A Little Love Song 我的盖世英雄 Episode 22 Recap

A Little Love Song 我的盖世英雄 Episode 22 Recap

The competition is imminent. Li Tao will play against his old friend Zhao Ji in the next game. Coach Wang will send the information to Zhang Sheng, let Zhang Sheng make a detailed plan for this game, and find a breakthrough point. Li Tao rejected Zhang Sheng as his coach and insisted on practicing by himself. Guan Wang wanted to guide Li Tao’s training, but was rejected by Coach Wang. Coach Wang asked her to let go of her personal feelings, not to intervene in Li Tao’s training, and let him solve the problem with Zhang Sheng himself.

Every opponent is of equal strength. Li Tao and Zhao Ji cherish the opportunity for the two to confront each other. They encourage each other. For the game, both are confident and will never lose.

Li Tao hates Zhang Sheng’s betrayal, and even reluctant to eat with her at the table. When things went so far, neither person was happy. Zhang Sheng was very distressed and very anxious. When Zhang Sheng was in a difficult position, Wei Chang stepped forward and he would find a way to make Li Tao succumb. Wei Chang made a strange move, carrying the box and staying in Li Tao’s room. He wanted to eat and live with Li Tao to train. He has to start from the daily life and let Li Tao listen to him completely.

In the morning, Wei Chang set an alarm clock and told Li Tao to get up for training, but Li Tao refused. Wei Chang was forced to do his trick and take off his clothes to enter Li Tao’s bed. Frightened, Li Tao had to get up and run with Wei Chang. One thing fell one thing, Wei Chang again used aggressive methods to force Li Tao to train with him.

Li Tao accepted Wei Chang, but refused to Zhang Sheng. Zhang Sheng stopped Li Tao, who had returned from training, and persuaded him to abandon the ego and focus on the bigger picture, but Li Tao was still angry, and refused again. Although Guan Guan was not watching, and persuaded Zhang Sheng to give up, she was Li Tao’s most suitable coach. Zhang Sheng’s words are crucial, pointing out that Li Tao has always existed in the game, but the unresolved shortcomings. Although this problem was realized, she was powerless, and she did not believe that Zhang Sheng could solve it.

Zhang Sheng once again found Li Tao practicing on the court and persuaded him not to take it easy. She missed the key training time before the game. She has always kept in mind her dream of dominating the tennis world. Li Tao was very angry because she had reneged on the two’s promises and accused him in turn. The two had a heated quarrel. Li Tao dropped his voice in one breath and walked out of the stadium alone.

Zhang Sheng endured a foot pain and stood on the court for more than ten hours, waiting for Li Tao to change his mind, just as he was downstairs in the repetition class dormitory that year, waiting for him to change his mind. Wei Changyu couldn’t bear it, and wanted to accompany her, but was rejected by Zhang Sheng. She asked Wei Chang to hurry up and do unfinished work.

Li Tao returned to the room, getting more and more angry, and ruthlessly taking off his beloved wristband. Wei Chang came back and accused Li Tao of being unreasonable and did not understand Zhang Sheng’s good intentions. His insults touched Li Tao, but did not change his decision. Li Tao walked out of the room with his wrist brace and put it on again. Li Tao ran, thinking of the night many years ago. At this time, the stadium where Zhang Sheng was located was triggered by a power outage due to leakage. Li Tao heard that someone was electrocuted and was admitted to the hospital. He thought it was Zhang Sheng and hurried to the hospital.

Li Tao saw the person lying on the bed with his head covered, and mistakenly thought that Zhang Sheng had left him, and lost his voice in pain, blaming himself for not treating her like that. Li Tao’s cry awakened the person sleeping in the bed. It seemed that Zhang Sheng came out from behind the curtain, making him surprised and happy. He completely relieved himself, removed all his anger and hatred, and held Zhang Sheng tightly in his arms.

Li Tao and Zhang Sheng were back together. Under the joint guidance of Zhang Sheng and Wei Chang, Li Tao broke through his own bottleneck and overcame the difficulties that hindered his progress. Seeing that Li Tao and Zhang Sheng were cuddling together, Guan Guan was very angry. The sweet two returned home and still missed each other, knocking against the wall like a child and saying good night to each other.


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