A Journey to Love (2023) 一念关山 Episode 31 Recap & Review

Episode 31: Ren Ruyi kidnaps Emperor An and Li Xun

Ning Yuanzhou specially brought Ruyi to the smelting room and made a sword for her with his own hands. He hoped that this sword could accompany Ruyi in the rivers and lakes like him. Ruyi named the sword “Red Dust”, which means “There is you in the world of mortals, and there are also she”.

When Yu Shisan learned that Ning Yuanzhou had given Ruyi the fine steel sword kept by the Andu branch, he expressed his great admiration. Now before the battle, Ning Yuanzhou stabbed his arm in order to use his blood as a sacrificial sword. Yu Shisan was worried about his injury and didn’t understand why he chose to forge a sword at this time.

Ning Yuanzhou tested Yu Shisan, and Yu Shisan discovered that his internal strength was unstable. Ning Yuanzhou said that after taking Wandujie, he would lose all his internal strength within seven days, and he took another ten-day pill, and the two drugs interacted with each other. Conflict causes the internal force in the body to come and go. Ning Yuanzhou could not guarantee that he would come back alive this time.

In order to stabilize the morale of the army, he asked Yu Shisan to keep the matter secret. He also said that if something happened to him on the day of the rescue, he would let Yu Shisan take his brothers back to Wu country safely.

Ruyi challenged Deng Hui. Deng Hui went to the Wannian Temple as scheduled. After the meeting, Ruyi confessed that he had killed the eldest prince and Wang Guogong to avenge the late empress. Ruyi expressed the hope that Deng Hui would make all the achievements that Zhu Yiwei had made for Da’an over the years. To add to the history books, Deng Hui agreed to the deal.

Emperor Wu successfully practiced with Liudaotang and learned that Liudaotang was preparing to rescue tonight, and told Ning Yuanzhou and others about the security situation at the residence where they were detained. Ruyi and Deng Hui fought alone, and Ruyi eventually won, but Deng Hui went back on his word and summoned the ambush Zhu Yiwei to work together to deal with Ruyi.

Ruyi used her own power to deal with the Zhu Yiwei people. She couldn’t bear to harm the lives of her former colleagues and did not kill them. However, she was drugged due to the sword wound. Although she got through everyone’s blocking formation, she eventually fell to the ground due to a drug attack.

Ning Yuanzhou and his brothers from Liudaotang first used Kongming lanterns to sprinkle poison to stun some of the guards, and then rushed into the East Lake Bamboo House to deal with the rest of the guards, and successfully reunited with Emperor Wu. On the other side, Yang Ying planned to pack up her luggage and secretly leave the Siyi Pavilion with Du Changli, but Du Changli’s whereabouts were discovered by Zhu Yiwei.

During the fight, Du Changli was seriously injured. Yang Ying temporarily decided to stay in the post house and paid tribute to the king. The identity ordered Dr. Sun Lang to treat Du Changli’s injuries and send him to meet Ning Yuanzhou and others, while she stayed in Siyi Pavilion to attract Zhu Yiwei’s attention, so that Ning Yuanzhou’s rescue operations would be more effective. smoothly.

Ning Yuanzhou and others were discovered while leading Emperor Wu to retreat, but Emperor Wu was unfortunately injured on the way. Ning Yuanzhou arranged for everyone to evacuate quickly. Deng Hui brought the unconscious Ruyi to see Emperor An. Emperor An ordered Deng Hui to kill Ruyi directly.

Unexpectedly, Ruyi suddenly woke up and kidnapped Emperor An. It turned out that Ruyi had contacted Zhu Yiwei’s old department before the operation, and she was deliberately caught. Palace, just to see Emperor An in person.

After Ning Yuanzhou and others met with Sun Lang, they learned that Yang Ying was left alone, and felt worried. Ruyi ordered Emperor An to ring the Anyang bell to summon officials. Li Tongguang learned that something had happened in the palace and summoned his subordinates to rush to the palace. On the other side, Zhu Yiwei also successfully discovered that Emperor Wu had been rescued, and then forced his way into the Siyi Pavilion to take Yang Ying away.

In order to save herself, Yang Ying set fire to the Siyi Pavilion and beat the gong and shouted to tell the people of Andu that Zhu Yiwei set a fire in the middle of the night and wanted to burn himself. Many Andu people were dissatisfied with Zhu Yiwei’s actions and came to put out the fire.

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