1881 Heritage Place in Kowloon Island, Hong Kong

1881 Heritage located at 2A Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Island of Hong Kong. 1881 Heritage was call “The Former Marine Police Headquarters Compound” which constructed in 1884 before change to 1881 Heritage. Several buildings and artefacts of historical interest have been preserved and restored, and the site now features a shopping mall, a heritage hotel and an exhibition hall. 

The Time Ball Tower at 1881 Heritage was from 1885 to 1907, this tower provided a vital service to ships in Victoria Harbor. Many of these vessels had arrived in Hong Kong after long voyages, during which their chronometers would have lost accuracy. A one-minute error could result in a ship becoming lost, with dire consequences for the crew. The ball mounted on the pole in this tower was raised manually every morning and, with data provided by the Hong Kong Observatory.  It was dropped at 13.00 pm every day. The tower was in full view of the harbor and the dropping of the ball allowed ships to re-calibrate their chronometers to an accuracy of one-tenth of a second, before they departed Hong Kong for other parts of the world. 

 How to get there

By MTR Subway Train:

  • MTR Tsim Sha Tsui Station Exit E, walk towards Salisbury Road, turn right, take subway (pedestrian tunnel) next to YMCA to 1881 Heritage.

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