A Job loving Slut

– Are you a girl?

He looked up at the man who had just asked. The face is young, driving a Chinese wave car is quite new, old clothes and shirts, dull eyes, strong smell of alcohol.

– Yeah, so what…

– I want to play you… – He replied in a more straightforward manner.

It looked at him… looked at him without blinking, then he laughed, hugged his stomach and laughed, bent over and sat down on the street and laughed. God, the first time he met a guy who said blatantly to his face: “I want to play you…”

– What are you laughing at? You make a girl, I want to play a girl… Okay?

– OK OK. Okay. I’m a girl. – He said while still feeling funny.

– How much?

– 200, you pay for the room yourself.

He fumbled in his pockets, then spoke to her.

– I only have one and a half hundred left, okay… As for the room fee… go back to my accommodation…

God damn it… Go out with girls and pay the price… He laughs while holding his stomach, where is this crazy guy? . But suddenly he wanted to sleep with this madman. As a slut, she slept with countless men. But an honest-talking madman like this guy, he’s never tried it.

– Go to your house, did you kill me???

– Well… well… you don’t believe it… I find someone else.

– All right, bogeyman… Give the money first.

– No, I’ll give it after the game is over, give it first and then run away.

It laughed and shook its head, climbed into his wave train and crossed the streets of Saigon that were still lit even though it was past 2am.

His motel room is located in a popular suite, looking at the appearance of the rooms, it guesses that this is an area for people who also work hard to earn money to make a living. Accommodation it is rental property, too.

He gently led the car into the motel room, avoiding making noise because it was already more than 2 am. The room was small, without many things and quite neat for a young man who lived alone like him. He pointed to the thin mattress on the floor.

– You… sit there. Then turn around and pour him a glass of water. Suddenly he felt touched, it seems that this is the first time a village guest poured him a glass of water before the act.

It reached out to receive a glass of water from him, softly said:

– You… take off your clothes.

– Yeah, yeah. – He was a little confused and embarrassed. It was clear to her that his decision to get a slut had only come about when he was drunk, and now that the alcohol had worn off, he was beginning to see that his decision was too risky. But when he threw the javelin, he had to follow the javelin… He

stood up, put the glass of water on the table, and gently helped him unbutton the buttons of his worn-out shirt. It and he started their trade. He’s clumsy. Very clumsy. From the experience of a whore, he dimly guessed that this might be the first time he had touched a woman’s body. Why is that person it???

The sale was quick and short. For someone as inexperienced as him, this was understandable. She sat up and asked him:

– Can you drive me back to when… – The question stopped, because she saw when he was already asleep. Perhaps a little yeast and a little love had made him too tired. He glanced around the room he was sitting in. Then suddenly she smiled, lay down next to him and wrapped her arms around the belly of the man who had just “played” with her.

He was her only guest tonight.

Woke up in the morning, he saw his confused expression when he looked at it. He clearly remembered what he had done last night, but he didn’t seem to think such a thing could happen.

– I’m sorry… I… I overslept, let me drive you home immediately.

– You ate the cake, but you haven’t paid for it. Rudeness huh?

– I… forgot, this is yours. – He rummaged through his pocket and took out 150 thousand and gave it to him. He took the money, then took the 50,000 bill and gave it to him.

– Yesterday I had a special promotion and discount for him. Next time… remember to come and support me too. – He said and laughed. – I can go home by myself. This place is close to my place.

It left while he was still stammering, not knowing what to say. 20 thousand for motorbike taxi from his place to her house. The first time it went to a customer for 80 thousand… Slut, have you lost so much value???

The second time it met him.

Still the Chinese wave car is still quite new, still the old worn-out suit. And he recognized him.

– Ah, you want to “play” me again?? – She asked him, not hiding a smile.

– Are you still… standing here?

– I’m a street girl. If I don’t stand here, I won’t stand.

– Several times, I went to look for her, but didn’t meet her. Thought you went somewhere else.

– What??? Are you looking for me? Chi da?

– Well… I want to see you.

– So we’ll see you today. Then what do you think?

– But, um… I’m out of money today, only 100 thousand left. So I want her to eat with me. Is that Okay?

What is this??? A villager came back and invited a slut to eat. This is not a romance novel. But why does this happen to him???

– Yeah, let’s go. I’m hungry, too.

It climbed into his car and the two stopped at a nearby roadside noodle shop. It eats 2 bowls, he eats 2 bowls, 5 thousand a bowl, 20 thousand for a meal of 2 people.

– What do you drink?

– There’s a box of iced tea, pretending to do something to spend money.

He drove it back to the old place, before parting, he asked for its phone number.

-Are you planning to upgrade me from a street girl to a call girl??? – But then it also let him upgrade.

