Tips for increasing the speed of your website to load more smoothly

Tips for increasing the speed of your website to load more smoothly.

Compress image files to make them smaller. by large image files When inserted into the website It will take longer to load and display the image. And if there are many large images on a single web page It may take longer to wait, so compressing images before uploading them to the web can help reduce this problem. You can also install a plug-in that automatically compresses images when uploaded to your website. Get to know Imagify in this article.

Reduce the size of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Reducing file size can be achieved by organizing code. To be more organized Remove unnecessary characters. or remove spaces from the code It will help the website load faster.

Use CND for websites that will also have international visitors. If CDN is not installed first, it will cause distant users to wait longer to load data from the hosting. By installing CND, content will be cached. Distributed on servers in various areas around the world, thus helping users in foreign countries not have to wait a long time for the website to load.

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