Famous Statues in Brazil

The most famous statue in Brazil is Christ the Redeemer, a large statue of…

Introduction Rio Carnival

Rio Carnival is the biggest party in the world, no one, and every February,…

Who is the historical prototype of Baili Hongyi in “The Wind Rises from Luoyang”

Watching “The Wind Rises from Luoyang”, everyone is interested in whether Baili Hongyi is…

What are the characteristics of ancient Dian costumes

Dian people’s clothing is the most popular and commonly used linen fabrics, fur and…

What did the ancient Dian Kingdom hairstyle look like?

Hair Accessories For those who are domestic slaves or civilians, women often comb their…

What did people in ancient Dian eat?

The people of Yunnan attach great importance to rice cultivation, and the queen is…

What are the characteristics of the buildings in the ancient Dian Kingdom?

Most of the people in Dian live by the water, in “dry stilt” buildings,…

What kind of transportation did the ancient Dian Kingdom use to travel?

The aristocrats of the Dian Kingdom travel, the men ride horses, the women ride…

Did Ancient Dian State Have Commercial Trade?

The shell storage container was unearthed with shells inside, and these shells were accumulated,…

What kind of ethnic groups did the ancient Dian Kingdom consist of?

Regarding the situation of the Dian people, there are limited historical records. It was…

How did the ancient Dian Kingdom practice human sacrifices?

The shell container for the scene of murdering and sacrificing pillars in the Western…

What sacrificial customs were there in ancient Dian?

Dian people have strong religious beliefs and customs. In ancient Dian people’s sacrificial places,…
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