Vivendi History Information

The origin of Vivendi SA (Formerly Vivendi Universal SA) Vivendi SA (formerly Vivendi Universal…

Introduction to the flag of Denmark

The Danish flag is also called “Dannebrog” (Danish: Dannebrog), which means “Danish flag” or…

The reason why Denmark is the happiest country

Denmark has an area of ​​only 43,096 square kilometers. In 2018, its per capita…

What is the relationship between Ireland and Northern Ireland?

The British Isles includes two main islands, Great Britain and Ireland. The largest main…

What is First Crusade History?

Crusade (Al Hamat Asshliibiya, translated as “Cross of War”) is a series of religious…

Is Denmark a descendant of pirates?

Speaking of Denmark, I believe you will not be very unfamiliar with this country.…

Denmark establish diplomatic relations

Denmark, the full name of the Kingdom of Denmark. It means “land where the…
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