3 Things to do in Brazilian New Year

When the people celebrate the New Year, there are many strictures and taboos in all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation. In the Latin American country, Brazil also has a variety of folk customs. The purpose of the Brazilian New Year is the same as the Chinese New Year. It is to pray for the new year. of good luck. So let me introduce to you how to celebrate the Brazilian New Year.

New Year in Brazil is also pronounced as Ano Nove or Revilion in Brazilian language is celebrated at a large scale. They also welcome the onset of the summer season. After their traditional celebration, the Brazilian people find time for the celebration and land up in pubs, discotheques, clubs and party halls etc.

Brazilian New Year’s Customs: White clothes fluttering over the New Year

Just like the Chinese people wear new clothes during Chinese New Year and red underwear in the year of birth, Brazilians also pay special attention to their dress for Chinese New Year. Clothes stores in big shopping malls will change to all white clothes, which is quite spectacular.

Brazilians feel that white is the purest color, and white clothes can purify their souls and have a new beginning in the new year.

Brazilian New Year’s Customs: Underwear with Wishes

Brazilians are also very good at believing. Every year on New Year’s Eve, Brazilians choose the color of their underwear early. Different colors represent different meanings. For example, pink represents romance, red represents passion, orange represents freedom, yellow represents prosperity, green represents hope, and blue represents harmony.

Brazilian New Year’s Customs: Sacrifice to the Goddess of the Sea

During the day when the New Year is approaching, Brazilians will come to the beach in white clothes, load flowers, perfumes, mirrors and other items in small boats and send them into the sea to the sea guardian goddess Yemaya to pray for a safe and happy new year. If these offerings float back, it proves that the goddess does not want to help you realize your wishes, so many Brazilians will try every way to get the goddess’s heart and offer all kinds of beautiful and delicate offerings in order to get lucky.

And when night falls, it’s when Brazilians really revel. They drink, dance, talk, and watch fireworks by the sea with their family, friends, and lovers. When the New Year’s bell rings, a group of people will rush to the sea hand in hand and start “jumping the waves”.

According to the tradition of “jumping the waves”, you generally have to jump seven times, and each time you jump, you silently make a wish in your heart. To your wish, she will silently help you realize it.

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