Why didn’t the princes dare to touch Lu Zhi when he was alive?

“Queen“, the most noble throne belonging to women in the world, began with Empress…

How did Emperor Chongzhen spend his last day

In March of the seventeenth year of Chongzhen (1644), the fear and despair in…

Who was the first female pharaoh of Egypt?

China’s Wu Zetian has left an important place in history. Did you know that…

What is Sphinx

Cairo’s Sphinx is world-famous and has become a symbol of ancient Egyptian culture. What…

When was the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt?

The Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt (1295 BC-1189 BC), the second dynasty of the New…

Who was the leader of the Egyptian side in the Battle of Kadesh?

Ramses II; Greek: αμέσσης, (February 21, 1303 BC – July 1213 BC) the son…

How Ramses II made people think that Egypt won the Battle of Kadesh

In May of 1274 BC, the world’s two major empires fought a decisive battle…

Is Houbowang Winery also called Hongyanrong Winery?

Château Hongyanrong (also known as Obiang, Haubourg) is one of the oldest wineries in…

How long is the wine history of Bordeaux?

Bordeaux is located in the southwest of France, with unique climate and geographical conditions.…

French is the language in which countries speak

French is an independent language belonging to the Romance language family of the European…

Which district of Paris is Montmartre in?

Montmartre, also translated as Montmartre, is a 130-meter-high hill located in the 18th arrondissement…

Why Vietnam was colonized by France

In ancient China, among the neighboring countries, Vietnam can be said to be relatively…
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