Acting like a spoiled brat at Shao Xi’s heart

Novel: Acting like a spoiled brat at Shao Xi’s heart – 在席少心尖撒个娇

Type: Romance

Author: An Ran

Character: Lin Qian Lin Anyi

Section trial reading, the content and plot are extremely comfortable. The main point is:…In the last life, Lin Qian was foolishly instigated by Lin Anyi and chose to confess to Xi Junhe today. But who is Xi Junhe, naturally he didn’t read her true love letter. She desperately wanted to leave the room, but the straps of her dress broke. She clutched her skirt in panic, and at this moment Lin Anyi appeared with a group of people

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Riding and Cutting Wind and Cloud Record: The protagonist is stingy and only earns 100 gold in ten years, but he sends the vindictive cheats that can be sold into the hut and throws them away.

Anime fever: I can’t stand the plot of the Conan exhibition hall at the beginning. People bought the museum to open a restaurant, but they didn’t use illegal means. . . In the end, the protagonist actually said what to kill the person who should be killed, whether it was a knight or a knight, what did you say when eliminating the undead

The traveler through time and space: the forbidden fan, the characters are well-created, but when the situation is getting better…

Highlights of “Being a Coquette at Young Master Xi’s Heart”

Acting like a spoiled brat on the tip of Young Master Xi’s heart Chapter 2

The protagonist of the novel “Let’s Be Sweet on the Top of Xi’s Heart” is Lin Qian and Xi Junhe. The storyline of “Let’s Be Sweet on the Top of Xi’s Heart” is a classic and heart-rending story. The following is a trial reading of the chapters, and the content and plot are extremely comfortable.

The main point is:…In the last life, Lin Qian was foolishly instigated by Lin Anyi and chose to confess to Xi Junhe today.

But who is Xi Junhe, naturally he didn’t read her true love letter.

She desperately wanted to leave the room, but the straps of her dress broke.

She clutched her skirt in panic, and just then Lin Anyi appeared with a group of people.

Those shameless remarks scolded her overwhelmingly.

This eldest Miss of the Lin family looked quite decent, but she didn’t expect to be so out of line in private, and wanted to dedicate herself in front of everyone!

It’s so shameless, even if she is naked, Young Master Xi won’t even look at this kind of woman!

At that time, Lin Qian was so frightened that she squatted on the ground in shame.

Sora murmured weakly: I didn’t, I really didn’t… But so many people, just spitting on Xingzi would have to drown them, and decided that she was such a morally corrupt woman.

Afterwards, even her father was very saddened by what she had done, and asked her to think about it behind closed doors at home.

Just when Lin Qian was in despair, Lin Anyi acted as Jie Yuhua at the right time, comforting her while saying she believed in her.

He also delivers delicious food to her every day.

She comforts herself blindly, and everyone will forget all this after a long time.

When Lin Qian decided to walk out of the house again, before she knew it, her figure was completely out of shape.

This series of calamities, so ingeniously arranged, all came out of the mother and daughter’s generosity.

Lin Qian took the time to grab a small dress from the closet and put it on.

When she got downstairs, the unrepentant mother and daughter actually found someone to mend their skirts.

Seeing her coming down, Lin Anyi said thoughtfully, “Sister, this one on your body is an old one, and the new skirt can be repaired soon, so you can put it on.

Lin Qian was greatly moved and said: An Yi, thank you for what you did for me.

I heard that Mr. Xi likes black, so I still wear this one.

As for my sister, I’ll keep it for me to wear it after my confession is successful.

An Yi, I’m going to the yard to practice confession.

As Lin Qian spoke, her heart lit up with the love letter in her hand.

Lin Anyi was unwilling, but she cheered with a smile: Come on, sister, you will definitely succeed!

Lin Anyi looked at Lin Qian’s leaving figure with bitterness. She turned around and pulled the skirt from her master’s hand. After stepping on the ground a few times, she threw it to the other person.

Of course, Lin Qian, who was hidden at the door, watched the whole scene.

Lin Qian saw Aunt Jiang who was busy in the yard. Aunt Jiang was the elder of the Lin family and had been in the Lin family since her mother was alive.

If the servants in the entire Lin family are unreliable, then Aunt Jiang must be the exception.

Lin Qian thought about her past life, and she didn’t know which day Aunt Jiang was fired. It must have been Aunt Jiang who discovered the secret of the mother and daughter.

Lin Qian walked up to Aunt Jiang and buried her head sincerely: Aunt Jiang, it’s my fault, I should have listened to you earlier and beware of the mother and daughter.

Aunt Jiang was very touched and took Lin Qian’s hand: Miss, you finally understand.

Don’t worry, there is still Aunt Jiang, and Aunt Jiang will protect you!

Lin Qian reached out and hugged Aunt Jiang, and whispered something to her.

Then she chose an inconspicuous corner with an excellent view, quietly waiting for the contested male protagonist to play.

Not long after, guests came one after another.

Until a car stopped, Lin Qian could see a standing figure in the crowd from a distance.

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