The third time it met him.

Still in his rented room. Advice for $ 150 thousand. But it’s different: He’s not drunk.

He knew what he was doing, what he was going to do, and what he had to do. He did those things slowly and gently with it. He wondered if it was a man’s instinct to sleep with a woman. It will automatically know what to do without anyone teaching it.

For a long time, it forgot the feeling of love when having to have physical intercourse. It’s its livelihood. To take care of himself, to take care of his grandmother and the young child at home. He didn’t love the job, but it was the only thing he could do to make money. Strictly speaking, she is a whore who doesn’t love her job.

But this time, his gentleness and tenderness made it feel love. He is like a rain, refreshing its withered garden. Suddenly, it pulled him and kissed him passionately.

– Give me a cigarette, please. ‘ She told him, and she found him a little surprised when she heard her change of name.

It lit a cigarette, then exhaled smoke and talked to him. It was the first time he talked so much to a prostitute.

“I have been a girl for 3 years now. My hometown is in Bau Lam, a remote area you probably don’t know. My family has my grandmother… and my children. Girl, its 6 years old. You do not have gawked at me. It has no father. In my heart, his damn father is dead. When I was in my 18s and 20s, that young man flirted with me, and then after sleeping with me, he lost his mind. Damn… When I found out I was pregnant, I was determined to keep the baby, because after all, it’s also a part of my flesh and blood. My parents died when I was young, in a traffic accident, my grandmother has raised me ever since… My family is very poor. After giving birth for 3 years, I decided to go to Saigon to make a living, but I can’t stay there and hug each other and starve to death. At first, I came here to live with a small child from my hometown. It’s a girl. Also it would lead me to do it. At first I was very hesitant. If I were a virgin, I probably wouldn’t do it, but… what else is there to lose? Where’s your friend? It was renovated and pour away. I was lucky that I ran in time, otherwise, I wouldn’t have met you…”

The 4th time. It and he met. Still 150 thousand.

The 5th time it and he met. 150 thousand.

“I graduated from the University 2 years ago, but no one wants to accept my degree wherever I go to apply for a job. People in the provinces, foreign languages are not good, when they go to school, they only worry about studying, don’t go to work anywhere, until they graduate, hold a degree in hand, they realize that they lack practical experience in a way. Savage. If you were the owner, you wouldn’t hire someone like you. When he was hungry, he had to crawl on his knees, he ran a motorbike taxi to earn a living, and earn money to continue to stay in this Saigon land to apply for a job. He did not want to go home. It is true that that place is his hometown, but… he is afraid of its poverty. And he was afraid to make his parents lose hope. Even if it was a dream, they still dreamed that he would study well and get a job in this Saigon. Do you understand how it feels like someone else’s dream weighs on your shoulder???”

– Both you and me… We all live for others, for our families… Why don’t we live for ourselves.

– Ask yourself, who can live the way they want???.

The 6th time… 150 thousand.

– How much are you renting a house per month?

– 700, electricity and water are always around 800, but the owner’s mother is asking to increase the price according to the gas price.

– This side is also 700, but there is a bag of electricity and water… if you don’t mind, then… yeah, move over here and live with me. For rent assistance.

– From a street girl, you upgraded me to a call girl, now you count as a prostitute??? If you’re a giant, you’re not… Even though you’ve made progress, you’re not a big man yet, darling… – He said and laughed.

– How much, why are you always making fun of me. It’s just… donating rice to blow rice together. I’m too tired to pay for the house alone.

– I’m going to open the door to bring the slut into the house… unlucky, I’m not afraid.

– What are you afraid of, think about it.

– Ah, or are you looking for a girl to play at the temple??? It’s not easy, man. I paid enough for that.

– I’m joking.

A week later, he drove her to pack up and live with him.

She and he lived together for more than 2 months. There are feelings that slowly grow in the hearts of both of them even though neither of them wants to talk about it. He still drives a motorbike taxi every day, not forgetting to buy the newspaper to see the recruitment section and the application set on the car. It still stands at night and stands at the familiar tree. Sometimes he drove it there, sometimes he drove it to someone’s house, and the next morning it came home by itself.

– Of course, now I’m a pimp to help you find a match. – It took food for it and said, the two of them were sitting at the usual meager tray of rice.

He looked at it… his eyes seemed to want to say something, but then he was silent and bent down to continue eating.

– Eat rice, you talk too much.

That night he drove her again to the house he had brought her to the last time. He got off the car on the side of the road, already entered the house, but he still hasn’t turned the car back. Looking for a corner, he parked his car and smoked a cigarette, his eyes still on the other house.

