A Little Love Song 我的盖世英雄 Episode 23 Recap

A Little Love Song 我的盖世英雄 Episode 23 Recap

With Zhang Sheng’s company, Li Tao returned to his former state of brilliance. Under the training of Wei Chang and Zhang Sheng, Li Tao’s ball skills advanced by leaps and bounds, quickly breaking through the bottleneck period. Coach Wang praised that this is the power of love. Coach Wang’s praise made Guan Guan not very tasteful.

Zhao Ji persuaded Guan Guan to be his coach, not to waste time on Li Tao, Guan Guan refused him, she wanted to make the last effort for Li Tao, she had not reached the point of nowhere. Guan Guan was stunned by jealousy, and the interest of the club was disregarded. He was forced to transfer for Li Tao, and he had negotiated the details with the Staple Club to let Gai Fei handle the follow-up work.

The sweet Zhang Sheng and Li Tao forgot to show affection, which made Wei Chang envious. Zhang Sheng went back to prepare materials for tomorrow’s coaching meeting, leaving Li Tao and Wei Chang to train. The two took the opportunity to talk about their hearts. Li Tao sincerely thanked Wei Chang for taking care of Zhang Sheng for three years abroad and thanked him for coming back to train with him. He once again declared his sovereign status. Zhang Sheng is his, an unchangeable fact. Wei Chang now only has deep blessings for them. He also knew how hard he tried, and he could not change the result. Li Tao received a call to inform him of the meeting tomorrow, he thought it was a coach meeting tomorrow morning.

Early the next morning, Guan Guan and the person in charge of Staple were waiting for Li Tao at the venue. Staples deserves to be the world’s top tennis club. They have done a detailed and professional training plan for Li Tao after the transfer, which makes the management very satisfied. Gai Fei took Li Tao into the meeting place and listened to Guan Guan’s introduction. Only then did Li Tao know that he was going to transfer, and he first responded whether Zhang Sheng had changed. After getting the answer from Guan Guan, he took the opportunity to decide decisively, refused to transfer, and left the venue without leaving room. He knew that Staple was a dream place for many tennis players, but he didn’t want to go because there was no voice.

Transfer is the only way to keep Li Tao. He tries to persuade Li Tao to stop him, but Li Tao is determined not to follow. Although Guan Guan was irritated, she asked Li Tao with a hoarse scream, why he ignored all his deeds, and why her deeds didn’t get any return. She even questioned why she couldn’t be compared to Zhang Sheng. In Li Tao’s eyes, she doesn’t need to compare with Zhang Sheng. Zhang Sheng is the only one who is his most important person and there is no substitute. Guan Guan couldn’t accept this reality, and she was deeply hit by the wine to relieve her worries. She promised to be Zhao Ji’s coach. She wanted to retaliate against Li Tao to let him know who was his most important person.

The next morning, Zhao Ji announced to everyone that Guan Guan was his new coach. Wei Chang accused of managing the bulletin’s private enmity and betrayed Li Tao. Guan Guan responded strongly that Li Tao already had a coach, and as a manager she had the right to do so. The two sides were arguing endlessly. Coach Wang came forward to mediate. He let Li Tao and Zhao Ji train well.

On the field, he spoke with his strength, and he asked him to stop doing things. Stated that Bai Guanguan did this, no matter what, she also thanked Guan Guan Li Tao for being so excellent. In fact, Li Tao was very grateful to Guan Guan for his three years of work, but in terms of personal feelings, he did not want to waste time on him.

The International Tennis Open wild card game is about to begin. Every match will be broadcast live, and Zhang and Li will sit around the TV as usual. Li Tao and Zhao Ji sat opposite each other. They were not alone in this game. They were accompanied by their loved ones. They had to compete in the game.

This large-scale game is more than just ball skills, it is more a psychological contest. In the first set, Li Tao tackled Zhao Ji’s external spin with a cut ball and won easily. However, Zhao Ji didn’t see a trace of frustration on his face, but instead looked like he was in the chest. Zhang Sheng felt awkward, as expected, Zhao Ji used a war of attrition in the second set, and Li Tao slipped around the field and consumed a lot of Li Tao’s effort. Li Tao’s score gradually fell behind, the situation was very unfavorable to Li Tao, he gradually became restless.


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