A Clear Midsummer Night (2013) Episode 2

A Clear Midsummer Night (2013) 盛夏晚晴天 Episode 2 Recap

Xia Wanqing took the opportunity to go to the bathroom, and Qiao Jinfan asked Xie Chuang to confirm to whom those black materials were sold. After they saw Mrs. Xu’s assistant, they surrounded him in the bathroom and beat him up. Xia Wanyang took out the newspaper headlines and announced to the public that after Mrs. Xu answered Qiao Jiyun’s call, she realized that Qiao Jinfan was an empty-handed white wolf, and she temporarily gave up cooperating with Qiao Jinfan.

Xia Zhenglang understood that his daughter wanted to marry Mo Lingtian, and he planned to promote Mo Lingtian as the vice president of the company after the company acquired Xu’s land. Qiao Jinfan’s grandmother, Madam Qiao, questioned the members of the board of directors after seeing the report on the entertainment page. Qiao’s performance has not made a big leap over the years. Mrs. Qiao is devoted to Qiao Jinfan.

After Qiao Jinfan arrived in the conference room, he was questioned by the board of directors. He holds the title of executive vice president. After the meeting, Mrs. Qiao called Qiao Jinfan and Qiao Jiyun together to give a lecture. She is still the largest shareholder of Qiao’s, and Mrs. Qiao knew that Xu’s land was very important to the company. Mrs. Xu proposed that Qiao Jinfan take over Xu’s land within three days.

She thought that Qiao Jinfan knew Qiao’s well, and Qiao Jiyun realized his son’s intentions only then. Ge Meiqiao disapproves of Xia Wanqing and Mo Lingtian’s relationship, Xia Zhenglang is going to let them go abroad to register their marriage, so that Mo Lingtian will not be able to get Xia’s equity. Qiao Jinfan threatened Mrs. Xu with black materials, Xia Wanqing chased her out and begged him not to destroy her happiness, Qiao Jinfan left.

Mrs. Xu announced the cooperation between the Xu family and the Hualang Group in the guild hall. Xia Zhenglang claimed that Mo Lingtian and Xia Wanqing were engaged. Xia Wanqing was very happy. She went to see the stars with Mo Lingtian. Xue, Lai Xue is Qiao Jiyun’s illegitimate daughter. Because she grew up in a dysfunctional family, she lacks love and insecurity in her heart. She has a gentle and sweet appearance, but she has a dark belly and a scheming heart. She once fell in love with Mo Lingtian for the first time.

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