Archaeological heritage of the Valley Kong Range Story


Valley aimed at mounds in the state of Perak (Perak), Malaysia. Is the most archaeological area of ​​the Malaysian peninsula There are many excavations in prehistoric times. Which shows the oldest human life in the early peninsular Malaysia Aiming for a mound like a museum in open space and caves Is the source to discover the skeleton A human fossil called the Perak Man. In the cave, discovered jewelry Pottery, weapons and stone tools Many of the caves in the Range are mounds that show evidence of early human life and hunting.

These archaeological sites is one of the sources that recorded the story of early humans in one place. The oldest and oldest that is outside of Africa. Number of sources found in the area The four boundary points make it possible to predict the formation of large populations. Semi-nomadic, semi-foothold, settling With the culture in the old stone age, new stone and the metal age that remains to be seen

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