Bicarbonate of Soda

Formula: NaHCO₃
Molar mass: 84.007 g/mol
IUPAC ID: Sodium hydrogen carbonate
Soluble in: Water

Bicarbonate of Soda Chemical compound

Sodium bicarbonate, commonly known as baking soda or bicarbonate of soda, is a chemical compound with the formula NaHCO₃. It is a salt composed of a sodium cation and a bicarbonate anion. Sodium bicarbonate is a white solid that is crystalline, but often appears as a fine powder. Wikipedia

Sodium Bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate is a white crystal that is well soluble in water. alkaline When it reacts with an acidic mixture in a liquid mixture, it produces carbon dioxide (CO2), causing gas bubbles.

Many people are confused that sodium bicarbonate vs sodium carbonate How is it the same or different? Let’s try to understand.

Sodium Carbonate ( Sodium carbonate ) has a chemical formula is Na2CO3 and has other names as washing soda, soda ash (Soda Ash), soda carbonate, etc.

Sodium bicarbonate has the chemical formula NaHCO3 and is also known by other names as baking soda, sodium hydrogen bicarbonate, sodium acid carbonate, bicarbonate of soda . etc.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is chemically known as “ sodium bicarbonate ”. This substance decomposes when heated. alkaline And the disadvantage is that there will be residues. Using too much can cause a dull taste. But it can be solved by adding more acid to dessert recipes to get rid of the residue, for example by adding curd or yogurt.

This form of baking soda is commonly used in desserts with cocoa or coffee as both cocoa and coffee are alkaline. and baking soda is alkaline. so they get along well

Baking Powder

Baking powder is a dry chemical that helps to make cakes fluffy . Its composition is sodium bicarbonate as the main ingredient + acidic substances ( eg Cream of tartar, a white crystalline powder made from watering in grapes), di Sodium pyrophosphate (or acidic food additive) + corn starch prevents the two substances from coming into direct contact.

This is because sodium bicarbonate is highly alkaline. Therefore, it must be mixed with an acidic substance to help maintain its neutrality so that it does not react with each other. When baking powder is added to water, it creates gas bubbles. (because the acid is ready to react)

There are two types of baking powder:

  1. Fast reaction baking powder or strong baking powder (Single-acting) When it hits the water, it will react immediately. (It produces gas bubbles quickly while the product waits to bake.) Therefore, this type of baking powder requires quick mixing and baking as soon as it is ready. Otherwise, the loss of gas bubbles will occur and the resulting product will not swell.
  2. Slow -acting baking powder, or double-acting baking powder , consists of two parts: the slow reaction part and the fast reaction part. (Gas bubbles form when mixed with water or liquid. and when heated from the oven), most of the entrepreneurs will use this Because there is no need to rush like baking powder that has a quick reaction.

Baking powder is mostly used in baking. Because baking powder will help make the cake rise. but must be used in moderation Waffles, muffins, and pancakes. Generally, about 1-1 ¼ teaspoon of baking powder can be used to lighten pastries with 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of liquid, and 1 egg. Make it look extravagant and spoil the taste.

What is the difference between baking powder and baking soda?

  • Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate.
  • Baking powder is sodium bicarbonate + acidic substances (such as Cream of tartar, Disodium pyrophosphate) + corn starch.

In conclusion, both baking soda and baking powder are substances that help to make cakes rise. But in most cases it will be used in different occasions. Baking soda can be used in place of baking soda in some cases*, but baking soda alone cannot be used as a substitute for baking powder at all. Because of the addition of acidic substances and cornstarch as well.

Note: Baking powder is 4 times less reactive than baking soda. In other words, pure baking soda is about 4 times more concentrated than baking powder. Soda is also used in the right size.

The benefits of baking soda

If you have a sore throat Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda into the water. Then use it to gargle every 4 hours to help reduce acid-related sore throats.

