After dressing up as a wealthy doctor-in-law, he counterattacks every day

After dressing up as a wealthy doctor-in-law, he counterattacks every day

Novel: After dressing up as a wealthy doctor-in-law, he counterattacks every day 《穿成豪门医婿后天天都在逆袭》

Genre: Urban Fiction

Author: Alumni Meng

Role: Alumni Gu Yanhua and Meng

The novel “After Dressing Up as a Wealthy Medical Son-in-Law, Everyday Counterattacks” is a very good-looking urban novel. The author of this novel is “Meng Alumni”. The highlight of the article is as follows: Security guards hurried in in black uniforms. They evacuated the crowd professionally and patiently persuaded the old lady to leave the banquet. Seeing this scene, Gu Yanhua couldn’t help frowning.

These security guards are so professional, how could the old woman not be found in the security office? Who is going to kill him? Could it be Xing Yan, the male protagonist of this world? He is powerful and powerful, and he is happy with Ye Xinxin, but it is possible to do these things for the business cooperation between Xing and Ye. The old woman has left, but his image of a murderer and a waste has long been deeply rooted in people’s hearts…

Comment area

Absolute Priest: The protagonist had an immunity to poisons before, but he was poisoned later, and he used ordinary poisons, not magic poisons. Is it so difficult to make a character list and add one plus one regularly?

I don’t think I’m going to make a fool of myself if I work hard: the author learned the Dafa of Irrigation in the later period, and it took several chapters to promote a little plot, which made people feel bored and want to curse. And the role of An Han is too failed. Just because others quarreled by her side, she killed others. This is insane, it is disgusting.

Legend of Swordsman of Shushan: I always suspected that Li came from the world of Xianxia… What was the brain of the first person who thought of those?

After dressing as the son-in-law of a wealthy family doctor, he is counterattacking every day

Chapter 6 Sky Defying System

Security guards hurried over in black uniforms.

They evacuated the crowd professionally and patiently persuaded the old lady to leave the banquet.

Seeing this scene, Gu Yanhua couldn’t help frowning.

These security guards are so professional, how could the old woman not be found in the security office?

Who is going to kill him?

Could it be Xing Yan, the male protagonist of this world?

He is powerful and powerful, and he is happy with Ye Xinxin, but it is possible that he did these things for the business cooperation between Xing and Ye.

The old woman has left, but his image of a murderer and a waste of wood has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Did he make him feel ashamed, and then couldn’t bear to divorce Ye Xinxin?

“Master, Miss asked you to go home by yourself after the banquet.” Butler Chen watched the good show for a long time, and only now seemed to remember his identity as a housekeeper.


The surrounding people gradually left the venue.

Gu Yanhua sneered and looked at Butler Chen, who was gloating.

“You seem happy?”

“No, no, I just think of some interesting things at home, and I am a little happy.” Butler Chen secretly laughed in his heart, but did not show it on his face.

Gu Yanhua didn’t break it.

Maybe some of the troubles he encountered were arranged by him.

“Fun things at home? What interesting things?” Gu Yanhua asked rhetorically.

There were only a few people around them, so it was naturally impossible for Butler Chen to give him a face at this time.

“Master, this is my family business, it is inconvenient to disclose.”

Butler Chen gave a haha.

He just saw Gu Yanhua slumped and happy, what’s the fun?


When he returned to the community where the villa was located, it was completely dark.

The thought of going to the hospital tomorrow to work in place of the original owner made him a little dizzy.

Gu Yanhua didn’t have the key to the villa and was stopped outside by a new security guard.

The new security guard didn’t seem to have any discernment, but he didn’t recognize Gu Yanhua’s identity.

He didn’t dare to let strangers in, so he could only wave him away.

“Let’s go, this is not a place you can come!” His expression was a bit vicious: “Let’s go without a door card!”

“I live here, how can you be so aggressive?”

Perhaps it was Gu Yanhua’s eyes that frightened the security guard. The security guard hesitated for a moment before calling the resident.

“Hello?” The voice from the receiver was very familiar.

The security explained to her what was happening outside the door.

“Ah, yes, let him in, maybe he forgot to bring the door card today.”

