And The Winner is Love 月上重火 Episode 37 Recap

And The Winner is Love 月上重火 Episode 37 Recap

Xia Qingmei raised Lin Fengzi’s hand in distress. He said affectionately that he never felt that Lin Fengzi was stupid. In his heart, Lin Fengzi was noble and elegant. Since he knew her, he took care of her and cherished her = Became his own dream. Lin Fengzi saw Xia Qingmei’s sincerity in herself, and she was deeply moved. She decided to let go of her obsession and Shangguan through, and entrusted her life to his brother Xia Qingmei. Xia Qingmei gently embraced Lin Fengzi, and was very excited. He finally won the sister’s feelings for himself.

Yuwen Muyuan came to King Lu’s palace and asked to meet King Lu, but the treacherous King Lu deliberately left him out for a long time. He didn’t come out to meet him until very late. Yuwen Muyuan promised that he could help King Lu establish a martial arts alliance and marry the world’s martial arts capital. Summoned King Lu to play for him. The condition is that King Lu should help himself rebuild the Palace of Heavy Fire, and also that King Lu should give himself the antidote of no power. King Lu saw that Yu Wen Mu Yuan had been hooked, and he answered them one by one and handed the antidote to Yu Wen Mu Yuan. After Yu Wen Mu Yuan resigned, the staff asked Lu Wang if the antidote was real. , Lu Wang sneered and said, the poison of the powerless method simply has no cure. Since Yuwen Muyuan had this knot, he helped him. As for whether to take it back to eat or not, it is their business. Therefore, they may not necessarily know the truth of the medicine.

After Shang Tiantou got the Heavenly Spirit Stone, he hurried back to Xianshan Yingzhou and healed the heavy Xuezhi overnight. He used his luck to smash the Heavenly Spirit Stone with his internal force and turned it into a true qi to pass to the heavy Xuezhi. He calmed down before calming down, but due to the huge internal energy consumption, Shangguan almost fainted. Lin Zongxing talked with his daughter and learned that Lin Fengzi was willing to marry Xia Qingmei at this time, and she relaxed her heart, because the disciples of Chonghuo Palace were hiding here, so the marriage was no longer a big deal. Xia Qingmei He and Lin Fengzi have no objections.

Xia Qingmei came to send snacks to Hong Sheng. When Hong Sheng learned that Xia Qingmei really wanted to marry Lin Fengzi this time, he couldn’t help but become angry and angered. He blamed Xia Qingmei for not listening to persuasion and indulging in the affection of his children. And took out the secret recipe of the real lotus god nine types. It turned out that the last time the fake lotus ninth pattern deliberately made by Hong Sheng was burned in public last time. He threatened Xia Qingmei if he did not listen to his words, he immediately burned the real lotus ninth form. Xia Qingmei was anxious. During the robbery, he used the lotus form six, killing Hong Sheng, and then he burned. After the destruction of Hong Sheng’s residence, he left here.

Chong Xuezhi finally woke up, and Shangguan Tou and Red Sleeves were very happy. When Yu Wen Mu Yuan came with an antidote, he saw the sweet situation of Shang Guan Tou and Chong Xue Zhi. Yu Wen Mu Yuan lost his heart and turned away. Too. King Lu heard that Xia Qingmei was secretly practicing the ninth style of the Lotus God, and Lingjian Villa also kept the old part of the Heavy Fire Palace, so he decided to go to meet Lin Zongxing, his fifth uncle. For the uninvited King Lu, Lin Zongxing was very surprised, but he had to be greeted by Shi Li.


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