I heard that there was a Prajnabadhara great master in the Lowra Zejia Temple, dozens of miles away, in addition to being proficient in the Tripitaka of the Saba of this sect, he also had a deep attainment in the statement and the cause, so I went to study again. , and stayed for two months.

Then he went to Zhanglin Mountain to seek advice from a layman, Shengjun Lun, and learned the theory of choice of consciousness only, the theory of meaning, the theory of becoming fearless, the theory of non-stop nirvana, the theory of twelve causes and conditions, and the theory of solemn scriptures, and raised the difficulties of yoga and causality. Shengjun Lunshi was originally a native of Sulatuo, belonging to the Kshatriya race. He was intelligent and eager to learn since he was a child. He first learned the theory of causation under the teacher Xianai Lun, and then followed Anhui Bodhisattva to learn the theory of declaration and the theory of Mahayana.

Teacher learns yoga theory. Not only is he proficient in Buddhism, but he is also very extensive in general knowledge in the world. He is not good at the four Vedas, astronomy, geography, and medical prescriptions. Moral demeanor is especially rare. The king at that time admired his morality, sent ministers to welcome him, and granted him a fief to make him a national teacher, but he was politely rejected. Later, King Jieri added several times more offerings, and wanted to welcome him to be established as a national teacher.

Although he begged again and again, Shengjun Lunshi resolutely declined, saying: “To accept other people’s rewards, you have to share his worries and labors. Now I even There is no time to get rid of the entanglement of life and death, how can I have time to do things for the king?” After speaking, he bowed and left, and the king of Jieri did not dare to force him to stay.

From then on, he began to teach Buddhist scriptures in Zhanglin Mountain. Whether he was a monk or a monk, many people worshiped him as his teacher. Below the lecture hall, hundreds of people often listened to the lectures at the same time.

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