The security guard hung up the phone, gave Gu Yanhua a strange look, and then quickly smiled: “Sir, I’m sorry, you can go in now.”

Gu Yanhua nodded and stepped into the community.

The neighborhood is quiet, the air is fresh, and the scenery is pleasant.

It’s like a park where you can go on vacation.

Gu Yanhua sighed as he walked: As expected of a community where rich people live, it is quiet and safe.

He slowly paced to the door of the villa according to his memory.

His slender hand just touched the cold metal door, but the metal door was opened from the inside.

A gust of wind blew, and the hair of the person in front of him was slightly blown.

Ye Xinxin was stunned when she saw him, then opened the door with a cold face.

“Come in.” She said lightly.

Gu Yanhua took off her shoes and followed, and found her slippers from the entrance to put on.

“Is Steward Chen not here?” Ye Xinxin looked behind him and asked.

“He has something to do temporarily, so he’s on leave.” Gu Yanhua looked at the worried look on the other side.

Is she afraid of what she will do?

“That’s it.” She moved her lips and hesitated.

Gu Yanhua didn’t want to understand what she wanted to express, so she didn’t speak.

Ye Xinxin was silent for a moment, then went straight upstairs.


Gu Yanhua has good hearing, and suddenly heard the sound of the door on the second floor being locked.

The next second his phone vibrated and received a message.

It was Ye Xinxin’s divorce urging text message.

Is she in such a hurry to divorce him?

Gu Yanhua sighed helplessly, Ye Xinxin has secretly found her lawyer team, and there is not much time left for him.

He must find a solution.

While he was thinking, he was interrupted by a sudden bell.


The note on the phone is Director Xu.

If he remembered correctly, Director Xu was the boss of the original owner’s department.

What’s the matter with him looking for him so late?

“Gu Yanhua, your vacation is over, remember to come to work tomorrow.”

Director Xu’s tone was not very good, with a hint of blame.

“How long are you going to escape?” Seeing that there was no response from the other side, he hated iron not becoming steel even more, “You have been studying hard for so many years in the cold window, but when you arrive at the hospital, you are ordinary, not very good. If you don’t, you won’t be able to go to work.”

Gu Yanhua was stunned when he heard the words.

The success rate of the original owner’s last operation was very low, so he became very depressed after the failure. At that time, he was arrogant and afraid and was pointed by many people.

The state of the original owner is indeed not suitable for work.

He always brings emotion into his work, making mistakes again and again.

That’s why Director Xu’s attitude is so bad.

“I have figured it out, Director Xu, I will come to work tomorrow.”

Gu Yanhua is naturally impossible to give up his job.

If you lose your job, you may end up being laughed at by everyone.

“I hope so.”

Director Xu hung up the phone.

Gu Yanhua breathed a sigh of relief.

【System update completed】

[Do you need to check the current level of experience points? 】

He sat down on the soft sofa in the living room and focused on the system world in his mind.


He uses his mind to communicate with the system.

Amazingly, rows of glowing words appeared in front of his eyes.

It feels like in-game.

[Current level: 0 Points: 0 Prestige: 0]

【Complete system tasks to get more points】

What are the points for?

Gu Yanhua felt amazing.

【Points can be used to redeem corresponding rewards】

Gu Yanhua immediately entered the exchange interface of the system.

The first one is actually a “beauty and beauty soup”?

There is also a revival pill that can withstand a fatal blow.


Gu Yanhua took a look around and found that this system was simply a very insane existence.

It can not only help oneself diagnose the condition, but also can exchange for very magical items, and most importantly, it can check his prestige value in the eyes of others at any time.

After exiting the interface, Gu Yanhua was already confident in herself.

He put his pockets in and stood up, lazily dragging his slippers upstairs.

Passing by Ye Xinxin’s door, he vaguely heard some conversation.


“I know mom, don’t worry, I’m measured.”

“I’m thinking about getting a divorce, but next marriage, I’ll make my own decisions!”


Gu Yanhua lowered his head and passed by, not knowing what he was thinking.


“Get out of the way!”

Gu Yanhua collided with a person, he turned his head and hurried to the side.


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