  1. Used to treat mouth ulcers Use half a teaspoon of baking soda and mix it with water. and then used to gargle every 4 hours.
  2. Help make burp by using baking powder mixed with drinking water. It will help to burp and relieve indigestion.
  3. Sodium bicarbonate can be taken orally to help reduce stomach acid.
  4. Sodium bicarbonate in the form of tablets (Sodium bicarbonate tablet) or Sodamint (Sodamint) has properties as an antacid. Helps relieve flatulence, indigestion, indigestion Treatment of acidosis from metabolic processes of the body (Metabolic acidosis), helping to adjust the urine to be alkaline (Urinary alkalinization), to control the acidity in the blood of patients with kidney disease, etc. (Read more in the article. Sodium Bicarbonate / Sodamint (Properties, How to Use, Side Effects, etc. )
  5. Helps alleviate symptoms of hives By using baking soda powder mixed with a few drops of water (enough to make a paste) and applied to the rash to help reduce irritation and relieve itching.
  6. If bitten by an insect I use baking Voda mixed with water. then applied to the area It will help relieve pain.
  7. Used to relieve sunburned skin. By using baking soda mixed in warm water for bathing. Then take a bath to help relieve the burning pain caused by sunburn.
  8. If it’s Hong Kong feet (Itching in the crotch due to a fungal infection) Use 1 tablespoon of baking soda mixed with water to make it sticky. then applied to the feet After that, wash your feet and dry them. and ending with the introduction of cornstarch to paint the itchy area again It will help reduce itching and burning sensation in the crotch of the toes.
  9. Help make the skin smooth and clear. By using baking soda mixed with oat water, fresh milk and honey, gently scrub for clearer skin. (Which part to scrub That part must be wet first. Which part is delicate, it should be scrubbed gently and do it regularly. But not to the extent that you have to do it every day))
  10. It is good to use as a facial scrub. The first recipe uses 2 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, and 2 tablespoons of fresh water. Mix it together and use it to gently scrub your face and rinse with cool water. Help make your face clear. For the second recipe, use 3 parts baking soda mixed with 1 part water by mixing together to get wet and then gently scrub your face until clean.
  11. Use to make a scrub. Take 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup salt, 2 tablespoons oil, and 1 lemon and mix them together. Use it to exfoliate your skin in the shower.
  12. Use to exfoliate new skin cells to be more bright. By using 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water to mix together and use to wipe the desired area. then rinse
  13. Some people use baking soda to get rid of pimples. Using baking soda mixed with water and then gently scrub the nose, then rinse with clean water. It will help make pimples fade away.
  14. Used to make a mouthwash. The first recipe is to mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1 cup of warm water and use it as a mouthwash to help get rid of bad breath. For the second recipe, use 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda mixed in a glass of water to help deodorize the garlic. But if you mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with a glass of water and 1 tablespoon of salt, it can also be used as a mouthwash.
  15. help whiten teeth Removes tea or coffee stains, reduces tartarbaking sodaMix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice and dunk it in with a toothbrush. Used to scrub teeth gently and rinse with water until clean. It will help remove tea or coffee stains. But don’t do it when you’re sick. Since lemons are highly acidic, they can damage tooth enamel.
  16. For a foot spa, put 1/2 cup baking soda, 2 tablespoons sea salt, mint essential oil, and warm water in a foot bath. When the feet are soaked, it will make your feet feel comfortable. Help kill germs, deodorize feet, and heat will help relax the muscles of the feet as well.
  17. Helps to soften the cuticles of the nails By using a pinch of baking soda mixed in a bowl of warm water. and immerse your hand in it for a few minutes. before rinsing with water It will help soften the nail’s coat.
  18. use to clean hair Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with your normal shampoo. to help remove residues from hair styling products (This method works especially well on fine hair.)
  19. Try switching from shampoo to baking soda instead. I assure you that it will help make your dandruff instantly less noticeable.
