A Happy Life (2013) Episode 1

A Happy Life (2013) 天天有喜 Episode 1 Recap

The little fox secretly ate the Penglai fairy fruit of the Snow Mountain Witch, and when she chased him to nowhere, the little fox hurriedly said to compensate him, and the Snow Mountain Witch knocked her off the cliff with her palm and asked her to pay with her life. When she fell off the cliff, the phoenix sensed the fairy fruit The little fox was rescued by her breath, and the Snow Mountain Witch threatened that she would never let her go.

Wu Caishen was hunted down, the little fox came to his rescue and drove away the group of people, Wu Caishen vomited blood, and then dripped blood to turn wealth, was seen by Jin Buhuan, Jin Buhuan decided to smoke Wu Caishen. In order to save Liu Feng, the little fox was severely injured by Jin Buhuan’s palm. Jin Buhuan was about to kill him, but was stopped by the Snow Mountain Witch. Instead, the little fox begged the witch to save the God of Wealth, and the Maiden of the Snow Mountain said that everything today was already predestined, so she would definitely save the God of Wealth. Miko and Jin Buhuo died together.

Wu Caishen reported these experiences to the Jade Emperor, and asked the Jade Emperor to give the witch and the little fox a chance to be reborn. The Jade Emperor agreed, but Wu Caishen still needed to go through the disaster in the lower realm. Wu Caishen was reincarnated into a family named Liu, that is, Liu Feng. Jin Buhuan and other five demons congratulated Fox King Bai Dawang on his birthday. King Bai is 999 years old, and he will become a fairy in one year, but he can’t worry about his nine daughters. The eighth child said that they have grown up, and he took out the clothes he made for his father.

King Bai was very happy and asked about nine daughters. The younger sister, the second child and the eighth child hesitated to talk, while the ninth child was fighting at the inn because she wanted the boss to make a thousand birthday peaches a day. The second child came to help the boss out of the siege, and asked the boss to make 800. The second child also told Jiumei’s father that he was very angry.

The two hurried back with Shoutao, and Liu Feng and Jiumei passed by halfway. When Liu Feng arrived at the restaurant, he saw that the staff were beaten badly. He knew the reason and sighed why there was such a barbaric woman who was dragged up the mountain by Orion to hunt while talking. Jiumei was accused by all the sisters for being late, and the fifth child came forward to help, but the eighth child deliberately revealed that Jiumei’s gift was prepared by the second child. She bought 800 longevity peaches and gave them to the people to accumulate blessings for her father, wishing him an early ascension to the fairy world.

King Bai was very happy, but some sisters were a bit wasteful. King Bai announced that the successor who will lead the demon world will marry his four unmarried daughters to the four demon kings. Jin Buhuan quickly said that he has been in love with Jiumei for a long time, and he also brought a dowry gift. As soon as Jin Buhuan said it, many people said that they liked Princess Jiu and wanted to marry her. They began to quarrel and blushed. Jiumei said angrily that no one would marry. Upon seeing this, King Bai said that there would be a martial arts contest to recruit relatives.

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