Adjustment Disorders

Adjustment Disorders It is an emotional or behavioral disorder resulting from coping with stress in various situations and unable to adjust to external events. causing an impact on the daily routine Study and work followed.

Adjustment Disorders are a common condition. can be divided into several subtypes Each person will have different symptoms. Most of the time, patients experience feelings of sadness, irritability, and anxiety, and their symptoms may intensify until they have suicidal thoughts. If the patient is properly diagnosed and treated, it will allow them to return to their normal daily activities.

Symptoms of Adjustment Disorders
Patients with Adjustment Disorders may experience a variety of symptoms and vary according to the subtype of the condition, such as:

  • feeling sad, hopeless, crying a lot
  • I don’t enjoy doing things that made me happy.
  • Feeling overwhelmed, worried, irritable, restless, or stressed
  • feel a lot of pressure escape from society
  • Avoid doing important things like work, school, etc.
  • inability to perform normal daily activities
  • have sleep problems
  • anorexia
  • unable to concentrate
  • acting harsh or impulsive
  • Shaking hands or feet or having muscle spasms
  • Irregular heartbeats and other abnormalities in the body
  • Have thoughts or attempts to kill yourself

Patients usually develop symptoms within 3 months of experiencing a stressful situation and disappear within 6 months of the end of the situation. However, if symptoms persist for more than 6 months, it may result in chronic adaptation disorders. Especially those who are stressed by external factors such as environment, workplace, society, unexpected events, etc.

If symptoms are similar to those of Adjustment Disorders or are chronic. There are situations that cause new stress. If you have thoughts of harming yourself or others, or experiencing recurring traumatic events, you should visit a psychiatrist for counseling and find ways to manage the stress that occurs. However, you should see a psychiatrist urgently if you have thoughts of harming yourself or others.

Causes of Adjustment Disorders
Adjustment Disorders are caused by exposure to stressful situations. Such situations can either be a direct cause of stress or a trigger for stress, such as problems at school, sexual issues, family issues, conflicts with spouses, divorces, financial or work issues. lover died big change face disaster or have unexpected illnesses, etc.

In addition, life experiences may play a part in causing this condition. Some people may have mental health disorders. underwent severe stress in childhood Or there are many stressful situations happening at the same time.

However, the response to stress may differ according to external and individual factors. such as social skills, intelligence, genetics, and problem-management skills. As a result, each person can deal with stress differently.

Diagnosis of Adjustment Disorders
Your doctor will ask about your medical, physical, and mental health history. social history The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) may be used in conjunction with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) criteria, which allows physicians to classify Adjustment Disorders and other symptoms into groups such as Adjustment Disorders. that occurs with symptoms such as depression, anxiety, behavioral disorders, or unspecified Adjustment Disorders.

The diagnostic criteria according to the DSM-5 include:

  • Emotional and behavioral symptoms appear within 3 months of experiencing stressful situations.
  • The symptoms are not caused by general sadness or other mental and emotional disorders.
  • Feeling more stressed than usual in stressful situations and the resulting stress affects one’s relationships with those around him and his daily life. or born eithe

Treatment of Adjustment Disorders
Treatment is aimed at relieving the symptoms of the Adjustment Disorders and helping the patient return to life as close to normal as possible. other treatment methods such as

It’s a talk therapy. Individual, group, or family discussions are available to help patients understand the causes of stress and its effects. Encouraged to cope with stress and able to return to their daily activities. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is also available to improve communication skills. controlling one’s anger or desires and better manage stress

drug use
Your doctor will use drug therapy along with psychotherapy, such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications. Anti-Anxiety Drugs, which may help alleviate anxiety and depression that accompany Adjustment Disorders in some patients. However, patients should not stop taking the medication on their own. If you want to stop using the drug, you should consult your doctor before taking it. Stopping self-medication may result in the body experiencing withdrawal-like symptoms.

family therapy
Family therapy is often used when the patient is a child or adolescent. By adjusting or changing family systems, such as improving speech skills, communication, increasing support or interaction between family members, etc.

However, most Adjustment Disorders patients take a short time to heal, but in those with chronic Adjustment Disorders or a pre-existing mental health disorder, treatment may take longer.

Complications of Adjustment Disorders
People who have symptoms of Adjustment Disorders and have not received treatment. May be at risk for serious mental health problems Such as anxiety and depression may also stimulate existing health problems to exacerbate. And it can affect relationships, school, work. Some people may have substance use or behavioral patterns such as self-harm. hurting others and suicide, etc.

Preventing Adjustment Disorders
Adjustment Disorders cannot be prevented. But developing coping skills and learning to adapt to situations can help you prepare for stressful situations, such as optimism. Being mentally flexible to cope with stress Respect and self-worth, etc. In addition, if you are unable to deal with stress or pressure well. You should consult a doctor or psychiatrist. which will help guide How to deal with stress properly

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