  20. Use to marinate the pork to make it soft. Add a little baking soda. (Too much will have a chemical smell) and then marinating the pork will make the meat tender.
  21. If you want a fluffy, fragrant, delicious omelette Then add half a spoonful of baking soda for every 3 eggs, and you’ll get a fluffy and delicious omelet.
  22. Making bread to be fluffy and appetizing Baking powder or sodium bicarbonate is commonly used in bread making instead of yeast. Because when baking powder is mixed with water, carbon dioxide is produced, just like yeast. But the disadvantage of baking powder is Too much will cause a bitter taste. and the rise of the bread is rougher than yeast. But there is a good Easier to use and keep longer
  23. Banana Cake You must use baking soda as an ingredient.
  24. Used to extinguish the fire in the pan In case of oil splashing while cooking or the fire on the pan If we pour water over the hot oil, it will make the fire even more intense. (due to the spread of the oil), but if we pour the baking soda directly, the baking soda when heated releases carbon dioxide. thus helping to reduce the power consumption.
  25. Used to clean fruits and vegetables Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 4 cups of warm water (wait for the mixture to cool) and use it to wash fruits and vegetables. by soaking it for a while Then rinse with plain water one more time. Just this will help make the fruits and vegetables look clean and more appetizing.
  26. Used as a detoxification liquid from fruits and vegetables. By using 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda mixed with 10 liters of water and soaking vegetables and fruits for about 15 minutes, then rinse with water 2 more times. This will help reduce toxic residues from Vegetables up to 90% (if not washed thoroughly Excessive amounts of baking soda can cause diarrhea.)
  27. Used as a stain remover in metal teapots. by adding water to the teapot Then add 2 tablespoons of baking soda and squeeze another half of the lemon juice. Then bring to a boil for about 15 minutes, then scrub and wash thoroughly once again.
  28. Can be used to wash dishes Because baking powder can remove odors and stains well. By using baking powder and then using a sponge to scrub. You can also mix baking soda with water and dip a sponge in the dishes.
  29. Use to make microwave oven cleaners. Using 4 tablespoons of baking soda mixed with 1 liter of warm water, then moistened with a cloth and wiped clean inside the microwave oven. Stains are easily wiped off.
  30. Helps to remove grease stains that are stuck around the pipes of the sink. (If you leave it too long, it can clog the pipe.) Use 2-3 spoons of table salt in the pipe, then bring the baking soda to a boil with water and pour it into the pipe. The clogged fat will come off completely.
  31. use to clean the cutting board By using baking soda mixed with water and used to clean the cutting board. This will help scrub off the fishy smell on the cutting board.
  32. Use to remove burn marks in pans or pots. By taking those cookware that is soaked in warm water mixed with baking soda for about 15 minutes, then rinse. This will help fade the burn.
  33. Used to solve the problem of clogged pipes with grease stains in the sink. By sprinkling salt around the rim of the pipe, mix 10 tablespoons of baking soda solution with a liter bottle of hot water and slowly add it. The salt and the solution will help loosen the grease easily. and repeat about 2-3 more times, followed by the other half with water.
  34. Use as a scratch remover cream on kitchen utensils. By dissolving 4 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 liter of water and cleaning kitchen utensils made of stainless steel, chrome, plastic, formica (except aluminum), wrinkles will disappear.
  35. Use a wipe to clean the iron. By using a cloth moistened with water mixed with baking soda and wring enough to dampen. After that, wipe it under the iron or cookware made of stainless steel or chrome. It will help clean thoroughly and do not cause scratches.
  36. Use to clean the toaster By using baking soda powder sprinkled on a wet cloth. Then take it and wipe it on the sieve. It will help keep your toaster clean as before.
  37. Baking powder has fine particles that form a soft crystalline shape. Therefore, it can be used in scrubbing well. It also helps absorb bad odors, moisture, kill germs, adjust the pH. and does not corrode the surface of the container Therefore, it can be used to make houses as well, such as making