6 am… He stepped out of the house, looking very tired. Standing fumbling around looking for a motorbike taxi, he ran in front of it.

– Get in the car, I’ll drive you home.

– You… you’ve been waiting here since last night until now. You’re so bored.

He kept quiet and drove it home…

– Or… can you stop doing this job?

It glared at him.

– What do you do if you don’t do this job? After graduating from the University like me, I was still unemployed, just finished 9th grade like you, I don’t know what to do. I know that this Saigon land is not easy to find a job.

– Then don’t go to work, stay at home, I drive more at night, earn more money to take care of you.

– Don’t be crazy. Where did you learn such heroic behavior today???

– I… I don’t want you to work anymore. I can’t… can’t stand the feeling of you sleeping with someone other than me. Do you understand?

– I’m jealous… Please remember for me, you and I are nothing, don’t get jealous here, okay?

– Who is the person in that house… Why have I only been to that house the last few times.

– As my guest, I don’t like to tell you and you don’t need to care. Walk away, do not mention it again.

It seems that there is something separating him and him, in the days that follow, he and he talk less, and are no longer as happy as before. During dinner that afternoon, while eating, his phone rang. “Yeah, I know, I’ll be right there.”

He stopped eating, got up and changed.

– Is that person looking for you again?

– Yeah, so what?

– Do not go.

– No, he is a big guest, every time he does, he gives me 500 thousand. Not to mention that he loves you. It is very difficult to find such a guest.

– Do not go.

– Is not. I have to go.

– I have interviewed at another company twice already, the results will be available in a week. If I get the job, I can take care of you too, give me a week…

– No… I’m sorry.

– I… I really… I…

– You what??? I love you, right? Even loving you, I dare not admit. You know, I don’t want to admit that I love a whore. It was so disgusting, it was hard for him to accept it himself. Yes, I have feelings for you, but that feeling can’t be eaten when hungry, can’t feed my grandmother and children. So now, I will go to work. Even though I’m a slut, I still have to be a slut who loves her job and is responsible for her job.

It closed the door and walked quickly, reaching out to wipe two tears that were about to overflow. Do not Cry. Water ducks meet, meet and then dissolve… Don’t cry. You don’t deserve him, he has a future ahead of him and someone better than you deserves him. Do not Cry. It’s funny when she used to think she was a slut who didn’t love her job, but today confirmed in front of him that she is a slut who loves her job.

– You have something that I rarely see in young people these days. That is the honest and sincere. If it were someone else, they’d put on their resumes that they’ve worked at multiple companies to prove their abilities, even though it’s a lie. But he does not. I appreciate this quality of yours, because anyway, when you join the company, you will also receive professional training from the beginning. It’s sometimes easier to write on a blank sheet of paper than to write on an already sealed or badly erased sheet of paper. As for the salary you’re asking for, we don’t think it matters. You can go home and start a trial next Monday. If in 2 months you don’t prove your ability, even if I have good feelings for you, I will still let you quit. Let’s be like that. Hi.

He walked out of the company, happier than ever, he finally found a job for himself. Although the road ahead will be full of thorns, this can be considered a good start. So he can fulfill his parents’ dream. When he got home, he would call his parents immediately. And still have to report it. He was confident that he could convince her to stay with him.

The room was eerily silent, all the furniture returned to the way it was when he lived alone. Pack ik away. No one goodbye. He called for it, but can not communicate. He was wandering about looking at your room. He didn’t feel it before, but why today, this same room, but it’s so empty…

Suddenly he noticed on the table there was a small envelope, quickly opened it to see, hoping it would leave it for him. he said a few words. But inside there is only money. 690 thousand.

Maybe you hope this story ends with it sleeping with the other man to get him the job. Or did it

die for his future… But this story simply ends as follows: – …In the end, thanks to the comedy, the Prince met Cinderella again, so they lived happily ever after. in the palace…

– Mom, so the Prince didn’t criticize the poor Cinderella, mother. So now, even though our family is also poor, in the future, the Prince can love me too, right?

– Haha, that’s right, my daughter will be very beautiful in the future… No one will criticize you, and you will find your own prince… Those who truly love each other will be together… – Suddenly tears fell again, she was sad because she had to lie to her daughter…

1 year later… He was

still standing at the base of that tree… A

glimpse of a passing car, an expensive scooter, the person sitting on it. It was him, even if it turned to ashes, it would recognize that behind him was a young girl, hugging him with her arms.

It looked at him, he saw it… They looked at each other… Then he turned his face away, as if he had never met, or he was afraid that it would call out his name…

The music of the roadside cafe echoes…

“If I never had you in my heart… Come to me just like a passerby… Then you will be less lonely… in the middle of the night…”

A season rain, Saigon.

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