8090 Dash Forward 8090 (2013) Episode 1

8090 Dash Forward 8090向前冲 Episode 1 Recap

Jiang Tianya, who was born in an intellectual family, and Xia Zhigang, a “Phoenix man” who was born in the countryside, were college classmates. Although their family backgrounds are different, they both became close friends after the “80s”. live. During an outdoor activity to climb the Wild Great Wall, my brothers recruited male donkey friends online. Unexpectedly, two beauties, Wen Jing and Yu Xiaoman, came to join them uninvited, and thus began the two love stories between Tianya and Zhigang… One year after. Wen Jing and Jiang Tianya became a fashionable solo family, playing “the third type of single”.

But Zhigang and Xiaoman got married with their son. At the wedding banquet, Xiaoman’s mother put on face to Zhigang’s family, and the angry Zhigang’s father left with a group of relatives from the countryside… The wedding barely ended in an embarrassing atmosphere. A group of young people forcefully laughed and surrounded a couple of newlyweds to the rental house to have a bridal chamber. The bridesmaid, Wen Jing, was drunk, so she put on her wedding dress and showed off…Tian Ya caught a strong signal of forced marriage from it, and was dizzy with fright, and disappeared the next day…

Wen Jing’s mother was critically ill, and her aunt Called her to go back to her hometown to see her for the last time, and told her to bring her boyfriend. Her mother’s last wish was to meet the boyfriend she had been reluctant to bring back to her hometown. When she was dying, Wen Jing lied to her mother that she would get married soon, and her mother finally closed her eyes in relief. Tian Ya, who arrived at the last moment, heard the conversation between the mother and daughter outside the door, and was moved… When her mother left, Wen Jing was heartbroken. Just then, Wen Jing’s father suddenly appeared at the door of the ward.

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