Being a Hero 冰雨火 Episode 1 Recap

Dongfang had just revealed the fish belly white, but disappeared in the thunder and thunderstorm. The two chased in the overgrown woods, and one of them stumbled and fell into the icy lake water. Chen Yu (played by Wang Yibo) woke up from a nightmare, gulps down the ice water in the bottle, just calmed down his nervousness, and looked behind him habitually, at 5:30 in the morning, suddenly received a call, Chen Yu Brows furrowed.

Chen Yu and police officer Liu Guang from the Deshan West District Police Station of Yunhe County went to the crime scene of Weixiang Restaurant. When asked by the police, the owner Yang Shengguang explained that he had nothing to do with the whole matter, and he seldom came to the store, that is, when the bill was collected. a bit. Chen Yu asked Yang Shengguang to cut vegetables to see the swordsmanship. Director Wang Kai happened to come over and reprimanded Chen Yu for not doing his job properly and not asking about the case. The captain of the anti-drug team, Liu Kaihua, also came at this time. Liu Kaihua saw that because he did not know some items, Liu Kaihua also agreed to let Leng Feng take it for testing.

Chen Yu speculated that the murder was a temporary intention, not intentional killing, and there was only a boning knife with bloodstains. Chen Yu also found some shoe prints at the scene that were different in severity. He guessed that the murderer was a left-handed, and just asked Yang Shengguang to cut it. Cai, just to prove that he is not left-handed, and it has nothing to do with this matter. At this time, someone also found an emerald green pendant fragment, Chen Yu took the thing and pondered for a moment.

Chen Yu also wanted to tell the next opinion with great interest, but was paid by Wang Kai to investigate the driving recorder. Liu Kaihua proposed to let Chen Yu return to the anti-drug brigade, thinking that his three-year punishment here was enough and could not continue. It was a waste of talents, but Wang Kai proposed to let Liu Kaihua transfer Chen Yu back according to the normal procedures.

When Chen Yu came to the Public Security Bureau to see Director Lin Dezan, he happened to see his old captain Gong Wei guarding the gate there. This made Chen Yu feel mixed feelings. Lin Dezan asked why Chen Yu was transferred to the police station. In terms of qualifications, this is not the case. He is a top student in the anti-drug major. Chen Yu seemed reluctant to talk about his mission back then, but was forced by Lin Dezan to say it.

Three years ago, when Chen Yu was talking to Wu Zhenfeng (played by Chen Xiao) in the office, he received a phone call to carry out an arrest mission. Due to his negligence, Wu Zhenfeng heard the content of the call. The arrested object was named Du Dajun, who used to be with Wu Zhenfeng Father Wu Gang was murdered. Chen Yu locked Wu Zhenfeng in the room, got up and left, and ordered Wu Zhenfeng to stay in the office honestly.

At the scene of the arrest, the police had already completed the control, and they were only waiting for the people on both sides of the transaction to arrive before arresting them. Unexpectedly, Wu Zhenfeng, who ran out, ruined the whole plan. Wei was injured and disabled, and could no longer go to the front line to perform tasks. And the commander of the arrest mission was Lin Dezan. Lin Dezan knew the situation at the time, but he still forced Chen Yu to speak out. The purpose was to break Chen Yu’s heart and return to the team.

Chen Liwen, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau, personally went to Chen Yu’s Public Security Bureau to guide the killing of Hu Qingshan in Weixiang Restaurant. Liu Kaihua made a brief analysis of the case and believed that it was a case related to drug dealing. However, Chen Yu found an obvious mark on the scene of the crime. He guessed that it was related to the three drug cases three years ago, and suggested that the case be investigated together. Chen Liwen also ordered that the case must be solved within a week.

Drug criminal Lao Zhang sneaked to Yunhui Pharmacy to ask drug criminal Ba Peng to borrow money. Ba Peng was dissatisfied that the money owed by Lao Zhang had not been repaid. Lao Zhang talked about the death of Hu Qingshan, and the price of rhubarb capsules will inevitably increase. Therefore, he also promised to pay back all the money he had previously made. At this time, Wu Zhenfeng came to the store and closed the store without saying a word, hoping to buy the medicine of rhubarb capsules.

Ba Peng wanted to deny that he sold medicine, but Wu Zhenfeng knew that Ba Peng had sold medicine for Huang Daxian before. Peng also remembered Wu Zhenfeng in front of him, and he drew his knife and stabbed Wu Zhenfeng. The two sides fought, but Ba Peng and Lao Zhang were not opponents when they joined forces, so they were forced to reveal the location of the medicine. Wu Zhenfeng took the medicine and left a word and left. If Ba Peng sees him in the future, he will call him Brother Feng.

Liu Kaihua received an anonymous call to the police on 110 rpm and rushed the police to Yunhui Pharmacy. Chen Yu, who happened to pass by Lin Dezan, suddenly remembered that he had seen Yunhui Pharmacy on Lin Dezan’s desk. shopping bags. At this time, Ba Peng also received a notice, knowing that the police had arrived, and let Lao Zhang leave after sharing the rhubarb capsule. Wu Zhenfeng has been secretly watching all this.

When the police rushed to search, Ba Peng said that it was a legitimate business, and Chen Yu found a rhubarb capsule in the drawer. Ba Peng was caught on the spot. Lao Zhang called Huang Wenlin and told Huang Wenlin, nicknamed Huang Daxian, that the Ba Peng pharmacy was investigated. In this matter, I took the opportunity to ask to replace Ba Peng in the future, but Huang Wenlin not only did not agree, but also asked Lao Zhang to make up the payment within three days, scolding him for breaking the rules.

Lin Dezan was eavesdropping on the interrogation outside. Chen Yu suddenly stood behind him and asked if he knew the person inside. Lin Dezan was surprised and quickly turned calm, but Ba Peng didn’t ask anything. Those capsules were just ordinary fake medicines, and Ba Peng was released.

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