A Journey to Love (2023) 一念关山 Episode 32 Recap & Review

Episode 32: Ren Ruyi falls under Li Tongguang’s sword

Ruyi kidnapped Emperor An and Li Xun under the palace gate, and admitted in front of all the cultural relic officials that he was Ren Xin, the former Zhu Yiwei left envoy. He also forced Emperor An to tell him on the spot the true cause of the death of Queen Zhaojie. Emperor An admitted that Empress Zhaojie died in a fire.

Ruyi took out the originals of the Imperial Hospital’s living notes and corpse sheets from that year and confirmed that Empress Zhaojie died of suffocation in the fire. However, Emperor An decided that he would assassinate the empress. crime. Ruyi revealed that Queen Zhaojie was set on fire by Emperor An and killed after discovering that Emperor An had colluded with Beipan.

Ruyi even revealed that Emperor An had deleted the history books and changed the truth about his murder of his wife, and even wiped out all the things Zhu Yiwei had done for the country in the past few years from the history books. Ruyi asked Baiguan that Emperor An treated Zhu Yiwei like this, knowing that he would not treat Baiguan like this in the future. Emperor An had no repentance at all and thought that it would be a big deal without sticking to trivial matters.

On the other side, Mei Niang arranged for people to burn Zhu Yiwei’s royal room and distributed the antidote to Zhu Yiwei. The white birds of Zhu Yiwei who were uncontrollable after taking the antidote abandoned their swords and left. Ruyi told Zhu Yiwei’s antidote to control Bai Que in front of everyone, and told them that now that Zhu Yiwei’s royal family has been destroyed, Zhu Yiwei’s guards will no longer be restrained.

In order to prevent Anguo from falling into war again, Ruyi did not kill Emperor An. After Emperor An was safe, he immediately ordered Deng Hui to capture Ruyi quickly and threatened the historian not to write anything today into the history books.

Li Tongguang asked the Yulin Guards to take over the defense of each gate on the grounds that spies had entered the city. Later, Li Tongguang heard the horn horn in the palace and hurried to the palace to investigate, worried about Ruyi’s safety. Ning Yuanzhou arranged for Qian Zhao and others to escort Emperor Wu away, while he returned to the city to rescue Yang Ying. Li Tongguang rushed to the Siyi Pavilion and found that there was a fire here. Yang Ying was forced to jump off the building by the fire. Li Tongguang did not want Master Ruyi to be sad, so he rescued Yang Ying.

Ruyi met Ning Yuanzhou in the city. After learning that Yang Ying was staying in Siyi Pavilion, she originally planned to rescue Yang Ying with Ning Yuanzhou. But she judged from the sound of the bull horn that Emperor An did not trust Zhu Yiwei and the Yulin Guards, and had already recruited his trusted soldiers from central Shazhong.

Ruyi was worried that Li Tongguang’s Yulin Guards would not be able to successfully take over the city defense, so he asked Ning Yuanzhou to go back to fight with Qian Zhao and others. Emperor Wu was successfully sent out of Anguo, while she went to rescue Yang Ying alone. Ning Yuanzhou knew that Ruyi’s arrangement was the best one, so he had no choice but to make an appointment with him at June Fort. If he didn’t see Ruyi in two days, he would turn back and look for Ruyi.

The general in Shazhong wanted to take Yang Ying away, but Li Tongguang refused to let Yang Ying leave because he did not trust anyone. Ruyi successfully found Yang Ying and Li Tongguang. She asked Li Tongguang to protect Yang Ying, while she went to lure away the Sha Zhongjun alone. Ning Yuanzhou and others deliberately created chaos at the city gate, and they took the opportunity to escape from the city.

Ruyi encountered the double siege of Sha Zhongzhong and Zhu Yiwei. She had no intention of harming the Anguo people, so she did not kill anyone even if she was injured. Li Tongguang appeared here and wanted to take the opportunity to help Ruyi get out of the siege, but Ruyi wanted to take the opportunity to clear Li Tongguang’s suspicion and help him rise to the top. During the fight between Ruyi and Li Tongguang, she deliberately let him stab her. Ruyi knew that only when she was gone could Li Tongguang transform from Jiu’er into Changqing Marquis Li Tongguang.

Seeing his master fall down after being stabbed by himself, Li Tongguang was heartbroken but obeyed his master’s orders and could only watch helplessly as Deng Hui took Ruyi away. Ruyi woke up from a serious injury and saw Deng Hui. They talked about Deng Hui’s father’s death in the hands of Zhu Yiwei, but Emperor An asked him to take charge of Zhu Yiwei. He never considered Deng Hui’s ideas and just wanted to treat him like a hawk dog on a leash. I’ll be stuck with you for the rest of my life.

Deng Hui saw that Ruyi made a big fuss to delay Ning Yuanzhou and others’ escape from Andu, and that he deliberately let Marquis Changqing hurt him to clear his suspicions. However, he did not expose her and was already helping. Ruyi said that like Deng Hui, even if he hates Zhu Yiwei, he is not willing to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Ruyi didn’t want to die in the hands of Emperor An, who killed his wife and betrayed his trust, so he encouraged Deng Hui to kill herself.

Li Tongguang came to see Ruyi off for the last time. He reminded Deng Hui to prevent Emperor An from angering Zhu Yiwei because of Emperor Wu’s escape. He also proposed that Deng Hui and himself support the third prince. Deng Hui readily agreed for the sake of his own future.

Li Tongguang lost his master again and was heartbroken. At the same time, because of Ruyi’s death at his hands, he also successfully cleared the suspicion. He was promoted from the Marquis of Changqing to the Duke of Qing and joined the military of Zhangshuo, Qian and Bin.

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