  38. To clean the windows, remove the stains on the edges and window panes with a wet sponge first and sprinkle with a little baking powder. Then wash with a sponge and wipe dry. If you’re cleaning shutters, use warm water mixed with 3/4 cup baking soda, let it wet for about 30 minutes, then use a brush to scrub it off. If used to clean aluminum windows Use a wet brush to dip it into the baking powder and scrub it off. And use a sponge or soft cloth to wash thoroughly, or if used to clean wood, leather cover or appliances as well. (Use baking soda mixed with vinegar and warm water) if there are spots or corks on the wooden furniture. If it gets hot it can sometimes be scrubbed off by mixing equal parts of toothpaste and baking powder. Then use a soft cloth to gently wipe it off. It can also be used in polishing products if needed. It can also be used to remove water droplets on wooden floors. Wipe off the baking soda with a damp rag, but remember that wooden furniture should not get wet.
  39. Used to clean dirty surfaces. (For hard surfaces such as kitchen floors, bathroom floors, sinks, and bathtubs), dissolve 4 tablespoons of baking soda in 4 cups of warm water and wipe clean. Then wash it off one more time.
  40. In case of stains that are difficult to clean Then mix baking soda with equal amounts of warm water until it thickens. Then put the mask on the stained area for about 1 hour and then wipe it off. Or you can use a wet sponge to wipe the baking soda to use to wipe away crayon stains stuck on the wall, pencils, markers. including oil stains By wiping and rubbing gently, but if it is a stain on the linoleum. Use a thick paste of baking soda to smear the ink mark and let it dry for a few minutes before wiping it off. Then use a new baking powder to scrub it off again. But if used to wipe the stains caused by dragging around on the linoleum floor. Then use baking powder mixed with wet water and then use it to wipe the stained area.
  41. Used to clean stains caused by acids. (Battery acid, urine, or vomit) First, immediately clean with vigorous, cold water if possible. It was then neutralized using baking powder.
  42. If using 1 cup of baking powder, pour it into the toilet or drain once a week. It will help maintain acidic and alkaline conditions. Because the right pH conditions will help the bacteria break down and work more efficiently. This will help prevent residue and clogging.
  43. Used to clean walls with black soot stains. (Use a damp rag and concentrated baking soda to wipe) or use it to clean various types of lace ornaments.
  44. use to clean the keyboard Using a soft toothbrush, scrub with 4 tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in 1 cup of water, then wipe it off with a paper towel.
  45. Regular use of baking powder also prevents concrete or metal tanks from eroding easily. Especially in the area of ​​the tank cap that is exposed to corrosive vapors.
  46. We can use baking powder mixed with a little water to thicken it. Then used to fill the holes along the walls with cracked plaster. for temporary repairs Because if it is dry, it will blend in with the white plaster walls.
  47. Use to make carpet deodorant By using 1/2 cup baking soda mixed with 1/2 cup cornstarch, then drop about 15 drops of your favorite essential oil, then put it in a spray bottle and use it before spraying. On the carpet before going to bed and leave it until the morning. It will help make the smell of the carpet cleaner and fresher. Or another way to sprinkle baking soda all over. Then leave it for about 15 minutes, then suck it out with a vacuum cleaner.
  48. use to clean carpet You can use baking soda mixed with 1 gallon of warm water, or you can wash it in a water bag. But if cleaning only the stained area by brushing by hand. Then sprinkle a little baking powder on the stain. Leave it for a few minutes before wiping it off with a dedicated sponge or cloth.
  49. If the carpet is stained with oil stains Pour water mixed with baking soda over the stained area. Leave it for about 12 hours and the stain will fade. After that, use half of the water mixed with baking soda to wipe clean. or if used to remove wine stains or oily stains on carpet Just sprinkle some baking powder as soon as the stain appears. Repeat or gradually add more baking powder again if necessary. Leave it for a while until the baking soda absorbs the stain. Then use a vacuum cleaner to suck it all out.
