Apple Crumble with Custard Sauce Recipe

Apple Crumble with Custard Sauce


  • Apples – 500gm (about 2-3 medium-sized apples)
  • Wheat flour / atta – 1 cup
  • Salted butter – 100gm + a bit for greasing
  • Sugar – 2tbsp + 2 tbsp
  • Salt – a pinch
  • Lemon juice – a few drops (optional)
  • Cinnamon stick – 1 (optional)


  • Pre-heat oven to 350F / 180C
  • Wash, peel, and chop the apples into small cubes. Add a few drops of lemon juice to prevent browning
  • Mix in 2tbsp sugar and cook on a low fire until soft and mushy. Set aside to cool
  • Mix salt and 2 tbsp sugar with the flour
  • Lightly mix in the butter without kneading until you get a mixture that resembles bread crumbs.
  • Grease a pie dish/cake tray with butter
  • Lay the cooked apples evenly
  • Add the flour mixture evenly on top and press down gently
  • Sprinkle sugar on top.
  • Bake in a pre-heated oven at 350F/180C for 25-30 mins
  • Serve warm with chilled vanilla custard sauce

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