Anarhan (2013) Episode 1 – Episode 5 Recap and Review

Anarhan (2013) 阿娜尔罕 Episode 1 – 5 Recap and Review

Anarhan (2013) 阿娜尔罕 Episode 1 Recap

On the eve of liberation, in front of the Burke Usman Manor in Asha Township, thugs were hanging and beating Sadiq’s fiancée. At this time, Commissioner Yiming came to Asha Township from Bacheng. Sadiq took the opportunity to beg Yiming to intercede with Usman on his behalf and let his fiancée go. Usman agreed to let him go against his will. The next day, Usman followed Yimin to Sadiq’s wedding. However, Yi Ming didn’t say a word about the merger of the three townships that he was very concerned about. At the wedding, the young Kurban and the beautiful Anahan secretly fell in love. Yi Ming also coveted Anahan’s beauty.

Usman entertains Yiming with a feast, and Yiming criticizes him for not knowing how to buy people’s hearts when the Communist Party is about to enter Xinjiang. Usman said that it is enough to use a whip on the poor, and Yiming walked away. In order to please Yiming, Usman, who became the big Burke after the merger of the three townships, learned that Yiming coveted Anahan, and said that he would give Anahan as a gift to Yiming within seven days. Usman sent someone to force Anahan to go to Bacheng, but Anahan refused. Usman tied Adili away, and Anahan had to agree to go to Bacheng to perform singing and dancing for Yiming in order to save his younger brother.

Anarhan (2013) 阿娜尔罕 Episode 2 Recap

Anahan and several girls from the same country performed singing and dancing in Yiming’s garden. Yiming was obsessed with Anahan’s singing, dancing and beauty, and tried to possess her, but was scratched by Anahan, and Yiming left in shame. Usman offended Yiming again and took Anahan back to hang him. In order to save Anahan, Kurban recruited Du Heduo, a Han doctor who is very prestigious in Asha Township, and brought in the big mullah Alimu.

Under the persuasion of Du Heduo and Ali Mu, Usman released Anahan. Usman’s atrocities against Anahan aroused public outrage. In the bazaar, a rapper compiled the story of Usman bullying Anahan into a song and sang it, which aroused crowds of onlookers and singing along. Rozibek, who was in charge of the bazaar, immediately sent someone to inform Usman. Usman took the rapper to the manor and beat him. Anahan went to visit the rap artist who was hanged regardless of her whip wound. She took the lead in singing the song made up by the rap artist, and everyone sang along. Seeing that the public was outraged, Usman had no choice but to release the rapper on the spot, but he hated Anahan even more.

Anarhan (2013) 阿娜尔罕 Episode 3 Recap

Spring plowing is approaching, and every family in the village with land will send out a man to repair the canal. While Anahan’s father, Tuohe Dahong, is not at home, Usman’s servant, Chabak, follows Anahan to the sandy Zaolin for an attempt. Molested her, was rescued by Kurban who was secretly protecting Anahan. Several masked men broke into Anahan’s house at night, trying to kidnap Anahan. Adili climbed to the roof and knocked on the clapper, calling the villagers. Kurban was the first to rush into the house with a stick, scaring away the masked man and rescuing Anahan. From then on, Kurban kept vigil for Anahan every day with a stick in his hand. Afterwards, Usman learned that the masked men were sent by Rozi, and that Rozi did this because he fell in love with his daughter Atunay, so Usman took the opportunity to win over Rozi.

Anahan confided the truth to Kurban, but Kurban said that he couldn’t bear to let Anahan suffer poverty with him, and persuaded him to marry his good friend Reheman, which made Anahan very sad. Usman’s housekeeper came back from Bacheng and told Usman that Yiming was still obsessed with Anahan, and the two discussed using meat to drive Anahan to a dead end. On the canal construction site, Rouzi took the initiative to give Tohe Dahong a holiday, and Anahan reminded his father to be alert to the master’s “kindness”. Chabak always came to pester Anahan, and he even led someone to beat up Kurban who was watching the night.

Anarhan (2013) 阿娜尔罕 Episode 4 Recap

Kurban asked Grandma Awahan to propose marriage for him, but Anahan refused against his will because he was afraid that he would be retaliated by Usman. Under Usman’s instigation, Rozi deliberately refused to water Tohe Dahun’s land, and told him that only Anahan apologized to Usman and promised to listen to Usman’s words in the future before giving him land. watering. Desperate and angry, Tuohe Dahun dug a canal to water his land. Chabak and others accidentally drowned Tuohe Dahun while punishing him.

Usman instructed Chabak and others to forge the scene of Tohe Dahun’s suicide. At Toh Dahun’s funeral, Usman accused Toh Dahun of violating the will of Allah and having no right to die.

Anarhan (2013) 阿娜尔罕 Episode 5 Recap

Yiming’s former lover Martha was ordered by the Xinjiang Police Command to come to Bacheng to inspect the security. Bacheng Police Chief Wu Wenbiao disrespected Martha, and she gave him a hard lesson, and Wu Wenbiao has since become her confidant. Reheman, a wealthy businessman from Asha Township, came back from his business and learned that Anahan, whom he had been secretly in love with, was about to get engaged to his friend Kurban. He gave Anahan a pair of bracelets to bless them, but he felt very uncomfortable. Kurban told him the ups and downs of falling in love with Anahan and their affection for each other, which deeply moved Reheman.

On the day when Kurban and Anahan held their engagement ceremony, Usman sent someone to take Kurban away. Usman threatens Kurban that if he insists on getting engaged with Anahan, he will immediately repay the debt owed by Tuohe Dahong to Usman, otherwise Anahan will go to Bacheng to sing and dance for Yiming to repay the debt. Kurban angrily prevented them from arresting Anahan, was beaten and locked up.

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