A Life Time Love (2017) 上古情歌 Episode 1 Recap & Review

A Life Time Love (2017) 上古情歌 Episode 1 Recap and Review

Episode 1: Chi Yun meets the beauty she loves all her life and encounters an accident

Ji Xuanyang wanted to sneak down the mountain, but was restricted by his elder brother. Xuan Yangluo is calm and elegant, and the vines grow slowly to protect her in the graceful rotation, making her avoid the ice edges one after another. But Bing Leng’s momentum was too strong, and he stabbed at her jade-like face without blocking it! At this moment, a drop of red liquid flew over, and countless ice edges were disintegrated in an instant… a person came slowly, it was Xuanyang Rao’s fourth brother Zhiruo.

Zhiruo brought Xuanyangluo a cloak made by their mother, made of ice silk, for her to wear down the mountain, and made it difficult for her to use Xuanyang’s name when she was outside. Xuanyangluo understood, so he smiled wildly, saying that he was Xuanyangluo at home, and Mu Qingmo when he went down the mountain. Stills of an ancient love song (Zhi Ruo told Mu Qingmo to be careful when going out) Ten years later, Chi Yun gradually became stronger, and with years of accumulation of martial arts and spiritual power, he became a good helper of Xuan Muguo. Ruojiang and Xuanmu have always been allies. Chi Yun of Ruojiang and the prince of Xuanmu are good friends from childhood.

At this time, Tong Zheng, who has a bad temper in Xuanmu, released him in Baili Mountain. A fire broke out, and it was inconvenient for Prince Xuanmu to put out the fire, so he had to ask Chi Yun for help. After Chi Yun agreed to the prince’s request, he set off. On the way, a woman in white clothes full of immortality appeared in front of him. Chi Yun recognized at a glance that this person was the woman he fell in love with at first sight. The first time he saw her, he had been haunted by it ever since, and he secretly decided in his heart that this woman was his wife.

When Chi Yun and Mu Qingmo first met, he had disguised himself. It was normal for Mu Qingmo not to recognize him, but Mu Qingmo’s appearance had already been firmly remembered by him. Chi Yun pretended to be harmless to humans and animals, and walked with Mu Qingmo, and found that the two of them had the same purpose, to go to Baili Mountain to put out the fire. Stills of an ancient love song (Chi Yun met Mu Qingmo by chance and recognized her as the person who rescued her back then) Mu Qingmo came to Baili Mountain and attacked the magic fire at the crater with spiritual power, while Chi Yun watched from behind, planning to Conceal his true strength and identity, on the other hand, he is always ready to protect his beloved woman.

Mu Qingmo took out her fire-extinguishing secret treasure, the Ice Silkworm King, and threw it into Tong Zhengfang’s magic fire, but accidentally passed out. Chi Yun hugged Mu Qingmo immediately, and then extinguished Tong Zheng’s fire in two or three strokes. The villagers at the foot of the mountain saw that the raging fire of the volcano turned into billowing smoke and dust, and immediately turned their worries into joy.

But some people are happy and some are angry. Tong Zheng finds the instigator who put out the fire, and then rides a dragon to chase Chi Yun and Mu Qingmo. Chi Yun cherishes the good time with Mu Qingmo very much, and he asks Mu Qingmo to play a prank on Tong Zheng, which makes Tong Zheng furious. After the matter came to an end, Chi Yun returned to Xuanmu Country to deal with business. Stills of an ancient love song (Chi Yun begged Mu Qingmo’s puppet tricks to spoof Tong Zheng) On the other side, Ah Mo offended Xuan Shepherd Tong Zheng by extinguishing the fire The news reached the ears of King Xuanyang and Prince Xuanyang Yuchen.

Ah Mo is the princess of Xuanyang Kingdom, Xuanyangluo. Ah Mo was an outgoing personality since she was a child, and she dared to act boldly. The prince thought of a way to get the best of both worlds, which was to marry his younger sister to his best friend Ling Yun Sheng Lun. By doing this, on the one hand, he can find someone to rule over his younger sister, and on the other hand, it can make the relationship between Lingyun Kingdom and Xuanyang Kingdom closer. Because Xuan Mu’s power is getting stronger and stronger, they are worried that going on like this will put Xuan Yang in crisis.

At the same time, King Xuan Mu was severely poisoned, and Chi Yun just returned from dealing with the volcano, so he immediately used his spiritual power to save King Xuan Mu. Prince Xuanmu has always admired Chi Yun very much, and Chi Yun also saved his father this time, so he admires this brother even more. Changxi, the little princess of Xuanmu Kingdom, has always liked Chiyun. The prince hopes that Chiyun and Changxi will marry as soon as possible.

While talking, he used his spiritual power to create the scene where Mu Qingmo was now, only to find that she was tied to a cross by a group of mobs and stabbed in the heart by a wizard with a knife. Chi Yun immediately rushed to the scene to save his beloved woman.


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