Ai Ping Hui Ying (2020) 爱拼会赢

Ai Ping Hui Ying (2020) 爱拼会赢

Ai Ping Hui Ying
Other Title: 爱拼会赢, Ai Ping Hui Ying

Genres: drama
Li Xiao Ping
Ma Jia Lun (马连伦)
Release Date: 
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  • Yu Xiao Guang as Gao Haisheng
  • Gan Ting Ting as Ye Dalian
  • Zhang Feng Yi
  • Heidi Wang
  • Cao Zheng

In the spring of 1979, in Jinjiang, facing a barren land, Gao Jinyang and Ye Shouli, two good brothers who were nearly unconquerable, were arguing about how to get rich and how to get rid of poverty. At that time, both the Gao family and the Ye family were Suffering children and daughters makes livelihood difficult. Gao Jinyang and his wife used a small fishing boat to start their entrepreneurial career in business and trade. Gao Haisheng, the eldest son of the Gao family, and Ye Dalian, his daughter-in-law, set up a garment factory, and gradually developed from a hand-made workshop to a garment enterprise with several branches. Ye Shouli, who adheres to tradition and loves the land, has always been rooted in the field of agricultural planting and production.

Through the combination of tradition and technology, he has also embarked on a road of characteristic agriculture to become rich. His daughter Erlian has become a leader in the Jinjiang characteristic food industry. As companies grow bigger and stronger, they have withstood the test again and again on the road to wealth. The sons and daughters of the Gao family and the Ye family follow in the footsteps of their parents, develop and grow in their respective industries, love to win, and unite with integrity to create a new world of “Made in Jinjiang”.


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