A Clear Midsummer Night (2013) Episode 1

A Clear Midsummer Night (2013) 盛夏晚晴天 Episode 1 Recap

Xia Wanqing is the daughter of the chairman of the chief real estate company Hualang Group, but her life as a rich girl is very different. She is a person who lives cautiously, without a trace of the vices of Miss Qianjin, and her love and marriage are carried out tremblingly under the snobby pickiness of her parents. Xia Wanqing has been deeply in love with Mo Lingtian for three years. Mo Lingtian was a lonely and helpless boy since he was a child.

Although he has no power and power, he has excellent business acumen and pride. Although Xia Wanqing’s father helped him become a rookie in the business world, He never looked directly at each other, and even used business achievements as a measure of his engagement with his daughter. Qiao Jinfan, as the sole heir of the Qiao Group, whose fortune can be traced back to the last century, is a flamboyant, bohemian young man who deals with beautiful women every day, taking falling in love, prodigal and making trouble for his father as his duty. .

On the surface, he has no interest in business, but in fact he knows the affairs of the group and the Qiao family very well.

His geek talent who doesn’t follow the rules makes the elders in the family and his opponents in the business circle very troublesome. Xia Wanqing came to Qiao’s Group to interview the chairman Qiao Jiyun, Qiao Jiyun was a little angry after hearing this, and he ordered someone to take down the newspaper headlines and publish the headlines. Xia Wanqing’s elder brother Xia Wanyang is Wanqing’s only warm support at home. Although he grew up in the snobbish and harsh Xia family, he pursues freedom and enjoys life, and is a happy-go-lucky family full of enthusiasm for life.

Because he had no interest in business but was forced to inherit the family business, he was laughed at by the industry as a “market mediocre”, but Xia Wanyang didn’t care about it, and he didn’t disobey his parents and didn’t give up his own fun. He usually has a kind attitude in dealing with things, but when his sister is treated unfairly, he can’t help but fight. After Mo Lingtian took Xia Wanqing home, she was accused by her mother Ge Meiqiao. Xia Zhenglang was about to take over the land from the Xu family. He handed over the materials to Mo Lingtian and Xia Wanyang, and Xia Wanqing recorded it by phone.

Hear their conversation. Qiao Jinfan’s right-hand man and best friend Xie Chuang conveyed Qiao Jiyun’s intentions to Qiao Jinfan, and Qiao Jinfan was also thinking about Xu’s land. Xie Chuang has been ordered to accompany Qiao Jinfan since he was 7 years old. A man who loves everything. He looks as frivolous and frivolous as Qiao Jinfan, but in reality he is thoughtful and prudent. He is omnipotent in collecting information, handling official duties and taking care of life. He is Qiao Jinfan’s most trusted senior aide. Qiao Jinfan received the information about Xia’s negotiator from Xie Chuang.

Madam Xu praised Mo Lingtian after seeing him. Qiao Jinfan also knew Madam Xu well. She had met Qiao Jiyun twice. When Mo Lingtian proposed fair competition, Xia Wanyang was the first to express his thoughts. Mrs. Xu also worried that selling the land would make her husband’s spirit in heaven uneasy. Qiao Jinfan persuaded Mrs. Xu to buy shares and explained the pros and cons.

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