11 Place to visit in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is located to the southeast of the People’s Republic of China, adjacent to Guangdong Province (Guangdong). Macau is on the west side, about 61 kilometers away. Hong Kong was originally a small fishing village in the district. Xian An Shenzhen city After China was defeated in the Opium War, Hong Kong Island and Kowloon were occupied by England in 1842 and 1860 respectively. Later, in 1898 England entered into an agreement to lease the southern area of ​​the Shenzhen River. Which is now called ‘New Territories’ including surrounding islands Which had an area much larger than the British occupation during the Opium War almost ten time

Hong Kong is like a door that opens to China. The charm of the attractions, accommodation, food and shopping on this island can always attract tourists to come to visit. Everyone knows the buzz in the city. But few know the quiet corner, which is actually everywhere An angle that seemed to stop at rest. Hong Kong is divided into 4 major districts: Kowloon District, Hong Kong Island Area New Territories and Outlying Islands Kowloon and New Territories are located on the mainland in the north of Victoria Harbor. Hong Kong Island itself is located on the southern side of the bay, in contrast to Kowloon. The outer islands mean more than 200 islands around the island of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Island is considered a center in the area around Victoria Harbor. The main business districts that are famous are “Central District”, east of the Central area, which is an important commercial area, Wan Chai district, which is a food and nightlife district Causeway Bay is the busiest shopping area in Hong Kong Island. In addition, Hong Kong Island also has the peak of Victoria Peak, the highest point of the island. Visitors can go up to see the scenery and residential areas of the city in Kowloon, Tsim Sha Tsui and Jordan. It’s an area that is abounding with hotels and shopping areas. As well as the Mong Kok area, another bustling shopping district in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is in the sub-tropical region. Visitors can visit throughout the year.

  • Spring (March – Mid May) The temperature is about 23 degrees Celsius, the temperature and humidity are higher, clothes are recommended to prepare a jacket or sweater Don’t have to be too thick
  • Summer (late May – mid September) temperatures around 28 degrees Celsius, hot and humid Maybe some rain Should prepare a shirt, cotton dress and umbrella when outdoors.
  • Autumn (late September – early December) temperatures around 23 degrees Celsius. During this period, the temperature and humidity decreases. Clear sky all day Should prepare the shirt Slater and jacket as well.
  • Winter (late December – February) temperatures around 17 degrees Celsius, cold weather and low humidity Should wear a sweater Overcoat

Time:  Hong Kong time is 1 hour ahead of Thailand.

Language:  There are many local languages. But has been set to use Mandarin or Mandarin as official language There are modest people in Hong Kong who can communicate in English. However, taxi drivers and other service workers have little knowledge of English.

Currency: Use Hong Kong dollars. Approximate exchange rate of 1 Hong Kong dollar = 4.5 Thai baht. Currency exchanges should be exchanged from Thailand. Which can be exchanged at commercial banks in general And at the airport at the electric money exchange counter

It is 220 V. The plugs in each hotel are different. Most of them are three-pin plugs. Therefore, you who have electrical appliances such as video cameras, mobile phones A hair dryer should have a universal plug available with you. For your convenience, please prepare. Photographic film, batteries, enough to go from Thailand

Film and camera: should prepare enough especially the film because in foreign countries the price will be very high especially According to tourist attractions And should prepare the camera with a camera as the weather is cold, the battery will wear out quickly

Phone usage: Mobile phones can be used in Hong Kong. You must request to use the IR (International Roaming) service with your telephone system before traveling. For convenience, it is best to use a calling card that is sold in hotels by dialing 001-66-2 (2-Bangkok / 38-Chon Buri / 53-Chiang Mai) followed by home phone, mobile number 001-66-1 (prefix number Of mobile phone) followed by mobile phone number.

Tipping: Local guide tip, HK $ 10 per day per day and the driver is 10 HKD per day (Tipping abroad is important And tourist etiquette should tip for people who serve you, such as a driver / local guide that facilitates you during your trip.)

