Alcatraz Island in California

Alcatraz Island or The Rock is a small island. Located in San Francisco Bay Visible from Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier 39, this is one of the oldest and most famous prisons.

Alcatraz Island commonly known as The Rock is a small island located in San Francisco Bay, California, USA. It covers an area of ​​0.0763 square kilometers. It is surrounded by cliffs and deep water. The Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, which had held many well-known felons, was abolished in 1963 and is now a famous tourist attraction in the San Francisco Bay along with the Golden Gate Bridge.

Prisoners held here have nothing but food, clothing, shelter and a limited supply of medicine. And some trouble-making prisoners are often punished by solitary confinement. There is no light and no electricity in the confinement room, dark, cold and silent, with only cockroaches and mice for company, out of reach, but outside the iron window is the magnificent Golden Gate Bridge, the Oakland Bridge, and the flowery world of San Francisco.

Detainees can only stay in cages a few meters square for years and months. Seeing this kind of scenery is a rare luxury, and it is also a huge mental torture. Perhaps it is precisely because of this cruel torture that the prisoners have planned and carried out many prison escape cases. While serving as a military prison, 80 prisoners attempted to escape, 62 of them were captured and 1 drowned.

As a federal prison, the data released by the official website of Alcatraz is that there were 14 escapes during the federal prison, involving 36 prisoners, of which 23 were arrested, 6 were killed, 2 drowned, and 5 were missing. Official It is claimed that the five people are most likely engulfed by the sea. In fact, three of these five people may have indeed escaped successfully. They crossed the high wall and disappeared into the sea.

Their names were Frank Morris, John Anglin, and Clarence Anglin. (There was originally a mechanical expert Allen West (Allen West) in the jailbreak team, who unfortunately fell behind at the last moment. Many details of the following jailbreak plan were provided by him afterward.)

Beginning in 1961, jailbreakers began digging concrete walls with stolen spoons, coins, and nail clippers, and even built their own electric drills with stolen vacuum cleaner motors. As cover during the prison accordion time, it took a year to dig large holes in the vents in the concrete walls of their respective compartments and deceive the guards with a fake wall made of wet newspaper. After the grating was broken, the gate to the prison roof finally opened.

One late night in June 1962, the three of them passed through the hole and then climbed to the roof. The trio climbed down the 9-meter-high roof with a homemade inflatable raft, and escaped patrols to the beach. The three ‘geniuses’ made three ‘half heads’ that looked exactly like them using newspaper, plastic, hair paint and other materials and put them on their beds, so no clues were found when the guards patrolled.

The last obstacle they faced was the 2,500-meter-wide icy waters between land and Alcatraz. Of course, the three were already prepared. According to a “Popular Mechanics” magazine introduction, they glued an inflatable raft 1.8 meters wide and 4.2 meters long with fifty pieces of rubber raincoats and stolen glue, and made their own paddles out of plywood. In the dark, the accordion-modified bellows was fully inflated, swung the oars and set sail, and disappeared into the dark sea without a trace.

It took a long time for the prison guards to realize that something was wrong. After a search, they only found an abandoned raft and a paddle on the shore of Angel Island, nearly 3 kilometers to the north. After that, the three were nowhere to be seen. A man has been seen disguised as a woman at a funeral, but no conclusive evidence has been found until now.

In 2006, the “Mythbusters” program paid attention to this famous puzzle. For this reason, they found a rubber raincoat of the same material as the real thing, glued it into an inflatable raft, and entered the water from Alcatraz to the Golden Gate Bridge at night. set sail. Although the raft nearly capsized in the surf, requiring constant blowing and scooping, the adventurer managed to get ashore near the Golden Gate Bridge. In the end, they believed that the three might indeed be able to escape successfully.



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