The Law of Using Bulus Oil in Islam, Here Are the Opinions of the Ulama

With the various benefits possessed by Bulus oil, what is the ruling on using…

Why is body mass index important?

BMI calculation. In addition we already know the shape and proportions. It also allows…

What is occupational illness?

Occupational Illness Sitting in the office with a computer , gastritis, acid reflux, neck…

Pfizer’s antiviral drug Paxlovid

PAXLOVID™ (PF-07321332; ritonavir) was found to reduce the risk of hospitalization or death by…

Meaning Of Pulmonary Edema

Pulmonary edema or pulmonary edema. It is a condition caused by an abnormally large…

Can blood type predict cancer? A type, B type, O type, AB type, which blood type is less prone to cancer

We have already decided what blood type we are from the moment we are…

Is chlorophyll really good? 27 benefits of chlorophyll!

ChlorophyllWhat is chlorophyll? Chlorophyll ( Chlorophyll is ) a chloroplast grainy green in plant…

7 sitting positions that affect long-term health

In this article, the health chair Harachair will present 7 sitting positions that should…


Detoxification is the removal of waste and toxins in the body. which our body…

Hyperbaric Oxygen Capsule – What is?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Capsule is an oxygen tunnel technology with high atmospheric pressure. So that…

Adjustment Disorders

Adjustment Disorders It is an emotional or behavioral disorder resulting from coping with stress…

ACL Injury Definition

An ACL Injury is an injury or tear of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament, one…
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