Dining: Cantonese cuisine is a well-known food in Hong Kong. There are many local Chinese dishes in Hong Kong. Including international food, whether it is food from various countries in Asia Or food from Western countries

11 most popular attractions in Hong Kong

1. Victoria Peak,
the most beautiful viewpoint of Hong Kong Island, must give Victoria Peak, a must visit attraction To experience the beautiful colors of the skyline, Victoria is a world-famous bay. Dazzled by skyscrapers Towering against the tranquil green verdant hills Victoria Peak is beautiful both during the day and night. Allowing tourists to be dazzled with the different beauty Impress every time to come experience

2. Lady Market
Lady Market, one of the most famous outdoor markets in Hong Kong. Open from noon until 11:30 pm. For fashion lovers, don’t miss out. Guaranteed fun with bargain bags, jewelry, toys, cosmetics and home decor items. Various stalls Is the flavor for the Tung Choi area in Mong Kok, bustling, not less colorful.

3. Repulse Bay
Repulse Bay, crescent shaped sand beach One of the most beautiful beaches in Hong Kong Is a popular tourist destination And commonly used as a scene for filming many movies There is a large statue of Guanyin and Tin Hau. Which serves to protect fishermen Majestically in the middle of a beautiful garden that stretches to the beach Create color with the traditional Chinese style clubhouse. And many repulse Bay colonial-style buildings with a restaurant to sit and watch the sea along the beach. Repulse Bay

4. Avenue of Stars
Commemorating the genius of the movie industry, Avenue of Stars Became a popular tourist destination for tourists. Dazzled with important things Which reflects the film industry Stone plaque with names of famous people Celebrity hand print Hong Kong Film Awards replica statue And the life-sized sculpture of Bruce Lee, the legendary Kung Fu movie star Movie history Including souvenir shops selling movies

5. Clock
tower The clock tower is one of the prominent symbols of Tsim Sha Tsui. Formerly part of the old Loon-Canton Railway (KCR) train station, built in 1915. The tower is made of red bricks and 44 meters high granite, a memorial reminiscent of colonial times. Today, the area of ​​the railway station has become the location of the Hong Kong Cultural Center. The curved roof and modern architectural design become the beautiful backdrop of this clock tower.

6. Golden
Bohemia Square “Chongkho flowers bloom forever” (Golden Bohia) Sculpture gift from mainland China given to Hong Kong To congratulate Hong Kong on being reunited with the Motherland After having separated for more than 150 years near each other, there is a monument of unification With the inscription of President Jiang Zemin, every morning there will be a flag raising ceremony.

7. Hong Kong Disneyland
Hong Kong Disneyland Land of imagination The fantasy kingdom, the world of tomorrow and the adventurous heart. Mickey Mouse is waiting to welcome you to the most happy land of this world. With many attractions that are only here in Hong Kong.

8. Ocean Park, Hong Kong
Ocean Park, a 200-acre theme park located in the southern part of Hong Kong Island. Opened in 1977, since then has become Hong Kong’s most popular tourist destination. Because there are many players And the surrounding facilities A cable car that allows tourists to enjoy the view from below to the summit Attract with 2 giant panda cub and the first ocean jellyfish museum in Southeast Asia

9. Sik Sik Yuan Temple, Wong Tai Sin
Wong Tai Sin, one of Hong Kong’s most famous temples And is considered one of the most important religious centers. Every year it is crowded by millions of tourists Temple building decorated in ancient chinese style Create a center of interest in Kowloon city. Sik Sik Yuan Temple, Wong Tai Sin Temple is the center of 3 religious beliefs, namely Taoism, Buddhism and Confucius.

10. Temple Street
Temple Street is super bustling Various cheap goods on the stalls, lighting, such as clothing, pens, watches, CDs, electrical equipment until luggage. End of the road to brighten with fortune-telling fortune And opera shows open between 4pm and midnight The most crowded time is when the sky is dark after sunset.

11. Ngong Ping 360

Ngong Ping is a highland in the western part of Lantau Island, Hong Kong. It hosts Po Lin Monastery and Tian Tan Buddha amidst the hills which is about 34 m tall.

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