Braised Crayfish Recipe

Braised Crayfish Recipe Main Ingredients: lobster 600g Oil Moderate Salt Moderate Sugar Moderate Chicken…

How to make lei cha

The beater is also the grinder. Leicha is a health-preserving tea drink made by…

The historical background of Lei Cha

Jiexi Leicha has a relatively long history. Lu Yu’s “Tea Classics” Volume 3 “I…

Where is Lei Cha

Lei Cha, popular in Shanwei City, Jieyang City, and some areas in Guangxi and…

Get to know Lei Cha

Lei Cha (擂茶) Lei Cha is popular in Meizhou City, Shanwei City and Jieyang…

Wong Fei Hung Peanuts with Spinach Recipe

Wong Fei Hung Peanuts with Spinach In addition to eating it as a snack,…
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