A Life Time Love (2017) Episode 2

A Life Time Love (2017) 上古情歌 Episode 2 Recap and Review

Episode 2: King Xuan Mu Shi tricked Chi Yun to compete for the country

In Xuanmu Country, Princess Yunsang is proposing to her father that the marriage between Chi Yun and her younger sister Chang Xi should be facilitated as soon as possible. King Xuan Mu helped Ruojiang ten years ago, teaching the people of Ruojiang farming and medical skills, and it was also for the sake that Chi Yun, the patriarch of Ruojiang, could help him one day. But he is also very clear about Chi Yun’s temperament, he can’t force Chi Yun to do things he doesn’t like, and marrying Chang Xi is one of them. Now that all countries are having disputes with each other, Xuanyang Kingdom must have formed an alliance with Lingyun.

Ruojiang, as his ally, hopes that Chiyun can grow up as soon as possible and strengthen his own strength. For this reason, he hopes to send Chi Yun to participate in the Peach Banquet in Yushan and participate in the Great Wilderness Hero List held by Mrs. Yu. It is said that the winner can get the honor of asking questions to the divine bird of Yushan Mountain, and King Xuanmu also knows that many heroes go to ask the divine bird about the whereabouts of Hetu Luoshu. Hetu Luoshu is a fetish that records all the rivers and mountains in the Great Wilderness. It can be said that whoever gets this book wins the world. After Yun Sang heard what his father said, he understood. He hoped that Chi Yun, who is quite powerful in fighting, would read the friendship between the two parties, help obtain Hetu Luoshu, and then hand it over to Xuanmu.

Ancient love song stills (King Xuan Mu wants to send Chi Yun to the Peach Feast to obtain Hetu Luoshu) Xuan Mu Wang sensed Chi Yun’s frustration, so he used his plan and told him that Mrs. Yu of Yushan had a Pangu bow that could let him To see a loved one, life or death. At this time, Ling Yun Shenglun was carrying the dying Mu Qingmo to Yushan, asking Mrs. Yu for help. It turned out that after Mu Qingmo was stabbed in the heart, Lingyun Shenglun arrived in time. He first comforted those mobs who lost their minds and hurt the princess because the water source was cut off by the high-ranking dignitaries, and then took Mu Qingmo to Yushan for help.

Madam Yu knew the situation in advance when Sheng Lun came, and she had already prepared Yaochi water to heal Xuanyang Wang Ji Mu Qingmo. Not long after, Yun Sang brought Chi Yun to visit Mrs. Yu and ask her for help. After Chi Yun explained her intentions, Madam Yu put on a condescending attitude, saying that Pan Gu Gong was something she could take whenever she wanted. After Yun Sang calmed Madam Yu’s emotions, she said that she had something to say, and Madam Yu asked Yun Sang to walk with her to the Yaochi. When Madam Yu and Yun Sang left alone, Chi Yun wandered around, but accidentally found a heavily guarded place.

He guessed that this might be Madam Yu’s treasure. Stills of an ancient love song (Chi Yun found out that Mrs. Yu’s secret room was blocked from entering) On the other side, Ling Yun Shenglun was inquiring about General Jing Shi, who Xuan Mu sent to participate in the competition of the heroes of the wilderness, Wang Ji Yunsang and Kun Bu went to Yushan The news has already been spread, but of the two, one is Xuanmu Wang Ji, who will not participate in the competition, and Kun Bu is a novice, so it is easy for Xuanmu to lose. Jing Shi was so puzzled, and said his own thoughts, that is, Xuan Mu had the intention of abandoning the game.

But Sheng Lun said with a smile However, Chi Yun is the representative of Xuanmu Kingdom. Although he represents Ruojiang, his intention is Xuanmu. At the same time, Sheng Lun also learned that his exiled younger brother Diyin also came to compete. He knew very well what his younger brother wanted, and that was to establish his prestige in Lingyun by defeating himself.

After Ah Mo woke up, Sheng Lun went to take care of her. Jing Shi came to the garden alone, and saw Xuan Mu Wang Ji Yunsang in the garden, enjoying himself in front of the concave crystal pool he designed, and his innocent appearance attracted Jing Shi. The two hit it off immediately, and soon became friends and played with the water in the pool. Yun Sang accidentally slipped and was about to fall, Jing Shi immediately hugged her, the two looked at each other, Jing Shi was both happy and troubled.

The other party is Wang Ji, so why should he be so high, he immediately left in a hurry, dispelling the thoughts in his heart. Stills of an ancient love song (Jingshi Huayuan met Yun Sang and fell in love at first sight) Chi Yun thought that the Pangu bow might be hidden in Madam Yu’s treasure place, so he sneaked into this secret room to see if he could get the Pangu bow.

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