Beloved Wife Returned Home Chapter 4

Beloved Wife Returned Home Chapter 4

At this moment her empty eyes were full of ridicule.

Her hair was messy, and her pale and pale face looked like a flower that bloomed to extravagance.

Sheng Tianling, who had never had such treatment, exuded a cold air, looked at Gu Xiaoxi coldly, and his cold eyes could kill a cow.

He gazed at her proudly, a hint of playfulness flashed under his eyes: “Woman, you look bad and your figure is dry. Why do you think you want to buy me a night for such a little money?”

Too few?

Gu Xiaoxi looked down and said nothing.

The relentless evaluation made her fragile heart extremely difficult.

She put on her shoes without raising her head, and sneered, “Is it? You’re only worth those.”

Today she is penniless.

She took a deep breath, holding back the tears to be left, dragging her discomfort, and walked out.

She just wanted to run away from this place that made her sad and desperate as soon as possible.

Sheng Tianling watched her back without moving, her eyes gloomy.

When her figure disappeared, the light in the corner of his eyes glanced at the pile of money on the bed, and her eyes lightened.

Suddenly a little irritability surged, he stood up and walked to the table, picked up the cigarette and lit it.

When his gaze inadvertently fell on the dried blood on the bed, the irritability in his heart became stronger.

He remembered that he came here to talk about things yesterday. When he passed the hotel’s sky garden and accidentally hit the happy smile on the girl’s face, he only paused and didn’t stop.

In the course of talking, although I drank some wine, I was not drunk.

When the matter was over, he walked to the room that had been reserved in advance, at that time the people in the sky garden had dispersed.

I do n’t know if it was alcohol. He just entered the room and rushed into his arms. He resisted instinctively, but after tasting her sweetness, the ghost was terrible. He cut off the trace of clarity in his brain.

Unexpectedly, the person who spent the night with him would be her!

He groaned for a moment, extinguished the smoke, picked up the phone on the desk and started dialing the number.

Hearing the other person pressing the answer button, his low voice sounded: “Alice, check the video of my stay at the hotel yesterday.”

“Yes.” With a capable voice, Sheng Tianling hung up.

Gu Xiaoxi didn’t know how to get out of the hotel and ignored the strange eyes of the people around him.

She had only one idea in her head, and Lu Zihao left, leaving her alone.

He once said in his ear: “Xi Xiaobao, no matter how far you go, I will wait for you to come back.”

However, now he left himself and left.

She used to be willful and mischievous, and he would return to him.

Will he come to himself this time?

For the first time, she felt helpless and dazed.

Looking for Lu Zihao?

Will he listen to his explanation? Although she knew how pale that explanation was.

Looking at the high-rise city, she suddenly felt dizzy.

Who made Lu Zihao protect her too well?

Lu Zihao’s mobile phone has always been the same voice, she stared at the screen of the phone, again like a child, crying helplessly.

Until the last attempt also failed, she made a decision. She had to go to Lu’s house in person, and asked Lu Zihao herself whether she wanted her or not.

In the past ten years, she has become a member of the Lu family and a young grandmother who has not yet visited the Lu family. Of course, she can go in with a fairness.

But when she went to Lu’s house, she saw how she was embarrassed, and did not dare to rush in.

This time, when she saw the door of the Lu family, she was timid.

No more freedom to come and go as before.

It wasn’t until she finally decided to go in that she knew things were far beyond her expectations.

She didn’t even enter Lu’s door.

The maid inside was afraid of avoiding her appearance, for she was afraid of any unsightly dirt on her body.

Seeing their enthusiasm in the past, they became so indifferent that Miss Gu Xiaoxi was angry.

“Let me in. I want to see Lu Zihao.” She called unwillingly.

She wanted to ask, even if she did something to apologize to her, wouldn’t she meet her at all?

However, no matter how she called, the people inside were indifferent.

She wandered outside like a fool until her throat was hoarse and she couldn’t make a sound, she realized that there were some things she couldn’t go back.

Watching their reaction, they must have known what happened last night.

But how could they know so quickly?

Could it be that Lu Zihao told them about this?

Gu Xiaoxi didn’t care about this, she only thought about how to see Lu Zihao now.

In fact, if she thinks back carefully, she will find some clues, but she is too sad to ignore these facts.

No matter how she begged, the Lu family was indifferent, not even giving alms.

The approach of the Lu family is enough to show the attitude.

They did not welcome her anymore.


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