  50. Used as a cleaning solution for sanitary ware. By pouring 1/2 box of baking soda into the water tank after flushing, leave it overnight, then flush the toilet. This will help keep the tank and toilet clean and odor-free.
  51. If your shoes have a bad smell that’s been brewed for a long time. To sprinkle baking soda on the shoes. Then put that pair of shoes in a plastic bag, fasten it tightly. Then put them in the freezer of the refrigerator for 1-2 nights (-_-“), then take the shoes out and leave them at room temperature. After that, take the shoes to shake off all the baking soda powder and put them on. But if you don’t wear it right away, leave it like that until you put it on. Or you can use crumpled newspapers and put them inside your shoes. (Newsprint’s ink absorbs odors and keeps the shoe in shape.)
  52. Helps to solve the problem of odor in the car and the smell of cigarettes in the car By using baking soda sprinkled onto the bottom of the car ashtray. Baking soda will help deodorize. but had to take it out and clean it by pouring out the ashes Then always sprinkle baking soda on the tray.
  53. Used to deodorize pipes and solve the problem of clogged pipes. By pouring about 1 cup of baking soda into the tube first, add about 1/4 cup of table salt, followed by hot water. This will make the pipes not clogged and odor free.
  54. Use to deodorize odors in refrigerators, pantries, shoe cabinets, newly painted rooms, or use in factories. to eliminate the smell of paint odor Various liquid smells, etc. with the use of baking soda to open the lid of the top box out or pour into a cup. Then put it in the bottom of the refrigerator (replace every 3 months). Baking soda will help absorb odors in the refrigerator. But if it’s a pantry, shoe cabinet, newly painted room, etc., pour it onto a plate or tray or sprinkle it in a musty-smelling area (close the room, close the cupboard tightly) and leave it to absorb odors for about 1 -2 days
  55. Used to remove musty odors left on the mop or broom. By soaking the mop in a bucket of water dissolved in 4 teaspoons of baking soda, but soak it after cleaning the dirt. After soaking, bring it to dry.
  56. use to deodorize cats Pour baking soda into the Litter box or the cat’s bathroom before adding the Litter. After each time you clean the Litter box, sprinkle the cat poop with a little bit of baking soda. at home to cover up the smell
  57. Use to deodorize the musty smell of clothes. By using half a cup or about 8 tablespoons of baking soda mixed with the amount of liquid detergent to use. Instead of using a full cup of chloride bleach, you can use half a cup of baking soda instead. But even baking soda can be used to wash clothes. But it’s not as effective as detergent. Baking soda is just a supplement that can be used to make clothes more clean.
  58. It can also be used to prevent your containers or luggage from smelling of moldy mildew. By sprinkling baking powder on the utensils before putting them in place completely. Or it can be sprinkled into the toilet, sink, washbasin, bathtub or sprinkled on the shower if we will temporarily stop using it in case of vacation. Or it will be used to eliminate the musty smell of blankets and quilts. After being stored for a long time, sprinkle baking soda on the fabric and roll it up for about 2 hours, then shake it off. Or it can be used to remove residual odors on the tablecloth by soaking the tablecloth in baking soda water.
  59. Used to make white laundry detergent. The first recipe is to put 1/2 cup of baking soda in the washing machine along with the laundry detergent. This will help make whites and colors look fresher. The second formula is to be used when washing. To do this, add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the last water you’re going to rinse off the bubbles. It will help make the fabric smell more clean.
  60. Use to wash brushes and combs. By using 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed with warm water in a small bowl and then soaked with a brush or comb. and then washed one more time This will help loosen any stains stuck in the nooks and crannies easily.
  61. Use to clean the retainers by mixing 2 teaspoons of baking soda with 1 cup of warm water and soaking the braces for a while. Then remove the stain brush again.
  62. Used to neutralize the condition of the pool or fish tank. This is because too much chlorine is added and makes the pool too acidic.

Note: Baking Soda and Baking Powder, although they have some similar properties. But sometimes it can’t be used interchangeably. This one needs to be looked at first.

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